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Tiny UK island without any locals set to become tourist attraction with holiday lodges, bar and cafe

A TINY UK island is set to become a brand new tourist attraction, with exciting plans to add luxury accommodation and other features.

A bar, a cafe and living spaces will all be included on the small bit of land just off the coast of Arran, Scotland.

The Isle of Pladda is set to be turned into a small holiday resort[/caption]
Denham Youd/North Ayrshire Council
Plans include existing lighthouse buildings being turned into a bar and a cafe[/caption]

Developers have come up with the designs for the Isle of Pladda, which they are hoping to turn into a unique tourist destination.

A lighthouse has been situated on Pladda since 1790, but it was automated in 1990 and is now remotely monitored, with no need for a lighthouse keeper on the island anymore.

Despite that, a number of buildings remain on Pladda, including the lighthouse and the lighthouse keeper’s accommodation, along with a boathouse, a tractor shed and another home.

The island and the waters surrounding it are also home to some amazing wildlife, including dolphins and basking sharks during the warm summer months.

The existing buildings have been incorporated into the plans, with developers keen to refurbishment them and “bring them back to life”.

That will include stripping them out and refurbishing them, with the aim of turning them into on-site living accommodation for staff.

Current courtyard spaces, a jetty, a boat store and self-accommodation bothy will all be upgraded and incorporated into the new tourist attraction.

Meanwhile, two buildings next to the jetty have been earmarked as a boat shed and cafe for visitors to the island.

Elsewhere, a building connected to the current lighthouse will be turned into a communal area, potentially containing an eatery or bar.

News of the plan comes from a design statement, which according to STV, promises to be enjoyable and educational while hosting guests.

It reads: “The vision is an enjoyable and educational experience for visitors who share a love of marine wildlife, rugged landscapes, maritime history and want to experience that in a sustainable low impact manner.

“In delivering this vision we hope to inspire others by demonstrating how green technologies can be used in the 21st century to harness the bountiful renewable resources of Scotland.”

The application is currently in the pre-planning application stage and is being considered for future development.

Architects Denham Youd have been tasked with the designs for the new resort, which is hoped will increase tourism to Arran.

Scotland's Most Underrated Islands

These are some of the most underrated islands in Scotland


The tiny, and stunningly beautiful, Inner Hebridean Isle of Erraid is tidal island, just a mile square located just off the tip of the Ross of Mull.

For an hour or two either side of low tide, it’s linked to the mainland by a broad expanse of sand which you can cross.

DAVAAR ISLAND, Campbeltown

Davaar is another tidal island, located at the mouth of Campbeltown Loch and accessed by a long shingle causeway, known as The Dhorlin, at low tides from the remote Mull of Kintyre peninsula.

Try swimming from the jetty and take the kids raking for whelks and winkles on the beach at Killdalloig Bay, or cockles on the Dhorlin.


Most people will have heard of Seil for one reason and one reason only – Princess Diana. The island, near Oban, was home of her mum Frances Shand Kydd until her death in 2004, and where she is now buried.

Seil, located on the east side of the Firth of Lorn, is separated from mainland Scotland by the thinnest of sea channels, the Clachan Sound. At its narrowest point it’s just over 70 feet and is accessed by Clachan Bridge, popularly known as the ‘Bridge over the Atlantic’.

Getting to Pladda doesn’t take long with a boat trip over from Silver Sands beach taking around 15 minutes.

The small isle has been described as both “dramatic and remote” and was up for sale until recently.

In summer 2022, The Scotsman reported that it was available for around £350,000.

They said of the island: “In addition to the remote location and spectacular views, a further attraction is the rich array of wildlife that lives on and around the isle.

“This includes pods of dolphins and large basking sharks cruising by during the summer months.”

Meanwhile, this small UK theme park has announced that it will build new holiday lodges.

And this £300m holiday resort is also set to be built in the UK.

The island sits just a 15 minute boat ride off the Isle of Arran[/caption]

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