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Woman struggling with fertility is left gobsmacked when husband ‘gets identical twin sister pregnant to surprise her’

A WOMAN has been left gobsmacked after her husband decided to have a baby with her identical twin sister to surprise her.

The woman shared her story with the help of TikToker Belle Blake and revealed she suffered with fertility problems.

A woman was left heartbroken after her husband cheated with her twin sister to give her a baby[/caption]
The story was sent to Belle to tell her followers[/caption]

The woman anonymously shared her story with Belle to tell her audience on social media and it left people heartbroken for her.

In the re-telling of the story, Belle said: “I have an identical twin sister and I have fertility problems.

“She does not. My husband and I have been struggling to have a baby for the last six and a half years.”

But her sister and husband went behind her back and slept together to give her the baby.

She revealed that her sister wanted her to raise the baby as her own and thought she’d be thrilled by the news.

But it obviously didn’t go down well.

The pair claimed it was just like having a surrogacy to carry the baby but she didn’t agree no matter what they said to convince her.

Belle continued: “He says it’s fine because it’s like a surrogacy and it’s the same thing, and like, genetically it’s my baby.

“My sister says it’s no big deal, that she’s happy to do it for me.”

She was quick to call the pair out for their betrayal adding: “This is not the same as surrogacy. This is not the same as my egg going inside her and doing a fertility treatment.

“She slept with my husband!”

To add insult to injury, her husband doubled down that it wasn’t cheating as they had identical parts.

“Cause we’re genetically the same, so it’s the same lady parts is what he says,” she continued.

The story posted to Belle’s TikTok account @mrsbelleblake has since gone viral with over 1 million views and 31k likes.

People were quick to take to the comments empathising with the woman’s heartbreak.

One person wrote: “Well now you have sleep with his brother to get even.”

Another commented: “As a twin myself, I would be OK with this if I couldn’t have children, if it was discussed by all parties first!I’m so sorry girl!”

“Total betrayal,” penned a third.

Four red flags your partner is cheating

Private Investigator Aaron Bond from BondRees revealed four warning signs your partner might be cheating

They start to take their phone everywhere with them

In close relationships, it’s normal to know each other’s passwords and use each other’s phones, if their phone habits change then they may be hiding something.

Aaron says “If your partner starts changing their passwords, starts taking their phone everywhere with them, even around the house or they become defensive when you ask to use their phone it could be a sign of them not being faithful.”

“You should also look at how they place their phone down when not in use.  If they face the phone with the screen facing down, then they could be hiding something.”

They start telling you less about their day

When partners cheat they can start to avoid you, this could be down to them feeling guilty or because it makes it easier for them to lie to you.

“If you feel like your partner has suddenly begun to avoid you and they don’t want to do things with you any more or they stop telling you about their day then this is another red flag.”

“Partners often avoid their spouses or tell them less about their day because cheating can be tough, remembering all of your lies is impossible and it’s an easy way to get caught out,” says Aaron.

Their libido changes

Your partner’s libido can change for a range of reasons so it may not be a sure sign of cheating but it can be a red flag according to Aaron.

Aaron says “Cheaters often have less sex at home because they are cheating, but on occasions, they may also have more sex at home, this is because they feel guilty and use this increase in sex to hide their cheating.  You may also find that your partner will start to introduce new things into your sex life that weren’t there before.”

They become negative towards you

Cheaters know that cheating is wrong and to them, it will feel good, this can cause tension and anxiety within themselves which they will need to justify.

“To get rid of the tension they feel inside they will try to convince themselves that you are the problem and they will become critical of you out of nowhere.  Maybe you haven’t walked the dog that day, put the dishes away or read a book to your children before bedtime.  A small problem like this can now feel like a big deal and if you experience this your partner could be cheating,” warns Aaron.

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Get out now and don’t look back!!”

“Wrong on so many levels,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “I’m sorry… I can’t imagine your feeling of betrayal.”

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