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Mum’s horror at hearing ‘there’s a child on fire’ – only to discover her son ‘engulfed in flames melting his face’

KAYLA Morgans was at a party with her husband and two children when her 10-year-old son Joey Kirk set on fire.

The 30-year-old, who was inside at the time, said another child threw a can of flammable insect repellent into the fire pit and it immediately exploded.

Joey Kirk was at a party when a can of flammable insect repellent exploded in a fire in front of him
Kennedy News
Kennedy News
The 10-year-old was engulfed in flames that instantly burnt his head and hands[/caption]
Kennedy News
He was airlifted to the hospital where he was placed on a breathing tube and life support[/caption]

Joey, who had been sitting near the pit, was engulfed in flames that instantly burnt his head and hands before panicked guests began shouting “there’s a child on fire”.

Terrified Kayla rushed out to see her son “unrecognisable” because his face was “completely charred black”.

Joey was airlifted to the hospital where he was placed on a breathing tube and life support just weeks before Christmas last year.

Kayla feared her child would die as medics treated the extensive second and third-degree burns across his face and hands.

Shocking images show him lying in the hospital with his head wrapped in bandages and layers of his scorched skin peeling off.

He asked ‘where are the other kids, are they okay?’ He was worried about everyone else

Kayla MorgansJoey's mum

Luckily, Joey made a full recovery – but now law student Kayla is determined to raise awareness of the dangers of throwing aerosol cans onto fires.


Recalling the horrific day, Kayla, from Suffolk, Virginia, said: “His full face and hands were burnt, his clothes protected him somewhat.

“One of our close family friends got to him immediately and smothered himself with his own body, putting it out.

“By that time we were all running outside because one of the adults told us there was a child on fire.

“Everyone rushed outside but Joey had taken off running. I saw him and his face was completely charred black.

“Everything happened so fast.

“I felt straight-up terror, you couldn’t even recognise him. I was screaming ‘call 911’.”

Joey was airlifted to Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C. and placed on a breathing tube while doctors treated the severe burns across his face and hands.

Kayla said: “He asked ‘where are the other kids, are they okay?’ He was worried about everyone else.

“He couldn’t breathe on his own without life support.

“He had 12 per cent burns across his body but because of where the burns were, it was considered severe.

“With facial burns, it can burn your oesophagus and swell your throat so he had to be on life support.

“The hospital burns team was amazing. Within two weeks, he looked like himself again after going in unrecognisable.

Kennedy News
Joey’s parents feared he would die[/caption]
After a week in hospital, Joey was discharged
Kennedy News
Kennedy News
Mum Kayla is determined to raise awareness of the dangers of throwing flammable products onto fire pits.[/caption]

“He does have scarring from where the new skin is and has to constantly wear sunscreen but only has long-term scarring on his ear and neck.”

After a week in hospital, Joey was discharged and has since made a full recovery.


Six months on from the incident, Kayla is determined to raise awareness of the dangers of throwing flammable products onto fire pits.

Kayla said: “I did know these cans were explodable but it was never one of those where I thought to warn my children.

“We talk about fire safety all the time but what can happen when bug spray is thrown onto the fire isn’t talked about.

“We are beyond blessed because this could’ve had a totally different ending.

It’s so important to tell his story and raise awareness.

“Be sure to talk to your children about anything flammable and don’t throw anything into the fire, especially if you don’t know what it is. Don’t chance it.”

Joey has since made a full recovery
Kennedy News

How to treat burns and scalds

Burns are damage to the skin usually caused by heat.

They can be very painful and may cause:

  • Red or peeling skin
  • Blisters
  • Swelling
  • White or charred skin

The amount of pain you feel is not always related to how serious the burn is.

Even a very serious burn may be relatively painless.

Treating burns and scalds

To treat a burn, follow the first aid advice below:

  • Immediately get the person away from the heat source 
  • Remove any clothing or jewellery
  • Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 to 30 minutes 
  • Make sure the person keeps warm 
  • After cooling the burn, cover the burn by placing a layer of cling film over it
  • Use painkillers 
  • Raise the affected area if possible
  • If it’s an acid or chemical burn, dial 999

When to get medical attention

Depending on how serious a burn is, it may be possible to treat it at home.

For minor burns, keep the burn clean and do not burst any blisters that form.

More serious burns require professional medical attention.

You should go to a hospital A&E department for:

  • All chemical and electrical burns
  • Large or deep burns – any burn bigger than the injured person’s hand
  • Burns that cause white or charred skin – any size
  • Burns on the face, neck, hands, feet, any joints or genitals

If someone has breathed in smoke or fumes, they should also get medical attention.

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