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Weekly horoscope for June 16 – June 22: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20

Your family zone may feel complicated right now, but that’s because it is full of possibilities. 

New faces in a familiar address, and a total refresh of some shared rules, are just two ways home-life can grow. 

Best of all, plain-speaking Mercury helps you say what’s been on your mind for months,  and do what you know you need to do. 

Luck links three names with one initial.


APR 21 – MAY 21

A surge of communication skills hits your chart, as Mercury and Venus get chatty, and the sun adds a blaze of impressive personal light. 

So you put across ideas, feelings – and even doubts – in ways that this time can’t be ignored. 

If you’re in love, Mars helps you stand firm, insist on the right deal. 

If you’re single, look closer at someone who seems rather accident-prone. 


MAY 22 – JUNE 21

Admitting you may have misjudged a money situation is your key step to sorting it out, so follow Mercury’s lead and be honest with yourself. 

A full moon of personal transformation highlights a switch from one set of views to another.

At work, this can mean a change of teams, at home you realise someone older may just be right. 

Love-wise, value what you have higher than what you don’t.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22

Your birthsign shimmers with planet potential as a trio of stars line up beside you. 

Venus tackles a love debt, gets it paid by the end of the week. 

If you’re single, this can set you free to find an “M” soulmate. 

Mercury re-assesses your work skills and seeks a better way of using them.

While the sun brings the party, plus an optimistic outlook that zaps any lingering regrets.


JULY 23 – AUG 23

You have a new dreamy side to you this week – and it’s when you don’t even know you are thinking, that the best plans start to appear.

So keep a notebook or your phone handy, and note everything down. 

If you’re in love, the full moon helps deep emotions emerge when a couple completes a physical task together. 

If you’re single, a mystery message can be the start of something.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22

This can be a week to review your position in several groups, from family to friendship to work, and start to take back some control you sense you have lost lately. 

When you approach this task with kindness and consideration, everyone can come through richer. 

As for love, the imagination of the full moon is limitless, and so is your ability to intrigue and surprise partners, both old and new.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23

Success is the name of your star game this week, as planets regroup – and you start to see so many ways forward, even where there may have been blocks before. 

The key is staying open to all ideas, not just the ones you know have worked before.

A strong family-focused moon can open up discussions about the size and shape of a home.

Luck adds birth dates together. 


OCT 24 – NOV 22

You’re not a fan of repeating yourself, but expressing again what you know you need, at home and at work, can break through a barrier this time.

But do prep some alternative future plans – to propose when the moment comes. 

If you’re in love, Venus is a natural love-learner, and helps you show you are now ready to move forward. 

Single? A quick-talking Gemini can be The One.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Instead of staying on the sunny surface, you dive deeper in love and life this week, and unearth so many nuggets of wisdom, and passion. 

Showing a partner you are prepared for tough times as well as easy ones, is the signal they have been waiting for. 

While at work, instead of coasting along, you seek challenges that help you change and grow. 

Single?  Say yes to “J” Aries.


DEC 22 – JAN 20

This is a week for sealing deals, reaffirming bonds and promises  — seeking, above all, co-operation rather than conflict.

This may mean making space for an apology or explanation, and offering a new start. 

Compassionate planets back you all the way. 

As for love, a personal full moon gives you the kind of attraction magic that everyone feels, and just wants to get closer to. 

Luck opens an arched door.


JAN 21 – FEB 18

Rating your own wellbeing first in your priorities rather than last is this week’s life lesson – Venus helps you be kind to yourself while the sun adds extra positive energy. 

But it’s Mercury’s practical approach that achieves the most – by cutting negative people out of your circle, and choosing a personal path to please yourself, rather than everyone else.  

A dream about a map could pinpoint your next home. 


FEB 19 – MAR 20

This week, give in to those flights of Pisces fancy, rather than fighting them. 

Your creative chart is off the scale, and you see solutions before others have even realised there might be a problem.

But it’s your artistic or musical ability that means the most, even if you only use it in private – for now. 

Brand-new prizes, plus your oldest friends, can make a fabulous full moon mix.  

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