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I transformed my front yard with a DIY addition – fans always stop to say how much they like it and ask if I’m for hire

A HOMEOWNER leveled up the exterior of their house with a DIY project.

Social media users and neighbors alike heaped on the praise for the garden addition.

A Reddit user showed off the DIY project they used to transform their front yard[/caption]

In a Reddit post, user Th1sisjnn showed off the impressive yard transformation.

They explained that they gave their house “a pretty significant exterior transformation.”

The homeowner showed their fellow Reddit users what the front of their house looked like before they began their DIY project.

They also included pictures tracking the progress as they added a deck to their home as well as a final shot of the completed DIY.

In the comments section, they provided some additional information about the deck.

“It’s great for morning coffee on the weekends or evening cocktails,” they wrote.

“The sun is pretty much blocked from it by around 4:30 pm and the arborvitae provides the blockage needed for just enough privacy from the neighbors.”

However, some neighbors were still able to offer their praise for the project as they passed by.

“We have a lot of foot traffic in the neighborhood and people are always stopping and commenting on how much they like it,” the homeowner explained.

“[We] have had a few cars slam on their brakes in front of it and yell ‘love the deck.’

“A few people have asked if I’m for hire after they asked who did it.”

The impressive structure was also reflected in the value of the property.

“Our house has nearly doubled in value since purchasing it five years ago,” the poster revealed.

They purchased their 672 square foot, which features two bedrooms and one bathroom, in 2018.

Built in 1937, the couple are only the second owners to occupy the house and describe it as “perfect” for the two of them.

The door is not centered on the house and the railing is sold in sections divisible by four feet.

Reddit user Th1sisjnn

While they explained that they never frequent the deck during the peak heat hours of the day during the summer, the couple did design the deck for winter.

“[We] live in Wisconsin [so the deck] accounts for accumulating snow,” they wrote.

They did touch upon one issue with the house and deck, which some Reddit users also spotted.

“The door is not centered on the house and the railing is sold in sections divisible by four feet,” the homeowner explained.

“The width of the deck is 28 feet so doing two 12-foot sections on either side of the stairs, while making the stairs four feet wide made the install easier.”

The homeowner added a deck to their front yard and received a lot of praise from their neighbors[/caption]

They explained that they “could have centered it on the door but then would have incurred more cost and labor.”

The homeowner added that the rail system they used, from City Post, didn’t have corner posts available at the time of construction.

Reddit users shared their thoughts on the DIY decking in the comments section.

“Very nice. I love the simple design of this house. The deck really transformed the looks. I like that door too, it makes everything pop,” wrote one reader.

“Wow, brought it out of the 70s, functional and beautiful,” said another commenter.

“Nice look of simplicity! It’ll be easy to maintain over the course of time,” commented a third person.

The poster explained that the deck was designed to handle snow during the winter months[/caption]

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