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Ancient 30-foot ‘great white relative’ remains found with 22-inch teeth and may be biggest turtle-gobbling shark ever

SCIENTISTS have unearthed the first-ever well-preserved fossils of an ancient shark relative which now prove it’s a prehistoric predator unlike any other.

For decades the extinct Ptychodus left scientists stumped with very few traces, but its astonishing remains were found in the Lagerstätte fossil beds of Vallecillo in Mexico.

Dr Romain Vullo, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2024)
The around 100-million-year-old Ptchodus is a relative of today’s great white sharks[/caption]
The Royal Society of Biological Sciences
The newly discovered fossils are impressively intact and have allowed scientists to make conclusions about its species[/caption]
The Royal Society of Biological Sciences
The fossils show specifics about what the great white shark relative would have been like when it was alive[/caption]

Ptychodus was once 32 feet long with teeth that were 22 inches long and 18 inches wide so it could eat hard-shelled marine life like turtles.

Their teeth also included plates so they could crush prey which is much different than modern sharks.

The massive shark relative lived during the Cretaceous period which was around 145 million to 66 million years ago and was alive when dinosaurs were. 

Scientists have been able to determine from the fossils that Ptychodus is a type of shark from the Lamniform family.

This makes Ptychodus a relative of great white sharks.

The findings were published in the journal The Royal Society and the research was led by Romain Vullo of the French National Centre for Scientific Research.

“The newly discovered fossils from Mexico indicate that Ptychodus looked like the living porbeagle shark,” Vullo told Live Science.

He added that Ptychodus has a “unique grinding dentition.”

“The discovery of complete Ptychodus specimens is really exciting because it solves one of the most striking enigmas in vertebrate paleontology,” Vullo said.

Vullo explained the fossils were exquisitely preserved because they were formed in an area where no scavengers were able to destroy the remains. 

“The carcasses of animals were rapidly buried in a soft lime mud before being entirely disarticulated,” Vullo said. 


The discovery of Ptychodus has been astonishing for the team of paleontologists and has proved its species was a dominant one at the time it was alive. 

“Our results support the view that lamniforms were ecomorphologically highly diverse and represented the dominant group of sharks in Cretaceous marine ecosystems,” the paper said. 

The ancient white shark relative mostly fed on other giant sea life making it a beast of its time. 

Its main courses are believed to have included large ammonites which are a type of crustacean with a hard shell and hard-shell sea turtles. 

Great White Sharks – the facts

Here's what you need to know...

  • The great white shark is a species of the large mackerel shark
  • They’re typically found in the costal surface waters of all major oceans
  • Great whites are famous for their size
  • Females are bigger than males, growing up to 6.1 metres, or 20 feet, in length
  • At full maturity, a great white can weigh up to 1,905 kilograms, or 4,200 pounds
  • A 2014 study revealed that the lifespan of a great white shark is estimated at 70 years or longer
  • Great white sharks can swim at speeds of over 56km/h or 35mph
  • And they can swim to depths of 1,200m, or 3,900 feet
  • Experts believe that grea whites have no natural predators, other than the killer whale in very rare instances
  • Great whites became part of the popular imagination after the 1974 novel Jaws, and the later Steven Spielberg film adaptation
  • Humans aren’t the natural prey of great whites, but they’re responsible for the largest number of unprovoked shark attacks on humans

“Ptychodus may have fed predominantly on nektonic hard-shelled prey items such as ammonites and sea turtles rather than on benthic invertebrates, the paper said. 

However, Ptychodus’s extinction may have been caused due to competition with other large marine life that were going for the same prey.

This includes large marine reptiles that were emerging at the time.

“Toward the end of the Cretaceous, these large sharks were likely in direct competition with some marine reptiles (mosasaurs) targeting the same prey,” Vullo said, per Live Science.

The paper explained that “its extinction during the Campanian, well before the end-Cretaceous crisis, might have been related to competition with emerging blunt-toothed globidensine and prognathodontine mosasaurs.”

The Royal Society of Biological Sciences
The ancient white shark relative mostly fed on other giant sea life making it a beast of its time[/caption]

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