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‘I broke down in tears and begged Hollyoaks bosses not to axe me’ reveals ‘distraught’ Steph Waring

STEPHANIE Waring is Hollyoaks’ longest-serving actress, having played Cindy Cunningham since the very start of the Channel 4 soap in 1995. 

But even the 46-year-old’s almost three decades of service couldn’t save her as Cindy became the only original character to be brutally axed in a recent cull of 20 cast members

Steph has opened up about the day she was told Cindy was being axed
Channel 4
Channel 4
She has played the iconic character for almost three decades[/caption]
But despite her heartbreak Steph is trying to remain positive as she looks to the future

The move came as part of a shock shake-up which will see Hollyoaks become ‘Britain’s first national digital-led soap’, moving from Channel 4 to YouTube and E4 and being cut from five episodes a week to three

Now Steph has spoken out for the first time since being dropped from the show, sharing her heartbreak and utter disbelief that she’ll be saying goodbye to Cindy. 

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, Steph said: “I was being drip fed the names of the people who were going, and I remember crying at one of them, and I had this gut feeling that I would be too. 

“But another part of me was thinking ‘I’ve just signed a year-long contract, surely it won’t be me’. Everyone was telling me I would be fine as I’m an original character.

“In the meeting they read from a script and a tear fell from my eye because I could just feel it in the room. 

“They got to the end and said ‘And with that, we will be losing Cindy from the show’. I just kept saying ‘I don’t understand’. I was very distraught, I didn’t take it well – I was probably the most dramatic person they told. 

“I just kept telling them ‘I’m an original character’. I was clutching at anything – telling them ‘but I was the first person to give birth on the show!’ I could see the distress I was causing them because they were upset that I was so upset.”

Steph needed to take time off after the decision was made but was seen back on set this week

The news left Steph so shook that she left the meeting and immediately broke down in tears, with her colleagues rushing to support her. 

Steph continued: “I just left and cried uncontrollably. 

“I went into make-up and I fell into two of my co-star’s arms who held me as I sobbed until I calmed down a bit. 

“I drove home to my fiancé [Tom Brookes] and cried in his arms for the rest of the night. I was in total disbelief. I did expect more loyalty after three decades. That’s why I couldn’t understand it, I’ve been there so long and I feel like Cindy is part of the fabric of Hollyoaks.”

Steph confessed she was so heartbroken by the news that she forced herself to take a week off work to process the decision. 

She added: “I didn’t want to be crying on set and Hollyoaks were really good and accommodating and offered me all the support I needed.

“I knew that if I’d gone to work on that Monday I wouldn’t have got through it and I wanted to be professional. And when I went back I was able to do my job and that’s what I’ve been doing every day since.”

And, as with anyone who loses their job, Steph has had to think about the financial implications.

She said: “At the end of the day I’m an actress, and not only is that what I love to do, I need to work because people have a misconception that all soap stars don’t have to worry about money especially when you’ve been on TV a long time but we do because we earn a lot less than people imagine & after tax and if you have kids – you can’t take it for granted you can afford to just not worry about taking some time off.

“We’re just normal people who happen to be on the telly, we still have all pressures of paying the bills – so I won’t be taking time out and am already lucky enough to have had some really interesting enquiries.

“So hopefully after Cindy ends  – I’ll be back on screen in another role – I just hope her heels are as fabulous as the ones I’ve been lucky enough to strut about the set in for the last almost three decades.

“I’m realistic though how lucky I’ve been to have had a regular wage for so long when so many actors have not, but It’s definitely not like it was back in the day.”

She said: “It’s all credit to Hollyoaks to be forward thinking in order to survive and I’m thrilled so many of my friends can continue to keep getting paid to do their dream jobs.

“If it take a while to find the right role, I’ve got some time to not rush into the wrong ones as  luckily I’ve always been a little bit of a saver.

“I’m not extravagant in my lifestyle, I live in a very modest three bed semi, I don’t spend money on designer clothes unlike Cindy I actually live very humble life. I’ve never been flash like her – I guess that’s why I loved having her as my alter ego!”

Despite her initial shock and heartbreak over losing the role of Cindy, Steph is determined to come back from this with a bang. 

She’s already in touch with other shows and is planning her next move – and is even feeling excited about stepping into the unknown for a change. 

“I love Hollyoaks and I love playing Cindy but I’ve got a fire in my belly again. I would never have made the decision to leave myself but my phone has been ringing with people checking my availability.

“Two Australian shows have been in touch and one of them would be an absolute dream to do. I’ve worked in Australian dramas before so it was nice to know I’m still remembered there. I’m 46 but there’s a lot of life left in me yet!”

She was supported by co-stars after receiving the devastating news
Channel 4

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