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Everyone can see the backpacks but you have 20/20 vision if you can spot the 5 lost pairs of shoes lost in 12 seconds

AN infuriatingly difficult brainteaser inspired by outdoor exploration is the latest challenge leaving puzzlers stumped.

Can you find the five pairs of shoes lost in the valley?

Puzzlers have been tasked with spotting the five lost pairs of shoes in the valley
Spin Genie UK

Spin Genie is a UK-based gaming platform that has built a reputation for its range of card, bingo, and slot games. 

They were inspired to create a tricky seek-and-find puzzle after seeing people start to embrace the brighter spring days.

You may have noticed that more adventurers are cycling and hiking in your area, while others are paddling in canoes.

But, you’ll need 20/20 vision to find the five pairs of shoes in the busy scene.

Can you find them all without looking at the clues?

Extreme attention to detail is required to find the five pairs of shoes in 12 seconds or less.

Everyone can see the backpacks as all the explorers in the brainteaser seem to be carrying one.

The bikes are also easy to spot as they’re gathered together, while only one explorer sits on the grass with their dog.

Here’s a hint: The shoes are the same color as the tree bark.

If you need another clue, try taking a closer look at the items on one of the boats.

Do you think you’ve finally found all five pairs of shoes?

Once you think you’ve solved the challenge scroll to the solution below to check your answer.

Three of the brown shoes can be spotted on the grass towards the right of the image, while one is on a boat, and another pair is on the left under a tree
Spin Genie UK

Two pairs of shoes have been left under trees, a third is by a campsite, a fourth is next to an explorer reading their map, and the final pair is on a brown canoe boat.

The challenge comes after a puzzle created by vegetarian meal specialists Cauldron Foods.

Everyone can see the brightly colored eggplants scattered throughout the vegetable patch.

But, can you spot the sausage in under 20 seconds?

Only puzzlers with an impressively high IQ have been able to solve the brainteaser before running out of time.

Cauldron Foods
Puzzlers have been tasked with spotting a sausage among the vegetables[/caption]

At first glance, there appear to be carrots and peppers in every place where you’d expect to find the sausage.

The corn, onions, and greens also make it difficult to know where to focus your attention.

Here’s a hint: try taking a closer look at the vegetables toward the bottom left of the image.

Do you think you’ve found the sausage?

Scroll to the solution below to check if you guessed correctly.

Cauldron Foods
The sausage can be found toward the bottom left of the brainteaser[/caption]

The sausage can be spotted toward the bottom left of the image among peppers, tomatoes, and an eggplant.

A third challenge was created by the online technology and software resource Increditools.

It’s easy to see the trash in the chaotic scene, but can you find the wallet?

Only the most eagle-eyed puzzlers have been able to solve the brainteaser in 15 seconds or less.

Puzzlers have been tasked with spotting the wallet in the messy room in under 15 seconds[/caption]

Clothes are hanging from a lamp and a mop is leaning against the curtains, while a bookshelf is falling over.

A bunch of keys have been left on the ladder and a huge cobweb spun under the table.

Here’s a hint: The wallet is green.

If you need another clue, try to take a closer look at the items underneath the ladder.

Once you think you’ve solved the challenge scroll to the solution below to check your answer.

The green wallet can be spotted toward the bottom right underneath the ladder[/caption]

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