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Шедевры классической хореографии. В Москве стартуют Летние Балетные Сезоны

Немецкая секретная служба «наконец-то готова к войне» – Welt — RT World News

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I have a six-figure salary but it’s way more stressful than being poor – I know people will hate me but it’s true

ALL jobs come with their own list of pros and cons – whether you’re working in the local coffee shop or doing a 9-5 at the office.

But one worker has claimed that having a high-paying job is much more stressful than being poor – and people are seriously divided by the comments.

The worker claimed they’d rather be poor than have a high-earning stressful job[/caption]

Taking to a popular Facebook page, the worker revealed they were on good money but hated the stress of their job.

Despite being in a cost of living crisis, they said they would much rather struggle financially than have the burden of a stressful job that pays well.

The anonymous poster added: “I know this is going to ripple feathers and sound ungrateful but for those seeking higher paying roles… it’s not always what it’s all cracked up to be.”

“Whilst the money is better the stress can be so much higher.

“Yes, there’s less financial stress. However, I often feel that the work stress is worse than managing a tight budget.”

The employee from Australia didn’t disclose just how much they made but many assumed it was above the $100,000 mark.

“I dream about the day I can quit my job to take on a less stressful role that I love,” the post continued. 

Bold of you to assume that lower income roles mean less stress

Facebook User

“I know this is a privileged point of view because I do at least have the option to earn less and honestly, I don’t know why I don’t take this pathway when I feel I might ultimately be happier with this choice… weird, like wtf is wrong with me?” they concluded.

While most of us would love more money at moment, they didn’t seem fussed about it.

People were quick to take to the comments of the post sharing their thoughts.

Many agreed their view came from a place of privilege – and that it was ridiculous to assume low-wage jobs weren’t as stressful.

One person wrote: “Bold of you to assume that lower income roles mean less stress.”

Another commented: “I’ve experienced the opposite. Being in a lower ring role I found much more stress, trying to navigate manager’s unrealistic expectations, inflexibility around working hours and juggling full time work and young kids.”

“Low paying jobs can be stressful too depending on what they are. Childcare is probably a good example,” penned a third.

Despite being blasted for their views – many claimed to agree and noted the effects stress and burnout from work can have.

What is burnout?

Burnout isn't an illness, but a feeling of being mentally or physically exhausted.

It’s the body’s response to a long-lasting and demanding situation.

It tends to be defined as a work-related syndrome but work–life balance also plays a role and factors outside your job can also be the cause.

Stress and burnout don’t necessarily stop when you go home at the end of the day, as these effects often extend into other areas of life and vice versa.

According to Mental Health UK, some common signs of burnout include:

  1. Feeling tired or drained most of the time
  2. Feeling helpless, trapped and/or defeated
  3. Feeling detached/alone in the world
  4. Having a cynical/negative outlook
  5. Self-doubt
  6. Procrastinating and taking longer to get things done
  7. Feeling overwhelmed

Meanwhile, researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology said you might be more at risk of it if:

  • You’re a young employee in a new job
  • You have low self esteem
  • You have unclear job expectations or feel you don’t have power over decisions that affect your work
  • Your values don’t align with those of your workplace, or your job doesn’t suit your interests or qualifications
  • You struggle with work-life balance
  • You work long hours and don’t sleep or exercise enough
  • You don’t have a strong support network 

Meanwhile a fourth said: “Nothing is wrong with you. You’re just realising that money isn’t everything. That it’s OK to be average and to make time to pursue things that make you happy. The rat race is not for everyone.”

“People die from stress. Strokes, heart attacks etc. Everything has a price,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “I know the feeling, I was in a very stressful job for years. I finally had the courage to resign. I now have a job that I love and can come home in a good mood.”

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ТиНАО: самое важное за неделю

Шедевры классической хореографии. В Москве стартуют Летние Балетные Сезоны

Немецкая секретная служба «наконец-то готова к войне» – Welt — RT World News