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I’m a ‘homesteader’ – I prep for doomsday but make it look idyllic…I’ll outlast the haters by living on my jam & cheese

A HOMESTEADER who’s preparing for doomsday has revealed how she will outlast the haters by gorging on yummy homemade food.

Gubba makes getting ready for the end of the world seem idyllic as she rustles up delicious jam from her garden and cheese from her goats.

Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Gubba is a homesteader preparing for doomsday[/caption]
Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Gubba has goats to provide her with milk[/caption]
Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Not everyone supports Gubba’s way of living[/caption]

The 23-year-old opted for her self-sufficient lifestyle after the COVID pandemic saw the shelves stripped bare.

She said: “I got real serious when I saw the empty grocery store shelves during the pandemic.

“I preserve food so my family and I can eat when the grocery stores can’t provide it. Or when inflation skyrockets and food becomes unaffordable.”

Gubba stockpiles her pantry with canned foods and also has her own cow, chickens and goats so that she’s ready for an imminent crisis.

Gubba believes that she has enough food to feed herself and her family for up to a year.

In a video shared on her Instagram she reveals her quirky lifestyle methods, racking up over 344,000 views and thousands of likes.

She explained: “I can food in Mason jars; I freeze-dry food, and I employ other methods of food storage that help me build my food reserves, such as preserving eggs and making my own medicine.”

Gubba, from Washington, US, also keeps a stock of wood to hand in case the “grid drops” and has many animals on her farm to keep her produce ticking over.

She said: “I have multiple [animals] around the homestead.

“My chickens for eggs, my goats for milk and cheese, my bees for honey, and my dogs for when bears and mountain lions come around —and they do.”

She added: “I keep my woodpile stocked from nearby forests, and if the power goes out, I have a reliable heating source.

“[Other people] should [prepare] in any setting they find themselves in. A subdivision in suburbia or a city apartment.

“When I realised that this lifestyle is possible anywhere, I actually developed a guide specifically to help people homestead from their location, anywhere in the world.”.

In the clip, Gubba can be seen preparing her food storage as she details why it’s important to be ready for anything.

She captioned the post: “Food storage is necessary.”

“It doesn’t have to be expansive. You don’t need a full pantry. “It doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

“All you have to do is start. “If preserving food is still daunting, stock up on canned and boxed items you already use in your kitchen.

“Over time, you can learn to replace those with your own canning and cooking if you wish.

“Building a food storage can mean incorporating different methods of food preservation.”

Although some may think Gubba is ahead of the game not everyone is a fan of her eccentric lifestyle.

One person commented: “You do you, not for me.”

While another was also not convinced by the way of living saying: “Won’t you just get robbed if society collapses? Pretty sure that’s what happened in medieval times when people went hungry.”

And even Gubba’s own family didn’t support her methods at first.

She admitted: “They [my family] thought I was crazy at first, but now they see I’m ahead of the curve with wars ramping up and other global factors.”

She added: “My dad still thinks I’m crazy.

“But he has homestead parents and lots of family members who know how hard it is to be disconnected from supermarket luxuries.

“But he also knows I do what I believe in and never let others detract me.”

But other viewers praised Gubba with one saying “preach it,” and another writing, “amen girl.”

A third commented: “I love your posts! Good for you and all your knowledge along with thinking outside the box!

“I was passed down this knowledge and lifestyle from my parents. I’m glad to see the younger generation equipped for almost anything!”

Gubba also explained how while everyone else has to rush to the store for milk she simply rushes to her cow or goats instead.

She said: “But everyone is more dependent on the system now than ever before and if they could just try some of these natural remedies, they’ll quickly find out the big secret.

“I’m very happy now and no one can take that away from me.

“Be your own person, embrace your identity, and don’t worry about what others say.”

It comes as podcast host Jill Winger gave a glimpse into her traditional lifestyle.

Based in the southeast corner of Wyoming, Jill Winger “weaves the best of the past with the present” with her Prairie Homestead brand.

She has three children that she’s raised on the prairie – her 13-year-old daughter Mesa, her 10-year-old son Bridger, and her seven-year-old daughter Sage.

By growing her own fruit and vegetables, the self-sufficient mom can go weeks on end without shopping for groceries.

“I got so excited at the thought of somehow being able to become a producer, instead of just a consumer,” Jill, who has a podcast called Old Fashioned on Purpose, told The U.S. Sun.

The mom even has her own cows, who she milks, but does visit the grocery store about twice a month.

Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Gubba also has chickens who provide her with eggs[/caption]
Jam Press Vid/Gubba Homestead
She regularly posts footage on Instagram of her lifestyle[/caption]
Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Gubba has a cow too and thinks she has enough food stockpiled to feed her family for a year[/caption]
Jam Press/Gubba Homestead
Gubba also has a garden and makes jam from her fruit[/caption]

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