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My perfect antidote to too much Easter chocolate fights fine lines – it’ll help with sugar-induced pimples, too

IF you’re one of those who find the temptation of chocolate Easter eggs too much, consider the effects on your complexion.

You are not alone if you suffer from skin issues after overindulging during the Easter holidays.

Too many Easter eggs will impact your skin[/caption]

But do not despair because one skincare pro has the perfect antidote for too much candy.

It fights fine lines and will help with sugar-induced pimples too.

We can’t be on our best behavior all the time, and holiday seasons are often the times we break out of strict regimes.

But be prepared for the consequences.

The face yoga app Luvly surveyed 2,000 women and found some common problems after gorging on chocolate.

  • 1 in 5 struggled with swelling 
  • Some 1 in 10 dealt with acne breakouts
  • 1 in 10 women admitted they suffered from both

In her professional life, Angela Rosoff, a beauty expert and certified face yoga method instructor at Luvly, has seen these complaints all too often.

“We’ve all suffered a dreaded breakout after snacking a little too freely on junk food and devouring one too many Easter eggs,” she said.

A fleeting, sensual moment for your taste buds means skin problems ahead.

Angela has pulled a list together that should guide you through the chocolate-heavy holiday season.

“How to keep your skin happy and healthy over the Easter holidays,” she said.


Drink water and plenty of it advised Angela.

“Pair every treat with a glass of water to ensure your skin is getting a fix of its favorite nourishment too.”

Follow this tip and your skin will be flushed with success.

“As junk food fills your body with toxins, the extra hydration will help to flush it out,” she said.

Too much chocolate can affect your skin

Angela Rosoff, a beauty expert and certified face yoga method instructor at Luvly, said your skin will pay the price if you induge in too much chocolate.

  • Too much chocolate will leave your skin looking worse for wear, causing swelling and acne
  • It can transform your typically bright complexion into a dull comparison
  • This is caused by chocolate’s high sugar and caffeine content, as well as its histamine-releasing properties
  • Packed with allergens such as milk, nuts, and soy, chances are your skin doesn’t share your love for chocolate
  • But that doesn’t mean you have to choose between your skin health or the sweet stuff


Counteract the sugar rush with some natural solutions.

“If your skin starts to show signs of stress, treat it with some herbal remedies: turmeric, green tea, or burdock root,” she wrote.

“These have anti-inflammatory properties that can alleviate skin issues,” said Angela.


Vitamin C is one of the holy grails of good skincare and our pro suggests getting plenty of it.

“Vitamin C is the perfect antidote to counteract a chocolate overdose as it’s a well-known antioxidant that fights acne from the outside in,” she wrote.

Angela said “Sugar eats away at your collagen” – if that wasn’t enough encouragement to stop eating the choc nothing is.

But vitamin C – one of the skin’s building blocks — stimulates your body to produce more.

“No successful skincare routine is complete without a healthy dose of vitamin C. Not only fighting dark spots, fine lines, and dullness but keeping your complexion bright.”

Vitamin C protects against aggressors like sugar

Angela Rosoff, Luvly


There should be no surprises with this tip, focusing on vitamin C-rich ingredients.

“In addition to indulging in sugary candies and chocolates, include healthy high-fiber meals in between the indulgences,” she said.

“Add lots of seasonal spring vegetables like radishes, watercress, carrots, and fava beans. High-fiber fruits like late winter apples and citrus, alongside early spring strawberries.”


You may not have tried it yet, but Angela suggested giving face yoga a go.

It boosts circulation, spreading vital ingredients throughout your face.

“Often our skin doesn’t need products to revive itself. It just needs some TLC,” she said.

Try inhaling, puffing out both cheeks, then releasing, for a simple face yoga technique

Angela Rosoff, Luvly

She said the technique works miracles on the skin.

“You can also try the jaw release technique. Relax your jaw, extend your tongue towards your chin, and hold it for five to ten seconds to relieve tension and loosen tight facial muscles.

“Finish up by rolling your eyes for a few minutes, boosting blood flow to undo the effects of your Easter indulgence,” Angela added.


Our bodies benefit from a good workout, so it figures our faces will too.

It reduces fluid retention, encourages lymphatic drainage, and enhances blood circulation.

“Gently massage your jawline before moving on to your cheekbones, applying light pressure in upward strokes to reduce puffiness,” she wrote.

“Next, use your ring finger to gently tap under your eyes for a minute or so, which promotes circulation, then finish by tapping all over your face to stimulate your facial muscles.”


The benefits of cold water immersion have gained traction in recent years.

But don’t forget about your face, but be prepared for some suffering.

“Cold therapy isn’t exactly pleasurable, but it’s worth suffering through for the sake of your skin,” said Angela.

If you do decide to take the cold plunge, try ice cubes wrapped in a cloth or facial rollers that have spent some time in the fridge.”

“The chill constricts blood vessels and stimulates circulation, reducing swelling and inflammation to counteract your chocolate consumption,” she concluded.

Eat foods rich in vitamin C[/caption]
Have regular face massages[/caption]
Try face yoga[/caption]

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