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Tributes paid to millionaire financier’s former groundsman shot dead while walking his dog as cops launch murder probe

A DOG walker who was shot dead in broad daylight had previously worked as a groundsman on a millionaire financier’s shooting estate.

Brian Low, 65, who was found with fatal gunshot wounds in Aberfeldy on 17 February, worked on the controversial estate which has been at the centre of at least four police investigations.

News Group Newspapers Ltd
Police are scouring the nearby area for clues to the killing of Brian Low in Aberfeldy[/caption]
News Group Newspapers Ltd
Police Scotland has now launched a murder investigation[/caption]
News Group Newspapers Ltd
The death had initially been treated as unexplained, pending the outcome of the post-mortem[/caption]

He had worked for wealthy businessman Michael Campbell MBE on the nearby Edradynate Estate for more than 20 years.

The estate hit the headlines in 2018 when a gamekeeper was cleared of poisoning his estate in the dead of night as revenge for a dispute with Mr Campbell.

Now police are scouring the nearby area for clues to the killing of Mr Low, who was shot dead as he walked his dog in the Pitilie area outside Aberfeldy.

A major investigations team has been set up after detectives established that Mr Low’s death did not appear to be an accident or an act of self-harm.

A spokesperson for Edradynate Estate said: “Brian Low worked for us for the past 20 years on the estate as a groundsman.

“We are very sad and shocked at these disturbing events. I have known him for many years and he worked with us until around this time last year.

“We do not know what happened. We knew he had died obviously but this news has created another level of shock.

“We are still trying to process all the details. We have already offered our condolences to his family and we are continuing to support them.”

Police Scotland has now launched a murder investigation named Operation Newlane after a post-mortem confirmed Mr Low had been shot.

The death had initially been treated as unexplained, pending the outcome of the post-mortem.

Detective Chief Inspector Martin Macdougall, of the Major Investigation Team, said: “Our thoughts are with Brian’s family at this very difficult time and we are doing all we can to get them answers.

“We have been carrying out extensive inquiries since Brian’s death and detectives are working alongside uniformed officers to establish the full circumstances.

“Our inquiries so far have revealed that Brian was out walking his black Labrador along a remote track, shortly before 8.30am when he was fatally shot.

“Although this is a remote location, we would be keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time.

“I am also appealing directly to the local community, who might have information that could help.

“Anyone with any information, no matter how small or insignificant they feel it may be, should come forward and speak to detectives.

“Please do not assume that the police already know the information you have.”

Local Area Commander Greg Burns said: “I understand this is an extremely concerning incident for this small, rural community.

“I want to take this opportunity to reassure people that we are working round the clock to find out what happened to Brian.

“We will have additional high-visibility patrols in the area and you will see significant police activity over the coming days. Anyone with any concerns can approach these officers at any time.”

Detectives have set up an online portal to encourage members of the public to submit information.

John Swinney, MSP for the area, said: “This is a devastating and serious announcement and I express my sympathy to the family of Brian Low.

“I have spoken with Police Scotland and sought reassurance that an appropriate police presence will be in place to ensure community safety.”

MP Pete Wishart said: “This is an utterly horrifying incident which will have shocked the close-knit community of Aberfeldy to its core.”

Murdo Fraser, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, said: “Incidents like this are almost unheard of in Highland Perthshire and I’m sure the community of Aberfeldy will be shocked to hear of this murder.”

Several police vans were parked at the scene last night, with access to the footpath taped off, and a small grey tent erected by officers.

Former gamekeeper David Campbell was cleared of poisoning the estate at a trial at Perth Sheriff Court in 2018.

Mr Campbell was found not guilty of deliberately sabotaging the game crops on Edradynate Estate to get back at city financier Michael Campbell MBE.

The trial heard witnesses claim they could identify Campbell from his distinctive “mutton chop” facial hair on covertly filmed CCTV footage.

Witness Donnie Calder, 49, said: “The new gamekeeper had been appointed. David said ‘as long as he had breath in his body, game crops would not be grown at Edradynate estate.’

“I didn’t really think much of it. David was bitter. He didn’t want to leave his employment as he enjoyed his job. He was quite calm. It was a matter of fact thing.”

However, Sheriff Gillian Wade cleared Campbell after ruling that the case against him had not been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

He had previously been cleared of bird poisoning charges in a separate case and it emerged that police had probed activities on the estate at least four times in the previous 15 years.

Property developer and financier Mr Campbell owns the 4,000-acre estate and his company has been asked for comment. There is no suggestion the estate is linked to Mr Low’s death.

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