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Do you have healthy boobs? From temperature to aches and discharge – 6 key signs to check

BREASTS – If you’ve got them, there’s no doubt you’ve wondered if they are ‘normal’.

But, what is actually considered ‘normal’ when there is so much variety out there?

woman feel uncomfortable and check her chest with prevention breast cancer concept[/caption]

Small, big, fake, natural, tubular, perky, droopy, the list is never-ending.

What’s important to know, however, is if your breasts are healthy, when you should be concerned and when to see a doctor.

We spoke to some of the UK’s leading plastic surgeons and founders of Implant Health, Mr Paul Harris, Mr Amir Sadri and Mr Aadil Khan.

Here, they reveal what is normal when it comes to knockers

1. The skin tone

When looking in the mirror, your breasts should be the same skin tone and texture as the rest of you.

The surgeons said: “The skin across your boobs should have an even tone and should not have changed at all in colour or have any kind of rash.

“If you have experienced any changes like rashes, swelling, redness, or any darkening of the skin you should consult a doctor. 

“A rash could simply be something like eczema or if you are nursing, that could cause redness or darkening of the areola.

“This can also be a result of having breast implants, a piercing, or an autoimmune disease.”

It’s also important to regularly look for a change in the skin that looks like orange peel.

This is one potential symptom of breast cancer, and should be urgently checked out.

2. No unusual lumps or bumps

Noticing any unusual or hard lumps in one or both breasts is when you should chat with your doctor. 

The experts said: “It could be nothing and it’s likely to be noncancerous but it’s important to be sure.”

There are other causes of lumps in boobs, such as as a cyst.

But do not take the risk of leaving it unchecked.

Check the breasts for a change in the look or feel of the skin on your breast, such as puckering or dimpling, a rash or redness (left and centre top), nipple discharge (right top), a lump, swelling, change in nipple position or discomfort. Feel for lumps lying down (left bottom) using your finger pads. Do the same standing up

3. Aching – as long as it’s only sometimes

We’ve all get acheyness in the breast sometimes.

The experts said this “generally is not something to worry about”.

“Ache or pain can be related to your monthly cycle and is a result of hormonal changes,” they said.

“Another simple reason for this can be down to your bra so making sure you have a one that properly fits is key.

“Breasts move around day to day more than we realise.”

Experts warn that almost all women are wearing a bra that is the wrong size for them, which can cause all sorts of harm.

The surgeons said: “If your boobs are really sore and this is a lot more than usual and it’s not down to your period, then this could be a cause for concern. 

“A simple check with the GP or a mammogram can put your mind at rest.”

4. The temperature

Breasts should always be the same temperature as the rest of your body, so if you notice a warm area or any redness, chat with your doctor. 

“This could be an inflammation of breast tissue called mastitis, which affects just under 30 per cent of breastfeeding women,” the surgeons said. 

“However, even men can get mastitis and you may need an antibiotic.

“Warmness of the breast can even be caused by a pulled muscle from exercise so be sure to rest and do some gentle stretching until it feels back to your ‘normal’.”

How to check your breasts

  1. Stand in front of a mirror with your hands by your sides, then above your head and place your hands on your hips and push in on your hips slightly. In each position, look for any changes in breast size or shape, and any new asymmetry, lumps or changes in outline.
  2. Look to see if your nipple is pointing in a different direction or has turned inwards (if you have always had inverted nipples, this is normal for you and not of concern).
  3. Check if there is any nipple discharge or crusting, any rashes, darker or red patches, or other changes such as the appearance of cellulite or if the skin is like orange peel.
  4. Feel the whole of the chest area with your finger pads, including the breast tissue that extends up to the collarbone and into the armpit. You are feeling for changes such as a lump, thickening or bumpy area.
  5. It does not matter exactly how you examine your breasts, be it in sections like a quarter at a time, or starting from the nipple and working outwards in circular motions, just that you examine the whole area.
  6. If you do notice any changes, see your GP.

5. Your armpits don’t feel tender or swollen

When you examine your breasts, always be sure to check your armpits. 

“Armpits have lymph nodes which are pea-sized clusters of tissue that help your body’s immune system fight off infections,” the surgeons said.

“Usually, you won’t even notice these but if you do happen to notice any tenderness or swelling in that area don’t panic, it could be something as simple as an ingrown hair causing the swelling or a cough or cold.

“If the lumps keep getting bigger or more painful, see a professional, or you also have a fever, unexplained weight loss, or night sweats.”

You may not be aware that a lump doesn’t have to be in your breast for it to be considered cancer.

It may also show up in the armpit, collarbone or neck.

6. No nipple discharge or any kind of bleeding

Women who have had children are familiar with fluid leaking from the nipple.

The surgeons said: “If you are pregnant, or you have recently had a baby and are breastfeeding, then nipple discharge can be common – even if you had your baby a long time ago.

“If, however, you have any other kind of discharge, especially any that contains blood then get them checked as soon as possible. 

“It is important to know your breasts and have anything unusual checked out by a medical professional or book in for a breast health screening.”

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