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‘Pill-on-a-thread’ sponges could ‘prevent thousands of cancer deaths every year’ and ‘cure agonising heartburn’

A NEW “pill-on-a-thread” sponge could halve oesophageal cancer deaths in Britain, researchers say.

The new tech quickly tests for Barrett’s oesophagus — a heartburn-causing condition that can lead to cancer.

A ‘pill-on-a-thread’ sponge that tests for Barrett’s oesophagus — which can cause cancer — is being trialled on the NHS[/caption]
Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, of the University of Cambridge, says the test ‘could halve the number of deaths from oesophageal cancer every year’[/caption]

Patients swallow the capsule containing a sponge, which dissolves in the stomach and expands to the size of a 50p coin before being dragged back up the throat, collecting cells.

The test is being trialled on the NHS at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge to see whether it should be rolled out more widely.

Researchers said it could help spot the deadly disease before it’s “too late” for people to get effective treatment.

Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, of the University of Cambridge, said: “The capsule sponge could halve the number of deaths from oesophageal cancer every year.

“The first phase of the trial looks at whether the capsule sponge can be used as a cancer early warning system for patients diagnosed with Barrett’s. 

“Using the capsule sponge and a new set of lab tests, we will be monitoring patients to see if we can prevent more cases of cancer.”

Some 9,200 Brits are diagnosed with oesophageal cancer every year in Britain, with 8,000 dying.

Symptoms include having difficulty swallowing, feeling or being sick, heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion.

Most people do not realise they have a problem until they struggle with swallowing, at which point the disease may be too advanced to treat easily, Professor Fitzgerald said.

If a doctor suspects you have the disease, the current test is a gastroscopy — a type of endoscopy that involves sending a camera down your throat. 

Treatments depend on the size and type of oesophageal cancer a patient has, where it is, if it has spread and their general health.

Surgery can be performed if the cancer has not spread and they may also be given chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy.

The new BEST4 trial of the pill-on-a-thread was launched on Tuesday, with brewer Tim Cowper, 49, becoming the first person to take part.

He had suffered acid reflux every night since he was 16 and was diagnosed with Barrett’s oesophagus while at university.

The condition causes some of the cells in the oesophagus to grow abnormally, and Tim has been monitored ever since he was diagnosed.

Swallowing a capsule sponge is a much better experience and I now get the test before my regular endoscopy appointment

Tim Cowperfirst patient on the BEST4 trial

He said: “I was alarmed when I was told that having Barrett’s meant having pre-cancerous cells in my gullet. 

“Cancer is never a nice word to hear, especially when you are so young, but luckily, I’ve had my condition monitored.”

Tim added: “Since my diagnosis, I’ve been going for an endoscopy at least once every three years to monitor my oesophagus. It is not pleasant at all. 

“Each time I have a thick tube pushed down through my mouth and I can feel every single one of the biopsies taken by the camera. 

“Swallowing a capsule sponge is a much better experience and I now get the test before my regular endoscopy appointment.”

The £6.4million project is being funded by Cancer Research UK and the National Institute for Health and Care Research.

Dr Iain Foulkes, of CRUK, said: “We need better tools and tests to monitor people most at risk.

“The capsule sponge has become one of the most exciting early detection tools to emerge in recent years. 

“It’s a remarkable invention by Professor Fitzgerald and her team, and previous trials have shown how powerful it can be in identifying cancer earlier.”

What are the symptoms of oesophageal cancer?

There are many possible symptoms of oesophageal cancer, but they might be hard to spot.

They can affect your digestion, such as:

  • having problems swallowing (dysphagia)
  • feeling or being sick
  • heartburn or acid reflux
  • symptoms of indigestion, such as burping a lot

Other symptoms include:

  • a cough that is not getting better
  • a hoarse voice
  • loss of appetite or losing weight without trying to
  • feeling tired or having no energy
  • pain in your throat or the middle of your chest, especially when swallowing
  • black poo or coughing up blood (although these are uncommon)

Source: The NHS

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