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I’m a self-made millionaire – I agree with Kim Kardashian’s work ethic that self-pitying losers need to get up and work

A SELF-made millionaire has said he agrees with Kim Kardashian’s work ethic – and that “self-pitying losers” should look to her for inspiration.

Orel Asformas grew up with nothing and used “sheer grit and determination” to drag himself out of poverty.

Orel Asformas
Orel Asformas said he grew up with nothing but used ‘sheer grit and determination’ to get where he is today[/caption]
His comments come after Kim Kardashian urged fans to ‘get the f*** up and work’[/caption]

The 37-year-old, who now lives in Belarus, had a number of setbacks along the way, but went onto have a highly successful career in marketing.

Speaking to the U.S. Sun, he now says he “couldn’t agree more” with Kim Kardashian – who famously advised fans to “get your f***ing ass up and work” if they wanted to be successful.

Asformas said: “People like to badmouth Kim and say she’s talentless who is famous for doing nothing.

“That couldn’t be further from the truth. She is the first ever influencer and spawned a whole industry that is now worth billions.

“She’s done that through constantly adapting to stay relevant – continually building her brand and image. That takes consistent hard work and should be commended.”

Kim, 42, credits her work ethic as her best attribute and got into hot water earlier this year for saying it “seems like nobody wants to work these days”.

People said she was “out of touch” and that her comments made to Variety magazine “screamed of privilege”.

Asformas, however, disagreed.

“A lot of the people laughing at her probably live at home and are stuck in some crappy dead-end job,” he said.

“They don’t have a patch on her or her work ethic. If anything, they should be taking a leaf out of her book.

“If they did that then they might not be such self-pitying losers blaming the world for their problems and make something of their lives.”

He added that he grew up “with nothing” and as his parents had no money he had very much a “hand-to-mouth existence”.

I’m not one of those self-pitying losers looking for an excuse for being poor.

Orel AsformasSelf-made millionaire

And Asformas believes if he had blamed his circumstances on his future he “would still be living in the gutter”.

“I’m not one of those self-pitying losers looking for an excuse for being poor,” he said.

“I have earned everything that I now own through hard work and determination.

“It might sound harsh and I know plenty of people will shoot me down but at the end of the day I’m just being honest.

“Some people don’t like cold-hard truths but then denial has always been easier than facing up to reality.”

Asformas grew up in Israel and launched his first business selling oil paintings of rabbis when he was 19.

It “failed abysimally” but he carried on and was convinced there was money to be made.

Around the early 2010s social media – which was dominated by Facebook – was exploding in popularity.

Asformas saw this growing trend and began working in affiliate marketing which involved producing adverts for companies on Facebook.

He frequently hired stunning models and flash cars to make his adverts stand out – leading to his clients base and revenues to expand exponentially.

He rode this trend as Facebook and other social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok quickly became mainstays of the advertising market.

Speaking about his philosophy for success, Mr Asformas – who now lives in Belarus – said people must “taken accountability” of their actions.

He added: “I think most people should listen to themselves rather than to their friends and family. 

“I was always pushed to do things I wasn’t meant to do since I was young. 

“It was only when I realised that no one knows me as well as I know myself, I decided to stop listening to everyone. 

“Only I can control my life. Once people accept that and take responsibility they can move forward and achieve the kind of success they only ever imagined was possible.”

Orel Asformas
Orel Asformas said he started seeing success when he realized he didn’t need to listen to all the voices around him[/caption]
Credit: Variety
Kim Kardashian pictured with sisters Khloe and Kourtney and mom Kris Jenner for the infamous Variety shoot[/caption]
Credit: Variety
Kim Kardashian said people need to work hard if they want success – but her comments were met with backlash[/caption]
Orel Asformas
Orel Asformas flaunts his cash[/caption]
Orel Asformas
The millionaire said people must take accountability for their actions[/caption]

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