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I only eat fruit – I’ve scoffed more than 1,000 mangos this year… here’s what I’ll eat for Christmas dinner

A MUM who only eats fruit has claimed to have eaten more than 1,000 mangos this year.

Pam Johal, 44, switched to her fruitarian lifestyle three years ago – and claims she is happier than ever.

Pam Johal, 44, switched to her fruitarian lifestyle three years ago[/caption]
Pam says she has consumed over 1,000 mangoes this year alone[/caption]
The mum-of-two says she survives on a strict diet of only fruit[/caption]

Everyday Pam munches through a selection of fruits, including oranges, kiwis, pomegranates and blueberries.

Incredibly, the mum-of-two has even stopped drinking water and claims she receives all the liquid nutrients she needs from fruit.

Pam says she spends hundreds of pounds each week on fruit but buys in bulk from a supplier to cut down on costs.

She added: “I love oranges and I usually by a big box for £8 which lasts quite a long time.

“I’ve had to cut down on mangoes because they are very expensive and I can’t help myself but scoff three in one go.

“I’ve worked out I’ve eaten 1,008 since January and during the summer I was going through two 20kg watermelons a week.

“It actually doesn’t cost lots to be fruitarian. I buy a lot in bulk from a supplier which helps cut the cost.”

And Pam said that she would be eating a special meal on Christmas Day.

She said: “On Christmas Day I’m going to eat a vegan roast dinner, without any meat obviously with as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can find.”

Pam became a full-time fruitarian in March 2020 and said she feels “amazing”.

She said: “My mental health is great and I have such a positive outlook on life and it makes me feel stronger inside.

“In the winter I will always try to maintain a 90 per cent fruit diet and anything else I eat will be vegan and I will avoid dairy and meat.

“I don’t take supplements and I am just fuelled by fruit.”

Next year Pam hopes to start growing her own herbs and berries in her back garden to help with the enormous amounts of fruit she consumes daily.

Although eating fruit is good for you, it’s worth remembering that doctors have recommended a balanced diet is best.

Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre.

But eating a diet made up mostly of fruit, however, can result in nutrient deficiencies and serious health problems.

It’s important to note that fruit can have a number of health benefits but it isn’t a magic fix for health problems.

A fruit diet is low in protein, for example, and it can lead to spikes in blood sugar.

An expert's view

Helen Bond, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, has given her opinion on all-fruit diets.

She said: “With only 32 per cent of adult women aged 19-64 years meeting the 5-A-Day recommendation, many women could benefit from eating more fruit and veg, rich in gut healthy fibre, blood pressure friendly potassium and immune boosting vitamin C.

“It’s important to consume a variety of foods from each of the main food groups, as shown in the government’s Eatwell guide to get a good mix of nutrients to meet the woman’s energy and increased nutrient requirements.

Similarly, Claire Barnes, a Nutritional Therapist at Bio-Kult, emphasised that anyone having a fruitarian diet will struggle to achieve the level of protein required for growth.

She said: “This diet is likely to be lacking in fat.

“I would recommend adding in nuts and seeds, especially walnuts and pumpkin seeds which contain omega 3 fats, these are anti-inflammatory and have been shown to help with brain function and development.

“They would also need to ensure they are eating adequate levels of protein.

“If the diet includes legumes and pulses, which contain good levels of protein, eaten daily their protein levels should be good, but they would likely struggle to achieve the level of protein required for growth if only eating fruits and vegetables.”

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