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Our A-Z guide to boost your immune system – from dark chocolate to sesame seeds

MILLIONS of us will catch colds this winter – but making sure your immune system is in the best possible shape can help stave off the viruses that leave us unwell.

Children have up to eight colds a year and adults an average of two to three — and all of us are 80 per cent more likely to catch them during winter months, according the NHS.

Read up on making a lunch with the right foods to keep the bugs away this winter[/caption]
Dark chocolate helps to activate T cells, a vital part of our immune system
Garlic contains compounds that helps our body fight bugs

But feeding our bodies with the right nutrients for a strong, balanced immune system is key to keeping healthy, says Kate Llewellyn-Waters, author of The Immunity Cookbook.

Kate, resident nutritionist on Channel 5’s You Are What You Eat, says: “A strong, balanced immune system is vital and is our most valuable resource and principal line of defence.”

Here, she brings you an A-Z of immune-boosting foods and vitamins that you can include in your meals.

APPLES: Contain prebiotics and antioxidants which are natural molecules that help combat harmful “free radicals” in our bodies, which attack cells and lead to illness.



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BLUEBERRIES: Another food rich in nourishing antioxidants, they also contain vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which helps support the immune system and nervous system and make vital red blood cells.

C VITAMIN C: An antioxidant found in abundance in fruit and vegetables, including broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale and oranges, it is a vital immune-supporting nutrient that can help reduce the severity and duration of a cold.

DARK CHOC: Contains zinc and antioxidants and helps to activate T cells, which are an essential part of a fighting-fit immune system.

E VITAMIN E: Another powerful antioxidant vitamin, found in nuts, seeds, olive oil and avocado, that protects our cell membranes from damage to regulate a “proper” immune response.

FIBRE: Found in oats, beans, apples, bananas and cauliflower, soluble fibre “feeds” our gut bacteria so it can thrive and in turn strengthen our immune system and overall health.

GARLIC: Has been used for centuries for its health benefits. It contains ­compounds that help immune systems fight harmful invaders known as pathogens and is said to have potent antibiotic ­qualities.

HERBS: Rosemary, basil and thyme, for instance, contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties — and you can use several at a time in one meal.

IRON: Found in red meat, liver, fish, beans, chickpeas, dried apricots and dark green leafy veggies such as spinach, kale and spring greens. Being deficient can have adverse effects on the body’s ability to fight viruses.

JALAPENOS: Adding these hot peppers to meals will give you vitamins A and C and carotene, which helps fight cell damage. Many of their health benefits come from a compound called capsaicin, which is what makes them spicy.

KIWI FRUIT: Packed with vitamin C, these are believed to increase white blood cell production — vital to fighting infection. A medium-sized kiwi has more than 50 per cent of the recommended daily vitamin C intake.

LENTILS: These inexpensive, nutritious plant proteins are packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals that support both gut health and immunity and contribute to our daily ­recommended 30g fibre intake.

MONOUNSATURATED FATS: Found in avocados and plant-based oils, such as olive, rapeseed and sesame, and are used by our immune cells for day-to-day functioning, as well as having anti-inflammatory qualities.

Jalapeno peppers help fight cell damage
Kiwi fruit helps to increase the production of white blood cells – they are key to fighting infection
Sesame seeds are full of selenium, which helps produce antibodies[/caption]
Natural yoghurt is one of the best things you can eat for good gut health[/caption]

NUTS: They are excellent sources of fibre, healthy monounsaturated fat, numerous essential vitamins and minerals and plant protein. They are a good alternative to highly processed, sugar-loaded snacks, which negatively affect our gut health and ­immunity levels.

OMEGA-3 FATS: Found in fatty fish, such as salmon or anchovies. Known as essential fatty acids, which our bodies cannot make but are vital to the functioning of immune cells.

PEAS: The small veggies are a great source of soluble fibre and anti- oxidants that are both vital for a strong immune system.

QUINOA: Contains super-important prebiotic fibre and all nine essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) that our bodies ­cannot make on their own.

RESVERATROL: Found in blueberries, strawberries, dark chocolate and peanuts, this is a polyphenol (a powerful compound produced by plants) shown to have important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, supporting immunity and several age-related disorders.

SESAME SEEDS: They are full of essential mineral selenium, critical for immune function and involved in the production of antibodies.

TOMATOES: Packed with polyphenol lycopene (a powerful plant compound), which has beneficial effects on immunity due to its antioxidant properties.

UDON NOODLES: These contain numerous essential vitamins and minerals, including zinc, iron, copper, folate, magnesium and several B vitamins.

VITAMINS A & D: Vitamin A is a crucial micro-nutrient and potent anti-viral vitamin that helps strengthen cell walls. A daily vitamin D supplement during the winter months can help promote the function of other vital ­immunity cells.

WHOLEGRAINS: These complex carbohydrates, including oats, wholewheat, quinoa and brown rice, are rich in fibre and packed with vital vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (powerful plant-produced compounds.)

XIGUA: Another name for watermelon, they are loaded with nutrients, including immunity-nourishing vitamins A and C.

YOGHURT: Live natural yoghurt is one of the best foods you can eat for good gut health, as it is fermented and packed with live cultures. These are the “good” bacteria that help strengthen and balance the immune system.

Read More on The Sun


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ZINC: A very important mineral found in meat, poultry, seafood, pulses, lentils, cereals and dairy, it is needed for a healthy immune system.

Keep to the recommended daily requirements — too much can suppress your immune response and result in unwanted, negative side-effects.

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