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I’m a gardening expert – how to keep your lawn green while on vacation, even if it’s sweltering outside

SUMMERTIME means two things: heat and vacation.

While this may be a welcome combo for you, it’s the exact opposite for your garden.

Dan Cooper
A plantsman named Dan Cooper started a blog called The Frustrated Gardener[/caption]
Dan Cooper
He owns his own shop in the UK as well[/caption]

Dan Cooper is a UK-based plantsman who owns his own shop, Dan Cooper Garden, and publishes a blog on related topics, The Frustrated Gardener.

Professionally trained in horticulture and working in the business for thirty years, he’s become an expert on all things gardening.

Dan spoke to The US Sun about how to best care for your lawn and garden while you’re away on summer vacation and the heat is on.


Before you head off on vacation, you probably check the forecast for the destination that you’re approaching.



I’m a pro gardener – 5 tips for a green lawn & why it’s always better to do LESS

But you should also check what the weather will be like at home while you’re away.

“That’s the first, most important thing on the list because it will determine what you need to do,” Dan said.

If it looks like it’ll be rainy or cloudy, the workload is reduced because you don’t need to worry about your plants drying out.

“But if it’s going to be very hot and dry, then obviously you’re going to need to do a lot of watering before you go and possibly ask a neighbor to water while you’re away.”

The gardening expert said your lawn shouldn’t go more than five days without water.

“There is no real substitute for asking somebody to come around and do it for you while you’re gone, but either way you should be sure to give it a really thorough soak before you leave.”

The problem is most people don’t water their yard for long enough.

“They just sprinkle a little bit of water around, do it as quickly as possible, and they think that that does the job.

“But what happens is that the water doesn’t soak down very far below the surface, and it encourages plants to grow their roots in the top level of the soil, which is where they’re most vulnerable to drying out.”

Give it enough of a heavy soak so that the water penetrates through the soil, encouraging plants to send their roots downwards.


As for those smaller potted plants, there’s an easy way to protect them as well.

Dan said you should move them into a shady area, around the side of the house, or under a tree.

“And if you can sort of stand them up in a saucer of water or a tray of water, that will help them last a little bit longer than if you just left them on their own.”

This goes for your indoor houseplants as well.

Houseplants should be moved out of the sun while you’re away[/caption]

“If you’ve got houseplants on a windowsill in direct sun, they will dry out very quickly. For some plants, the leaves will burn – especially because the interior of the house is likely to be warmer while you’re away.

“So for the holiday period, move them further into the room. Maybe put them on a coffee table, dining table, or even in the bathtub.

“Because they’re out of the sun, they will survive without watering for probably two or three times longer than they would if you left them where they were.”

If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time and you’re worried about dehydration, you can place the plants on top of a damp towel.

“They will take the water up from the damp towel and it will create humidity, which the plants like.”


You may be under the impression that you should leave your lawn looking trimmed and uniform before you head off.

But Dan said you should do the exact opposite.  

“The best thing you can do is not mow it before you go.

“Because the shorter that you make your lawn, the more exposed the earth underneath it is to the sun.”

If you leave your lawn a little bit taller, the blades of grass will shade the ground from the sun.

“The blades also collect dew, and the dew obviously runs down and goes back onto the ground.”

Preserve the moisture and just cut the grass when you’re back.

Let your lawn grow long to protect it from the drying out while on vacation[/caption]


Although picking the weeds is time-consuming and tedious, it’s important to do so before your vacation.

“The problem with weeds at this time of year is that they’re setting their flowering and setting seeds.

“There’s a saying, ‘One year’s weeds makes seven years’ seeds.’ It basically means if you leave your weeds out for one year, you’ve got seven years of more weeding ahead of you because the seeds from those weeds will stay in the ground for seven years and keep coming up.

“So, if you leave them while you’re away and you let those seeds form and fall to the ground, you are creating more work for yourself in the long term.”


Homeowners often worry about pests like slugs and snails eating their plants.

“But when the gardens are a little bit quieter while you’re away, more timid creatures like deer and rabbits might come in and start eating things too.

“So, it’s a good idea to take precautions against all those pests before you go.”

Dan said you’ll want to get the proper fencing in place to keep the larger creatures from entering your lawn.

“As for slugs and snails, you might have to put down traps or slug pellets so that everything is not devoured by the time you get home.”


The garden pro said it’s important to make sure your taller plants are protected from tipping over.

“Things like sunflowers, tomatoes, beans – those plants grow really tall, and as they start to produce flowers and fruit, they get much heavier.”

Tomato plants may tip over if they get too heavy[/caption]

While you’re away, this added weight might cause them to tip over.

“The best thing to do is to put garden canes or bamboo canes in before you leave. Tie them up securely.”


Although it may sound counterintuitive to pick your flowers off before you go – as you won’t even be able to enjoy the fresh vase – that’s exactly what you should do.

“Pick everything that is ready or nearly ready.

“You want to make sure that when you come back from holiday, your flowers are still producing lots of blooms and they’ll carry on doing it all through the autumn.

“If you leave the flowers on, the plant thinks that it doesn’t need to bother anymore because it’s producing flowers, it’s producing seeds, and it’s doing its job.  

“Picking them will encourage the plant to produce more flowers, and they’ll probably be ready with new ones by the time you come back from your holiday.”

Dan said the same goes for fruits and veggies – and they’ll likely be overripe or too big by the time you get back.

Give them to a neighbor, freeze them, or eat them right then and there.


If you have a pond or bird bath in your garden, you’ll want to top it off with fresh water before you head for the airport.

“Wildlife has probably come to rely on the water in your garden, and during the summer it’s probably more scarce than normal.

“So, it’s really important that it’s filled up.”

Additionally, it’s a good idea to put some rocks, stones, or a plank in the source.

“Should an animal fall in whilst it’s drinking water while you’re away, it’s got a way to scramble back out.”


Although you may typically leave your ladder, rakes, and trimmers out in the yard, you’re better off keeping them in storage while you’re on vacation.

Read More on The US Sun


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“There are issues with garden theft. People steal tools, beautiful terracotta pots, and even garden furniture.

“Just don’t invite that in by leaving tempting items around.”

Dan Cooper
Dan said to prevent theft by keeping your valuables out of sight[/caption]

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