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Inside Britain’s antidepressant crisis as doctors dish out pills in record numbers

THE nation is gripped by an antidepressant crisis – with doctors dishing out pills in record numbers, a Sun on Sunday investigation reveals today.

Our probe found that 8.3million people took pills to cope with conditions such as depression and anxiety last year — up six per cent on the previous 12 months.

The nation is gripped by an antidepressant crisis as doctors dish out a record number of prescriptions[/caption]
8.3million people took pills to cope with conditions such as depression and anxiety last year[/caption]

In some areas as many as one in five patients are being prescribed tablets.

In total, 83.4million prescriptions were issued in the past year, more than 225,000 a day, and up 22 per cent on five years ago.

And more kids than ever are taking pills.

According to the NHS, 1.03million prescriptions were dished out to children as young as ten in 2020, up 26 per cent on the number in 2016.



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The data also shows that anti- depressant use among young girls has hit a record high. In March 2020 the number of girls aged ten to 17 prescribed anti-depressants reached 17,902.

This is the first time the number has ever surpassed 17,000 in a single month, and was an eight per cent jump on March 2019.

Yet our report reveals how things could get even worse, with 1.6million people on waiting lists for specialised mental health treatment, according to official NHS data.

And a shocking eight million more cannot even get on a waiting list, indicating the nation is facing a hidden and potentially deadly new battle with mental health.

People unable to get support include those suffering from bipolar disorder, psychosis and mental health problems related to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as those who have self-harmed or had suicidal thoughts.

Our probe also uncovers a shocking north-south divide in depression, with those living in northern towns and cities worst hit.

‘Sticking plaster’

And Among Paramedics and NHS workers nationwide, one in four now on some form of medication to cope.

Experts warned last night we risk leaving a generation dependent on powerful antidepressants — which many say can have “zombie-like” side-effects — because they cannot access any other forms of treatment, such as counselling.

Mental health expert Olly Parker, from charity Young Minds, said: “We desperately need extra investment.

“Record numbers are trying to access support but very often find the options limited.

“Medication can play an important role but should never be a substitute for talking therapies.”

Louis Wood News Group Newspaper Ltd
Former boxer Frank Bruno, 60, is leading calls for action[/caption]

Former boxer and mental health crusader Frank Bruno, 60, is leading calls for action.

He now fights for change via the Frank Bruno Foundation, and told us: “The Government needs to step up as more people are struggling than ever.

“Too many are being sent away from the doctors with pills and left to get on with things without any support. It’s vital we show people there’s another way of coping.”

The Government needs to step up as more people are struggling

Frank Bruno

Mary Gallagher, 62, her mum and daughter all take “happy pills” to cope.

Mary had postnatal depression in 1991. The mum of two was able to cope without medication but her husband leaving in 1998 left her devastated.

The retired transport manager, from Radnage, Bucks, said: “I was on my own with two children and my mother was in Wales.

“I felt very isolated and was unable to cope with such a sudden and traumatic change.”

Mary was prescribed antidepressant fluoxetine and has remained on the tablets to this day. “I feel no shame in taking them,” she said.

“I tell people they are my happy pills, and thanks to them I’ve been able to live a full and happy life.

“I believe that mental ill health is genetic and circumstances can cause you to suffer a reaction.

“I’ve accepted I will keep taking antidepressants for the rest of my life. My doctors have said, ‘If it isn’t broken, why fix it?’.

“When I became ill it set off a trigger in my mother too, and she took antidepressants until she died.

“Then 13 years ago one of my two daughters was also prescribed them after suffering from anorexia. She remains on them now as well.”

A report last year by NHS leaders concluded that around eight million people with mental health problems cannot get specialist help because they are not considered sick enough to qualify.

That is in addition to the official waiting list for NHS mental health care, which stands at 1.6million, including 374,000 under-18s.

NHS Providers — which represents England’s 54 specialist mental health trusts — says the amount spent on mental health care in England needs to rise from £14.3billion, to at least £17.15billion, from next year to help cope with spiralling demand.

Deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery said: “It is deeply concerning that around eight million people are struggling with their mental health but are unable to access care because they are not yet deemed to be unwell enough.

“This shows the extent to which NHS mental health services, despite significant improvements, are still unable to give people the immediate care and support they need.

There are particular worries about the lack of services for young people[/caption]

“Behind every one of those eight million people is an individual who would benefit from treatment.”

A north-south divide also appears to exist, with those in the north most reliant on anti-depressants.

Blackpool is the antidepressant capital of the country, with a staggering 19.3 per cent taking pills.

Sunderland has the next most users (18.7 per cent), followed by County Durham (18.5 per cent), St Helens and Barnsley (both 18.4 per cent).

And NHS workers are increasingly turn ing to antidepressants to cope.

Trade union Unison said its research revealed that emotional breakdowns, sleep problems and mood swings were among the issues reported by staff, who have been dealing with “unprecedented” demand for months.

The union added that staff shortages, lack of capacity in hospitals due to Covid and long-term underfunding have all contributed to “major problems”.

More than one in four paramedics said they were using medication such as antidepressants and over a third revealed they have taken time off sick because of such issues.

There are also particular worries about the lack of mental health services available to young people.

‘North-south divide’

Commenting on our findings, Laurence Guinness, chief executive of The Childhood Trust, said: “We are very concerned that children may not be receiving the standard of care they need.

“Disadvantaged children may be more vulnerable and are at risk of being disproportionately impacted by the lack of available and appropriate mental health services.”

Alexa Knight, from Rethink Mental Illness, said: “This data is a stark warning of the state of young people’s mental health.

“Medication can play its part in managing symptoms but should always be offered with talking therapies.

“More funding urgently needs to reach the front line to meet demand, so the younger generation get the dedicated care and support they deserve to prevent mental health issues from spiralling.”

A spokesman from the Royal College of Psychiatrists added: “The Government must urgently increase investment in mental health services and take seriously future workforce planning to alleviate the current pressures impacting both patients and staff.”

Former health Secretary Norman Lamb added: “Evidence shows that antidepressants are often ineffective and have potentially damaging side-effects.

“For too many young people the only response to their needs is to prescribe antidepressants and those in the poorest communities get prescribed the most.

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“There is clear evidence of increasing mental distress and mental ill health among young people, particularly following the pandemic.

This is not an acceptable response. It wastes public money and fails young people. We need access across the country to early support to meet their needs.”

The campaigner: ‘Pills should not be a sticking plaster for other forms of support’

Olly Parker is head of external affairs at YoungMinds[/caption]

MENTAL health experts last night warned that we risk leaving a generation of people on powerful antidepressants.

Olly Parker, head of external affairs for YoungMinds, pictured, said: “We desperately need extra investment.

“Record numbers of people are trying to access support but very often find the options are limited. Medication can play an important role but should never be a substitute for talking therapies.

“Long-waiting times and high thresholds for treatment mean that GPs feel under pressure to prescribe medication, but it shouldn’t be used as a sticking plaster for poor access to other forms of support.”

There is particular concern over the boom in children seeking help. In March, more than 90,000 young people were referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health services.

Olly said: “Behind each of these numbers is a young person who has become so unwell they need NHS treatment.

“This situation is devastating for young people and their families and unsustainable for the health system.

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“We must have more options for young people to get support for their mental health when they first start to struggle.

“The Government must urgently need to equip the NHS to deal with the immediate pressures services face – but must also make sure its upcoming mental health plan has a real focus on young people and sets clear goals, across departments, for addressing this crisis.”

Couple won't be 'pill-shamed'

MUM-OF-THREE Solaya Rowley, 44 and her husband Chris, 44, a DJ, are proud antidepressants have become the glue which helps hold their family together.

The couple, from Stoke, and daughter Grace, 13, are receiving treatment for depression and anxiety and believe they shouldn’t be judged or “pill shamed”.

Solaya said: “After having Grace, who is 13, I had post natal depression.

When I became pregnant with Ivy in 2016 I was working full time as a restaurant manager and trying to be all things to all people. My moods were everywhere, I was depressed.

“Just before Ivy was born I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and bi-polar disorders after having a nervous breakdown. It’s taken six years to find the right one for me.

“A month later, Chris had a breakdown and was diagnosed with the same conditions as me. We are on the same antidepressant.

“In 2019 Grace was in year five and went from being outgoing to shut off. She was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

“Our GP suggested we wait until after puberty before she trials antidepressant. She does talking therapy.

“Antidepressants saved our family and I can never imagine stopping the regime.

“Pill shaming families who need medication is uninformed. We are proud to be open about our depression and the way our family deals with it.

“Claiming too many people are ‘popping pills’ is wrong. It’s demonising those with mental health issues.”

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