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Ozark season 4 – will there be another series?

THE Netflix hit series Ozark is back with season four. But is this the final season or will there be a fifth instalment of the popular crime drama? Find out here. Will there be a season 5 of Ozark? There won’t exactly be a season five of Ozark, but season four is being released in […]

THE Netflix hit series Ozark is back with season four.

But is this the final season or will there be a fifth instalment of the popular crime drama? Find out here.

Find out if there will be a season five of Ozark

Will there be a season 5 of Ozark?

There won’t exactly be a season five of Ozark, but season four is being released in two halves.

The previous seasons of the Netflix series had a total of 10 episodes each, but season four has a total of 14.

It’s being released in two halves, with seven episodes available as soon as it drops on Netflix and then the further seven available at a later date.

Appearing on the Jimmy Fallon show, star Jason Bateman said “We’re going to do 14 episodes instead of 10, and we’re going to split them up in two, so it’ll be seven and seven. So it really will be like season four and season five, but they’re shorter.”

So there isn’t technically a season five of Ozark, but you could imagine it to be that way if you wanted to.

Season four of Ozark drops on Netflix January 21[/caption]

What happened in season 4 of Ozark? 

WARNING: Contains Spoilers.

As you’d expect, Bateman has always been in the know about the ending.

“I do know where everything is going to end,” he explained.

“I was interested in the big question he [Mundy] has the opportunity to answer: Are they going to get away with it, or are they going to pay a bill? What does he want to message to the audience about the consequences of what the Byrdes have done – or lack thereof?

“We had some great conversations about that, and he’s got really good ideas about that. Specifically, what kind of happens at the end of the last episode: I know, and it’s great.”

In December 2020, Jason Bateman told Jimmy Fallon in discussion about the writing team: “I don’t know how they keep escalating the danger without killing us or putting us in jail. We make as many mistakes as you can without being killed or incarcerated. And we’ve got more in store for this [season].”

“We do land the plane in a very satisfactory way,” he continued.

These comments were made by bateman two weeks before shooting the final episodes so it seems there could be some spoilers there.

It looks like there’s a strong possibility of death and jail are off the end game table for the Brydes.

However, there seems like there will be consequences. 

Bateman elaborated on Marty: “He’s probably a little bit dumber than he thinks he is, so he backs into some bad decisions and he thinks they’re good decisions, and then he’s got to pay the price for cutting corners.”

By the end of season three, Navorro makes it clear that he chose the Brydes over Helen, by giving Wendy the reassurance she asked for by shooting his attorney.

Helen failed to make Marty and Wendy redundant and lead them to their deaths as she tries to take rein from Marty.

The Byrdes are still in bed with the Navarro cartel.

The fact that the Byrdes are still involved with Navarro means that the FBI is still on their case, with agents Miller and Evans.

The pair have come close but yet fail to prove what Marty and Wendy are actually up to.

Marty is close to walking away from the money-laundering operation on not one, but two occasions, but he still stands in partnership with the crime lord.

Prized asset Ruth has been snapped up by Darlene will help the widow run her heroin opportation alongside Wyatt.

Darlene also has the KC mob on her side, with Frank Cosgrove managing the distribution.

However, we can only assume that it won’t go exactly as one would hope.

Jonah, who now knows that his mum ordered the hit on his uncle Ben. 

The last viewers saw of him was with a gun tearing around after learning what his parents are actually like.

It’s clear to see that he’s not handling it well and season four will display this.

While speaking previously to The Hollywood Reporter, Mundy didn’t say how the series would finish, but he did promise that it is an “emotional” finale: “We’re building little things in, if we keep on track for the emotional ending we’re guessing we’ll have.”

Who stars in season 4 of Ozark?

The Confirmed cast members for season four part one are as follows:

  • Jason Bateman
  • Laura Linney
  • Julia Garner
  • Sofia Hublitz
  • Skylar Gaertner
  • Charlie Tahan
  • Jessica Frances Dukes
  • Lisa Emery
  • Felix Solis
  • Damian Young
  • John Bedford Lloyd
  • Joseph Sikora

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В России с 1 июля подорожают все виды услуг ЖКХ

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