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My abusive boyfriend slashed me with a meat cleaver in 3 week horror ordeal while using my phone to tell pals I was fine

A WOMAN’S abusive boyfriend strangle her and hit her with a meat cleaver during a horrifying three-week ordeal. Chloe Fewster, 20, from Hull, East Yorkshire, was choked by Allan MacGilvray, 25, who used her phone to tell friends she was ok as he held her captive. Police launched a desperate search for Chloe when she […]

A WOMAN’S abusive boyfriend strangle her and hit her with a meat cleaver during a horrifying three-week ordeal.

Chloe Fewster, 20, from Hull, East Yorkshire, was choked by Allan MacGilvray, 25, who used her phone to tell friends she was ok as he held her captive.

MEN Media
Chloe Fewster, from Hull, East Yorkshire, was choked by her abusive partner, who hit her with a meat cleaver[/caption]

Police launched a desperate search for Chloe when she went missing on Christmas Day after MacGilvray dragged her from her family home.

Chloe thought she would be killed until she escaped the thug, and has now spoken out to warn other women about her abusive ex, Hull Daily Mail reports.

She said: “I went through three weeks of constant daily physical abuse, I was scared like I had never been scared before.

“At times I thought he was going to kill me.” 

MacGilvray was jailed this month for assaulting Chloe, with the court told he was a “volatile, controlling and dangerous man”.


Chloe got together with MacGilvray in November, 2020, around the time he was accused of raping and attacking another woman, which she didn’t know about at the time.

He has now been cleared of rape, but convicted of assault.

Last Christmas Day, MacGilvray, 25, arrived at Chloe’s mum’s house and dragged Chloe from the shower.

He forced her to go with him to an address in Scunthorpe before they sleept at friends’ houses while homeless.

MacGilvray beat Chloe regularly, inflicting cuts on her head, face and ears with a meat cleaver.

Her family feared she was dead and appealed for help to find her as a police search was launched.

Police finally found me in Lincoln, black and blue, with marks in my head from a meat cleaver. I’d had a knife dug in my ribs and held to my throat

Chloe Fewster

She managed to flee MacGilvray when he became incapacitated after he took much of the drug Spice.

Chloe said: “Police finally found me in Lincoln, black and blue, with marks in my head from a meat cleaver. I’d had a knife dug in my ribs and held to my throat.

“He put a pillow over my face and strangled me from behind like a choke-hold and made me pass out.

“He smashed up my phone so I couldn’t call anyone. I couldn’t even go to the toilet on my own, he didn’t trust me to do that without being paranoid that I was going to make an escape.

How you can get help

Women's Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

  • Always keep your phone nearby.
  • Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
  • If you are in danger, call 999.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, where you call 999 and press ‘55’ if you can’t safely speak.
  • Always keep some money or a bank card on you, including change in case you need a pay phone or bus fare.
  • If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to move towards an exit if you are inside the house and get your phone in case you need to call for help.
  • Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other potential weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom.

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available every day from 10am-6pm or email helpline@womensaid.org.uk

SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – messageinfo@supportline.org.uk.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

“He smashed up my make-up because I was taking ages to put it on, as he forced me to wear make-up every day to cover up the black eyes he gave me.

“When I was missing he was on my social media pretending to be me, making me send a photo to friends and family to show I was ‘fine’.”

MacGilvray has now been jailed for three years for assaulting the other woman and given a one-year sentence for assaulting Chloe.

She is now unable to work and feels “angry” that justice has not been served.

Chloe said: “I now find it hard to leave my home I feel depressed and isolated. Before this I was always happy and socialising but he’s took that happiness away from me and I’m a shadow of my former self.


“I don’t trust anyone, especially men anymore, and I’m finding it hard to build new relationships because of this.

“Since being found I’ve also felt angry. I’ve felt angry that someone thought they had the right to use violence to control me and my life, violence to make me do and say what they wanted.

“He got one year for me because he pleaded guilty. After everything that I went through, getting brayed every day and wondering if he’s going to end up killing me as things were getting worse every day, what was even the point?

“This isn’t justice at all.”

Sentencing MacGilvray at Bradford Crown Court last week, judge Recorder Ben Nolan branded him a “highly unpredictable, volatile, controlling and dangerous man.”

The hearing heard he had 65 convictions including violence, controlling and coercive behaviour, sending a menacing message, assault causing actual bodily harm, assault, a firearm offence and false imprisonment.

MEN Media
MacGilvray was branded a ‘dangerous man’ at a sentencing hearing last week[/caption]
MEN Media
Police found Chloe ‘black and blue’ in Lincoln town centre after her horrific ordeal[/caption]
MEN Media
Chloe has spoken out to warn other woman about her abusive ex[/caption]

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