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EVERY adult in Britain ‘will be asked to take Covid tests twice to week to help get UK out of lockdown’

EVERY adult in Britain will be asked to take Covid tests twice a week to help get the UK out of lockdown, according to reports. Testing chiefs will be encouraging the public to swab themselves more often in the hope of identifying people who are positive but don’t have any coronavirus symptoms. In order to […]

EVERY adult in Britain will be asked to take Covid tests twice a week to help get the UK out of lockdown, according to reports.

Testing chiefs will be encouraging the public to swab themselves more often in the hope of identifying people who are positive but don’t have any coronavirus symptoms.

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Every adult in Britain will be encouraged to take Covid tests twice a week[/caption]

In order to drive down the spread of the virus, Brits will be urged to “play their part” and get regular swab tests, revealed the Times.

The new Covid testing drive will be supplemented by national sewage monitoring in a bid to identify areas with rising cases.

This “surge testing” will potentially eliminate the need for future lockdowns and will snuff out any Covid outbreaks.

And this comes after many have called for restrictions to be eased following our world-class jab rollout.

The Institute of Economic Affairs yesterday said the success of the vaccine programme meant there was now “a strong case” for bringing forward Boris Johnson’s road map dates by four weeks.

Christopher Snowdon from the think-tank said: “Even if the vaccination programme slows down next month, we are in a far better place than anybody expected in January.

“There is a strong case for bringing the roadmap forward by four weeks.” 

But experts, including Mary Ramsay, the head of immunisation at Public Health England, have warned that it’s “very important that we don’t relax too quickly.”

The mass testing is set to help drive down the spread of the virus[/caption]

Britain has smashed its Covid daily vaccine record for the third day in a row.

Yesterday saw 844,285 more jabs administered across the UK in 24 hours.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “Yesterday was a record-breaking day for the vaccine rollout, with 844,285 people receiving a jab.

“A huge thank you to everyone involved and please come forward to get your jab when you are invited to do so.”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock used the record breaking announcement to encourage Brits to get the jab when it is offered to them.

In a video on Twitter he said: “Yesterday we saw another record day of vaccinations across the UK.

“More than three quarters of a million people coming forward to get the jab.

“If you get the call from the NHS join them –  Go and get your jab, make sure for a second jab that you make that appointment on time, because we know that vaccinations are our way out of this.


“We know that the vaccine protects you and we know that it helps you protect your loved ones and those around you.

“It’s really terrific that the vaccine program is rolling out so effectively and when you get the call, get the jab.”

But there are fresh calls for emergency government powers to extend lockdown restrictions by up to six months – as MPs warn that Britain risks “squandering the advantages of our vaccination programme” by moving too slowly to lift the lockdown.

The government said last night: “We do not want any restrictions to be in place longer than needed, which is why the regulations underpinning the road- map expire at the end of June and must be reviewed at least every 35 days.”

Mass schools testing was the first stage in a planned national testing blitz to coincide with the steps out of lockdown.

Secondary and college pupils are being tested with lateral flow tests twice a week in a bid to keep kids in classrooms during the lockdown.

What's the difference between lateral and PCR coronavirus tests?

There are 2 types of swabs that you can take in order to test for coronavirus.

Rapid lateral flow tests are tests which give a quick result – similar to a pregnancy test. They are only for people who do not have symptoms of coronavirus. If you did a rapid lateral flow test at home, you can see your result after 30 minutes.

PCR tests are polymerase chain reaction tests – and are used mainly for people who have symptoms. The tests are sent to a lab to be checked. Most people receive their results between one and three days later.

Meanwhile, desperate EU bureaucrats tried to block AstraZeneca vaccine exports to Britain last night as the UK told the bloc to “grow up”.

The European Commission said it would ensure a jab facility in the Netherlands would keep the remedies in the EU.

Run by drugs firm Halix, the Leiden-based plant is listed as a supplier of vaccines in both the contracts that AstraZeneca has signed with Britain and the European Union.

An EU official said: “The Brits are insisting that the Halix plant in the Netherlands must deliver the drug substance produced there to them. That doesn’t work.

“What is produced in Halix has to go to the EU.”

Britain has insisted that contracts must be respected and UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace told the bloc to “grow up”.

This comes as EU member states are set to debate a vaccine export ban to the UK on Thursday.



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