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Астрахань интересна… в комплекте с Волгоградом и Элистой

Синоптики рассказали, что в Центральной России купальный сезон продлится недолго

Розничные инвесторы Yandex N.V. подали в суд на новых владельцев «Яндекса»

Депутат Госдумы Бурляев надеется на новый виток развития «Славянского базара»

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Brits urged to pump pensions into eco-friendly wind farms & solar panels to get bumper returns

BRITS were last night urged to pump their savings into Britain’s wind farms and solar panels to get a bumper pension return. Green-fingered investors should use their pots to invest in renewables to help protect their pensions and the planet, Pensions Minister Guy Opperman said. He called on Sun readers to put their cash into […]

BRITS were last night urged to pump their savings into Britain’s wind farms and solar panels to get a bumper pension return.

Green-fingered investors should use their pots to invest in renewables to help protect their pensions and the planet, Pensions Minister Guy Opperman said.

Brits are being told to speak to their pension providers to get them to invest in green funds[/caption]

He called on Sun readers to put their cash into new tech firms creating wind farms and projects to slash pollution, safe in the knowledge their funds will soar as Britain gets closer to net zero by 2050.

And as Britain pours billions into going green in the coming months and years, the time is now to call up your provider and make sure it’s going green, he says.

The MP for Hexham, 55, warned: “If you don’t take into account of climate change in your investments, potentially, they can go down.

“Sun readers want to know there’s going to be a planet here for them and their kids and their grandkids in 2050 – if we don’t address that, it’s a serious issue.”

He says Brits can help back British businesses to bounce back from Covid, help the planet go green and save for a bumper pension all at once.

Since 2012 working-age people have had to put a slice of their earnings into a pension pot to save for retirement.

Over £2 trillion is ploughed into auto-enrollment pension schemes, which are managed by funds who use it to increase the pots over the years to come.

Opperman underwent emergency brain tumour surgery a decade ago
Pensions minister Guy Opperman says it could help bring a bumper return as the nation goes green

He added: “You’re supporting Britain, you’re supporting yourself, and you’re taking on the defining challenge of our times.

“Investing in this way, such as in electric cars, world-leading battery storage, wind farms and more, will still ensure you get a sustainable return.

“You’re backing Britain and the brave new world.”

Keen cyclist Mr Opperman hailed the Sun’s Green Team campaign and called on everyone to look at the little changes they could make to their lives – which would add up to make a huge difference.

He said: “You’re saving money, you’re doing the right thing, and helping your family – what’s not to like?”

It comes as ministers launch fresh plans for new proposals to slash red tape by making it even easier for pension funds to be invested in long-term green projects.

Rishi Sunak used the Budget to announce the plans, which will see performance fees spread over five years so they don’t breach pension scheme charge caps.

The Government will launch a consolation on the idea on Friday.

Meanwhile, COP26 President Alok Sharma yesterday announced the UK would call on all the attendees of the summit to commit to net zero by the middle of the decade.

Britain’s target of reaching zero emissions by 2050 will lead the way in getting other nations to follow suit in a global effort to save the planet, the PM insisted last night.

Join The Sun's 'Green Team' & save the planet

MAKING simple everyday changes can add up to a BIG difference to the planet.

And we want you and your family to join The Sun’s Green Team – our eco revolution. 

It can feel overwhelming to know how to play a part in reducing greenhouse gasses, but we will be showing you the practical steps we can take to curb climate change – with the help of the global ‘Count Us In’ initiative.

And our easy measures will even help you SAVE money so your household budget goes further.

We’ll help you to reduce food waste, insulate your home, create tasty planet-friendly meals and take simple steps to trim your carbon footprint.

We want you to go online to sign-up to as many of our special Green Team pledges as you can manage and a special calculator will show you how much carbon you will personally save.

It won’t cost you a penny but the total you and your family will save will be added to the global ‘Count Us In’ total and the platform will support you every step of the way. 

So tap here to pledge.

He said: “Guaranteeing a sustainable future for our children, their children and future generations requires countries to take urgent action at home and abroad, so we can turn the tide on climate change at a global scale.

“We need more countries to pick up the baton.

“It is with ambition, courage and collaboration that we can seize this moment together to recover cleaner, rebuild greener and restore our planet for our future.”

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Синоптики рассказали, что в Центральной России купальный сезон продлится недолго

Астрофизики выяснили, что у галактик есть «сердце и легкие»

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