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What does the Covid vaccine delay mean for holidays? Your travel questions answered

COME on, just give us a break! Through the long months of lockdown, the prospect of a summer hol enjoying the Mediterranean sunshine was what kept many of us going. But with the brakes slammed on the UK’s vaccine rollout and the under-50s facing a longer wait for their jab, holiday-hungry Brits are desperate to […]

COME on, just give us a break!

Through the long months of lockdown, the prospect of a summer hol enjoying the Mediterranean sunshine was what kept many of us going.

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Holiday-hungry Brits fear the vaccine delay could impact their summer getaways[/caption]

But with the brakes slammed on the UK’s vaccine rollout and the under-50s facing a longer wait for their jab, holiday-hungry Brits are desperate to know if they can even start to plan that much longed-for trip.

The EU’s vaccine programme is in chaos and cases are rising but many of our favourite holiday destinations in the south of Europe are desperate to welcome back their British guests, vital to boosting their Covid-shattered economies.

Will the fact that many younger travellers won’t get their second jabs until well into the autumn scupper any chance of a holiday abroad?

And could a second wave across the Med see our Government push back the date we can finally travel?

It is hoped our own version of a vaccine passport will be announced on April 12[/caption]

Right now we are desperate to start planning for our summer holidays and with the Government not planning on giving any clear guidance until April 12 at the earliest, will this just be too late for those of us holding out for a holiday abroad?

Or should we be planning something at home if we haven’t had a jab?

With reports of UK breaks selling out or demanding sky-high prices, holidaymakers understandably want urgent guidance from officials as to whether the jab delays will wreck our road to freedom.

Is it really going to be a case of sizzling Med holidays for the jabbed and staycations for the jabbed-nots?

Here we tackle the questions millions need answers to.

Louis Wood News Group Newspaper Ltd
Unfortunately we won’t have any clear advice on travel until April 12[/caption]

Q) WHEN can I go on holiday abroad?

A) THE Government’s travel task force is due to publish its plans for the re-start of international travel on April 12.

Only then will we have the clarity so desperately needed as to just how we will be getting away on holiday abroad this summer.

What is certain is that the Government considers May 17 to be the earliest date we will be allowed but many travel experts believe, in practice, it will be June before we will be heading off in significant numbers.

The UK’s second-largest tour operator Jet2 this week told hoteliers in Majorca to prepare for a “massive arrival” of Brits to the island from June 2.

Some countries will only welcome vaccinated tourists[/caption]

Q) WILL I need to have a vaccine to travel abroad?

A) THAT depends on where you are travelling and when. While some countries such as Iceland and Cyprus have said they will welcome vaccinated tourists without any restrictions from as early as May, others are making it clear they want to welcome ALL Brits.

Turkey said this week there would be no restrictions to entry but what is not clear is if our government will allow us to travel that way, especially with many European countries exper-iencing a surge in cases over the past few weeks.

Spain, Portugal and Greece have all said they will welcome guests but stressed some form of negative test or proof of vaccine would be required.

Those who are vaccinated will not need to take Covid tests. All of these countries are heavily dependent on tourism to rebuild their economies and there will be huge pressure to allow a return to normality as soon as possible.

What is less clear is how long it will be before long-haul travel will really take off, because the Covid variants found in South America and Africa have already led to people travelling from countries on the Government’s red list having to quarantine in hotels.

A quicker, cheaper LAMP test will only set you back by £30 to £50[/caption]

Q) IF I haven’t had a vaccine, how much will a Covid test cost?

A) PRIVATE testing centres are cropping up all over the country and with that, the price is coming down.

The gold-standard PCR test required by many countries will cost around £80 to £120 with an approved provider, but if a country will allow you in with the quicker, and cheaper LAMP test, that will set you back between £30 and £50.

What you will need to do is make sure the test you take is accepted by the country you want to visit as, despite the EU trying to standardise this, individual countries are making their own decisions.

WHAT is happening with vaccine passports?

A) THE EU this week announced plans for a Digital Green Certificate — showing details of Covid-19 vaccination, proof of a negative test result or proof that the holder has recovered from the virus.

The certificate will contain a QR code that can be shown digitally via a smartphone or be printed out on paper. It will be down to each individual country in the EU to decide what proof will be required.

While the UK is no longer in the EU, the European Commission has said that British holidaymakers will be able to apply for a certificate as early as June and that in the long-term, the EU will recognise any similar UK government version of a certificate.

It is hoped our own version of a Covid certificate will be announced on April 12 when the Government’s travel task force reports back.

Q) WILL my kids need a test?

A) IN general, kids under 12 are not required to take a Covid test for entry into most countries across Europe but it is worth bearing in mind that teenagers — those aged from 12 to 18 — will still need a negative test if they want to enter Cyprus this summer and similar measures could be put in place for other countries.

Lucky cruise-goers will be allowed on P&O lines if they have received BOTH jabs[/caption]

Q) I WILL have had both my vaccines by the summer. Will travel be easier for me?

A) THE lucky over-50s who by the summer will have had both of their Covid jabs will perhaps see greater freedoms than those who have not.

P&O Cruises and sister line Princess this week announced their long-awaited return to the waves with a series of cruises in UK coastal waters, but only those who have had BOTH Covid vaccinations will be allowed onboard.

Over-50s specialist Saga has also confirmed that proof of two jabs will be needed.

The newly launched Virgin Voyages, which has yet to welcome a single guest onboard despite two new cruise ships waiting to sail, also requires both jabs.


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