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The signs your partner is falling out of love with you & why less sex ISN’T anything to worry about

LET’S be honest – when your relationship is on the rocks, sex is usually the first thing to go. But according to sexpert Tracy Cox, being intimate less often isn’t necessarily bad thing. Writing for the Mail Online, the relationship expert stressed that couples who have been in a long-term relationship often find their initial […]

LET’S be honest – when your relationship is on the rocks, sex is usually the first thing to go.

But according to sexpert Tracy Cox, being intimate less often isn’t necessarily bad thing.

Tracy says having sex less often isn’t necessarily a sign your relationship is over[/caption]

Writing for the Mail Online, the relationship expert stressed that couples who have been in a long-term relationship often find their initial lust morphs into a love based on “friendship and contentment” over time.

“People go off sex for many reasons and falling out of love is just one of them,” she said. “Plenty of men start avoiding sex when they start having erection difficulties and are too embarrassed to admit it. Lots of women who find sex painful or uninteresting will do the same.”

What’s more, the expert also said that not wanting to have sex can be tied up in negative body image, exhaustion or a naturally low libido.

That said, there are 13 key signs that your partner is losing interest in your relationship – including a change in routine and avoiding talking about the future.

13 your partner is falling out of love with you


  1. The affection is gone
  2. Disruption in your everyday routine
  3. They resist your affection
  4. They don’t want to spend time with you
  5. They see family without you
  6. They adopt a new routine
  7. They avoid important topics
  8. They don’t want to talk about the future
  9. They confide in others first
  10. They don’t check in when you’re apart
  11. They won’t answer when you ask if something is wrong
  12. They’ve stopped making an effort
  13. You’re constantly arguing

The affection is gone

If you’re partner has never been into PDAs, Tracy says this isn’t much to worry about.

That said, if they were once affectionate and now acting distant then the expert says this could be cause for concern.

Disruption in your everyday routine

If you’ve been living with your partner for a while, then you’ll have developed your own little routine – whether that’s a cup of tea in bed or a washing up rota.

Tracy says constant bickering is a sign your partner has fallen out of love with you[/caption]

But if they suddenly stop doing these things, Tracy says this is a sign of trouble – especially if they replace your “we” time with a new hobby.

They resist your affection

According to Tracy, you should definitely talk to your partner is you’ve noticed them avoiding cuddles or resisting your affection.

“Ignore this at your peril,” she said. “It’s either a cry for help or a forewarning the divorce papers are drafted and ready to be served.”

They don’t want to spend time with you

Lockdown has forced us all to spend more time than ever with our loved ones.

But Tracy says there’s a difference between being bored at home and losing interest in your partner – and if they jump at every chance to be away from you, it’s something to keep an eye on.

They see family without you

When people are thinking of leaving their partner, Tracy says the family are the first to know.

She said: “If you’re not being including in family get-togethers, it could be they’re distancing themselves already (or your partner’s worried someone will let on).”

The sexpert said it was equally as worrying if they stop wanting to spend time with your friends and family too as they don’t want to be too attached.

They adopt a new routine

If your partner has taken a newfound interest in their appearance or starred working unusual hours, Tracy says this should set alarm bells ringing.

She added: “Any sudden change in your partner’s usual habits – that aren’t talked about with you – are generally a sign that something is up.”

They avoid important topics

A tell-tale sign someone is withdrawing from a relationship is by skirting around the big issues, according to Tracy.

The expert said to look out for clues your partner is keeping communication basic – i.e. refusing to make future plans and steering conversation around day-to-day tasks.

They don’t want to talk about the future

If they’re doubting the future of the relationship, it makes sense that your partner will shy away from any concrete plans.

On one occasion, Tracy says her client knew his wife was falling out of love with him when she suddenly wasn’t interested in buying the holiday home in Spain they’d been saving for.

They confide in others first

It’s only natural to want to get your loved ones’ opinions if you’re struggling with something – but if they consistently turn to friends and family before you, that could be a sign of trouble.

In one instance, Tracy said a woman knew her relationship was over when her brother-in-law referenced how much her boyfriend was “hating” his job when he’d only ever told her it was “fine”.

They don’t ‘check in’ when you’re apart

This one may vary from couple-to-couple – and if you never texted much throughout the day then Tracy says you shouldn’t worry.

But if you’re used to regular “check ins” which no longer happen, the expert says your partner could be checking out the relationship… no pun intended.

They won’t answer when you ask if something is wrong

When you’re in a bad mood and someone asks you what’s wrong, it’s a classic move to lie and say you’re “fine”.

However, if this regularly happens in your relationship then Tracy says this is the “emotional equivalent of a slip in the face” – and it’s even worse if they won’t look you in the eye.

They’ve stopped making an effort

Although lockdown has made it hard to come up with date night ideas, scheduling quality time to spend together is a key component of any relationship.

And if your partner is no longer making an effort to prioritise this then Tracy says it’s likely they’re thinking of calling it quits.

You are constantly arguing

Tracy added: “Constant nit-picking, finding fault where they didn’t before, pointing out your failings when they used to applaud your successes… it might be they no longer like you, let alone love you.”

For more relationship stories, this man bought his wife a dress two sizes too small for her so she can lose weight to fit into it – and her revenge is savage.

And this woman blasted her ‘cheap’ date for only buying water – but got savaged for cruel comments.

Plus this woman discovered her boyfriend is a cheat after spotting suspicious picture when buying a T-shirt online.

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