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Piers Morgan says he STILL doesn’t believe Meghan Markle and ‘freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on’

PIERS Morgan today said he STILL doesn’t believe Meghan Markle and added: “Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on”.

The 55-year-old dramatically quit Good Morning Britain last night after senior execs wanted him to say sorry on air following his heated clash with the show’s weatherman Alex Beresford over Meghan Markle.

???? Follow our Piers Morgan live blog for the latest on his GMB exit…

Piers Morgan today tweeted that ‘freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on’
Piers, seen on the show for the last time yesterday, has today tweeted to say he still doesn’t believe Meghan

Piers stormed off set during the huge row on Tuesday morning after Alex criticised him for his reaction to Meghan’s claims she contemplated suicide and was racially abused by the Royal Family.

But Piers said he was not willing to apologise, and walked – bringing an immediate end to his six-year stint on the morning show.

He took to Twitter this morning to say he still doesn’t believe what Meghan said during her bombshell Oprah interview.

Piers said he has had time to reflect and came to that decision before thanking people for “all the love, and hate”.

He also quoted Sir Winston Churchill and signed off by writing: “I’m off to spend more time with my opinions.”

I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t.”

Piers Morgan today

Piers told his 7.8million followers: “On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview.

“I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on.

“Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions.”

He quoted Churchill on free speech, adding: “Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they are like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.”

Piers made the comments following Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah
He has been very vocal about Meghan over the years
Morgan has presented alongside Susanna Reid since 2015

His co-host Susanna Reid, 50, paid tribute to her “outspoken, opinionated, and disruptive” former co-star on the show this morning.

Susanna looked emotional when she first arrived in the studio, and admitted that though she often disagreed with Piers, he will be missed.

She told fans: “A number of viewers will of course know the news and many of you will not, and be surprised that Piers isn’t here this morning.

“Piers was an outspoken, opinionated, and disruptive broadcaster. You will know I disagreed with him about Meghan’s interview.

“He himself clarified his comments on the show yesterday about her mental health.


“There are many voices on Good Morning Britain and everyone has their say, he had his and Piers has now decided to leave the programme.”

It comes after Susanna was seen in tears yesterday after a series of heated meetings at ITV’s studios in Television Centre, West London.

Bosses for the channel – which included Director of Television Kevin Lygo – were said to have buckled under the pressure of mounting criticism of former Britain’s Got Talent judge Piers.

Broadcasting regulator Ofcom revealed on Tuesday they had received 41,015 complaints about Monday’s episode of the show, prompting them to launch an investigation under their “harm and offence rules”.

Senior execs at the broadcaster were also concerned that his comments clashed with their landmark mental health campaign Get Britain Talking – prompting criticism from charity Mind.

An ITV source said: “Piers was not going to back down.

“He was asked to make an apology but refused. He says he is entitled to his opinion and is always going to stand by it.


“When he refused to apologise, there was a stand-off. And ultimately it ended with him telling producers he would not host the show anymore.

“His contract was coming to an end this year anyway, but he said he wouldn’t do the job unless it was on his terms.

“The growing pressure from building Ofcom complaints and a swell of anger on social media gave bosses no choice but to try and get him to apologise.

“Unfortunately there were also a lot of concerns raised with the GMB production team too.

“Charity Mind also expressed their concerns to senior execs at ITV saying it clashes with their campaign.”

In a statement, ITV confirmed last night: “Following discussions with ITV, Piers Morgan has decided now is the time to leave Good Morning Britain.

“ITV has accepted this decision and has nothing further to add.”

Piers had previously said he “didn’t believe a word” of Meghan’s interview, in which she said she “didn’t want to be alive” after receiving heavy public scrutiny.

She also alleged an unnamed member of the royal family had raised concerns about her son Archie’s skin colour because Meghan is biracial.

Piers yesterday stormed off the GMB set
He had clashed with GMB co-star Alex Beresford

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