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Weekly horoscope for February 21 – 27: What the stars have in store for every zodiac sign revealed

ARIES MAR 21 – APR 20 Mind-mapper Mercury is driving forward and fine-tuning group plans, so a celebration or other major event can be back on the calendar. Meanwhile, you find all the words to say what your friends need to hear. Your passion profile looks inwards, instead of always thinking of others, as Venus […]


MAR 21 – APR 20


Mind-mapper Mercury is driving forward and fine-tuning group plans, so a celebration or other major event can be back on the calendar.

Meanwhile, you find all the words to say what your friends need to hear.

Your passion profile looks inwards, instead of always thinking of others, as Venus helps you find your own heart’s next step. 


APR 21 – MAY 21


A series of planet shifts light up your success zone to reap rewards for previous effort. 

This week, passion can include a whole new world, either in terms of travel or experience, and you’ll adore every minute. 

A moon of turning money into something that means so much more helps you choose amazing gifts, but also invest in the perfect projects and people.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21


The sun’s settled in your zone of hot prospects and nothing can stop you now, so jump in when a chance to learn or sample anything new is on offer.

An ex-rival can make a great ally this time round.

If you’re in love, Venus moves on from learning to doing, and putting a new profile on show gets surprise results.

Single? The One asks lots of questions.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22


Clouds that maybe made planning a challenge clear with Mercury’s move, so you make firm fitness promises with a fast timeline.

But don’t expect anyone else to take charge, this is your own personal target.

At work, it’s better to say you’ve changed your mind than keep it secret.

In love, Venus turns jokey chat into deep connection almost overnight.


JULY 23 – AUG 23


Your sun ruler is in your transformation zone now and heating up change in everything from passion to fashion. 

When you know deep inside what you really need and who you want to be, you can make it happen.

Staying calm in negotiations is Mercury’s gift, and helps you hear facts and figures others miss.

Luck links to your oldest and youngest relatives.


AUG 24 – SEPT 22


A health path clears and you see a goal ahead, so do resist any short cuts. 

Deep down, you know what you need to do and what it means to you. 

Patience in love pays off as Venus shines an emotional spotlight on your marriage zone. 

Big plans are in motion, but best of all, two hearts beat totally as one. 

Single? A music duo plays your tune.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23


With sun heat already in your career zone and Venus harmony heading that way, you can feel your head and heart unite about a work choice – the future starts to shine. 

Deep skills with a creative edge are ready to show and share. 

In love terms, what you assume is just a fun thing can get serious so fast, and partners are each other’s best healers.


OCT 24 – NOV 22


Your unique sun sizzle is irresistible, even your most out there ideas can find an audience

– so be ready to follow in celebrity footsteps. 

Closer to home, Venus lightens an atmosphere that’s grown heavy lately and two or more voices are back in tune.

If you’re a love-seeker, a family-friendly face you spot in a very different location surprises you.


NOV 23 – DEC 21


Maybe you’re more of a doer than a talker, but this week you need to speak up and set at least one record straight. 

That way everyone can move on. 

And in love terms, what’s waiting ahead should not be missed! 

Your sunshine self creates a home-based glow that inspires everyone around you.  Decorating or design skills deserve to be developed.


DEC 22 – JAN 20


A communication zone of solid gold warms every chat and connection this week and

you can discuss difficult subjects with difficult people. 

Plus add true emotion to love words and dispel any doubts. 

Prizes circle second-time around dates or messages.  

Partners who have felt pushed apart, by time or money, can be so close again. 

New love wears purple.


Jan 21 – Feb 18


The passion planet is exiting your sign, leaving you with rock-solid romance prospects. 

So yes, what happens next is totally up to you. 

Enjoy the process! 

With the sun making its annual review of your cash chart, this is a great week to take stock and be kinder, both to yourself and others. 

You have energy to move mountains, but how will you use it?


Feb 19-Mar 20


Buckle up for a brilliant week as Venus joins the sun in your personality zone and brings your best talents into the light. 

At work, you achieve so much when you set self-doubt aside. 

And in love, past shadows can disperse when you focus on what’s in front of you. 

Single? An initial two away from yours in the alphabet is your clue.

List of 12 star signs

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You can also use our series of guides to find out everything from which star sign to hook up with for the steamiest sex to what it’s like to live your life totally by your horoscope.

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