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The Sun’s Hail Your Heroes salute is back as readers thank those who have stepped up during the Covid crisis

MILLIONS of you have pulled together to help family, friends and ­neighbours in the most extraordinary ways as we face a longer lockdown.

And this week The Sun on Sunday’s Hail Your Heroes salute is back . . . with moving messages to the unsung supermen and superwomen across the UK.

You, our readers, say thanks to YOUR heroes who have stepped up to bring aid, light and hope in the Covid crisis.

Whether it’s lifesavers on the front line, community champions looking out for those close by or kids who have raised money, every single one of you mentioned here has made a real difference.

Today, we salute you in a special pullout to say thank you for your heroic efforts.

I WOULD like to nominate RALPH SHERWIN for his kind help during these difficult times, from doing our shopping and clearing our paths of snow to leaving his contact details in case we needed any help. We are in our mid-seventies and appreciated all the help he gave us. Ralph is in his sixties and not in the best of health himself. He’s always thinking of others – we can’t thank him enough. He is a lovely, selfless man. Patricia Hague, Sheffield

MY heroes are JULES SUTHERLY and his wife KIM. They helped me after I had a fall and damaged my foot. They’ve gone out of their way to get a copy of The Sun for me every day and even do the odd bit of shopping. Jules and Kim are wonderful people. They honestly deserve recognition. Jim Dexter, Aylestone, Leics

NHS dietitian JO GAMBA is a hero for running 20 half-marathons in 2020 to raise money for charity. Jo is always thinking of other people and raising money for good causes. She’s so kind and such a positive ­person – and she always brings a smile to our faces. Rachel Hawkins, Bridgend, South Wales

BIG thanks to CRAIG LEATHARD and ROSS THOMPSON. Craig is a nurse practitioner and between shifts he posts videos on social media ­offering support. Ross works with the homeless and volunteers at his local radio station. David Hunter, Northumberland

I WOULD like to nominate the hard-working REFUSE ­WORKERS at Conwy County Borough Council in North Wales. They start at the crack of dawn and have worked tirelessly throughout the ­pandemic, also keeping our towns, roads and pavements litter-free. Every day I go for an early morning walk along the promenade and regularly see the binmen emptying the overflowing bins and ­picking up rubbish that people have dropped. I often wave to them and acknowledge their hard work. Their job really is a thankless one. Susan Williams, Colwyn Bay, Conwy

A SPECIAL mention to PAUL GOOSE, who from March all the way until New Year’s Eve stood outside his home each night and played the Last Post to ­commemorate those who have been lost to Covid. He has gained lots of support online throughout and in doing so he has raised thousands of pounds for the ICU at Barnsley Hospital. He is a hero. Jack Tolson, Barnsley, South Yorks

I’D like to thank MARTYN COTTISS for being a local hero simply because he runs with me four times a week. He is fantastic company and never fails to cheer me up. Stephen Cessford, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland

MY midwife FIONA THOMAS from Cadwgan Surgery in Old Colwyn, North Wales, has been doing a fantastic job in ­difficult circumstances. Normally she’d be working from a hospital but due to the ­pandemic she is ­seeing mums-to-be in the changing rooms of our local leisure centre. When I had issues with my pregnancy, she could not have done more to put my mind at rest. It’s a ­challenging time to be ­pregnant and she is doing an amazing job of keeping ­our spirits up. Alex Patel, Colwyn Bay, Conwy

MY wife, GP SIOBHAN BRENNAN from Stockport, deserves such praise after raising funds to buy a thousand NHS staff vital PPE after catching Covid herself. She raised a staggering £4,000 and sourced plastic sheets and elastic to make visors, and sent them to three major Manchester hospitals. She also made bags containing toothbrushes, ­vitamins and snacks for hospital staff because they couldn’t bring their own in from home. And she distributed ­hundreds of gallons of hand sanitiser to local GP ­surgeries, hospitals, hospices and care homes after approaching local gin companies who were making it. Noel Brennan, Didsbury, Gtr Manchester

TRACEY DAVIDSON is my local hero. She works at Lynemouth Co-op and regularly organises raffles at the store, often in support of the charity Mind.
Kevin Sharp, Ellington, Northumberland

I WOULD like to thank MICHAEL THEWLIS, who has worked tirelessly as an NHS volunteer by playing a large part in setting up the town’s local vaccination centre. I have seen him outside in all weathers ­making sure the environment is suitable for the elderly and wheelchair-users. He has also repaired lights and provided extra heating in his own time, as well as recruiting other volunteers. Simon Storey, Ashington, Northumberland

MY fiancé TONY HELLENS is a front-line shop worker at the Co-op store in ­Burnopfield, Co ­Durham. He and the whole team there are working so hard, but on top of that, Tony supported me through 2020 when I was made redundant due to Covid and had health problems. He is my star. Rhianna Bates, Consett, Co Durham

Girls' £2,000 for charity

COPING with the challenges of the pandemic has been a massive challenge for millions of children

Told to stay away from school and from their friends, many have spent months indoors, unsure when they would be able to play outside again.

But many kids have used the pandemic to better the lives of others. Children like ISABELLE CLARK and EMILY ­GAHAGAN, from Southend, Essex.

Just before Christmas Isabelle, ten, and 11-year-old Emily slept rough, with an adult supervising, for 26 hours to raise money for four local charities. In all they collected around £2,000 for good causes including their local food bank.

Nominating them is their dad Lee Clark who says: “They have brought smiles to so many faces and raised money at the same time. I am so proud of them.”

THANK you to Newcastle-based company SUCCESS 4 ALL, which has been loaning laptops to help children in the region access remote education and support during the pandemic. In the North East, there are at least 55,000 families ­without access to a computer or device but the charity is ­making a huge difference. They have been loaning out laptops over six-week ­timeframes to ­disadvantaged families. Will Roberts Gateshead, Tyne and Wear

WELL done to SOPHIE and BRANDON MOAN and their mum, dad, brothers and sisters. This family, and in particular the children, have taken it upon themselves to clean up the town where we live. They are out every day when possible, collecting rubbish of all sorts and taking it to be collected. They also have been doing a few local visits to homes, handing out parcels with money they have raised. They are even collecting crisp packets and recycling them into blankets for the homeless. They 100 per cent deserve a mention. Ken Anderson, Northumberland

I WOULD like to nominate my amazing team at the HADRIAN UNIT The Carlton Clinic in Carlisle. We are an acute mental health inpatient ward and have been working under a lot of pressure. Sometimes mental health wards are in the background but we face the battle of Covid-19 daily. Every member of the team, from the domestic staff right through to the medical team, have put their all in throughout this pandemic and I am extremely honoured to work with such ­people. Everyone has gone that extra mile and we support and pull each other through. With a smile on our faces, we can get through anything together. Laura Bell, Carlisle, Cumbria

I WOULD like to pay tribute to the NEXUS signalling team who help keep our railways safe. They work day and night to keep the Metro tracks working properly and make sure the infrastructure is properly ­maintained and fault-free 24/7. They don’t often get much credit for the important work they do. Josh Robinson, Ashington, Northumberland

I WOULD like to nominate SCOTTY ­McEWAN for being an amazing friend and neighbour to my dad, Les, who lives on his own in Scotland. I live hundreds of miles away so Scotty has been getting my dad’s shopping whenever it has been too unsafe for him to go out. And on Christmas Day, when I could only FaceTime my dad, Scotty joined him for a drink. It was wonderful knowing he did not spend Christmas Day all alone. Scotty has been a friend of my dad’s for a long time – and now, to me, he is a real ­lockdown hero. Fiona Longstaff, Cheshire

I WANT to say how much I admire my partner CLAIRE NICHOLLS. Throughout this pandemic she has worked helping to look after care home residents. Despite working 12-hour night shifts she still finds time to look after her family. Even though she caught coronavirus, she still worried about the care home residents hoping they would be OK. I never hear her moan about the job she does. Well done Claire –  what you do for those residents is fantastic. I love you loads. Tommy Firth, Chesterfield, Derbys

HUGE thank to STEPHANIE MORGAN, a Key Stage 4 worker at Ashington Academy, Northumberland. She’s worked her socks off during the lockdowns to ensure pupils get the best education possible. On top of that she runs her own dance school. She also raised funds for the local food bank. Andrew Hewitt, Ashington, Northumberland

MY brother DAVID DANIELS is a lockdown hero for keeping runners across Newcastle fit and active while our sports clubs remain closed. He spends hours every day devising training routines and schedules for people to follow in their own time, and he also creates special group activities so runners can still compete against each other while in isolation. Peter Daniels, Newcastle

THROUGHOUT the pandemic ALISON ­WAGGOTT of Durham District Retired Greyhounds has worked tirelessly to care for and rehome these wonderful animals. Despite also looking after her vulnerable mother, she has continued to welcome the dogs to her property, where the charity is based, and last year found loving homes for a staggering 111 greyhounds. She is an unsung hero, looking after 30 retired racers 365 days a year, and deserves recognition for her important work. Lynn Rochester, Frosterley, Co Durham

OUR unsung heroes are CAROL and MARK BEDOR, from Corby, Northants. My wife and I are in our late seventies and I have health and mobility problems. Since the lockdown in March 2020 they have put themselves out to ensure we are as comfortable as possible during this terrible time. They’ve delivered groceries, kept our garden tidy and put the bins out every week. You could not wish for better ­neighbours and we can never thank them enough for all of their kindness and help. Angus Darwin, Corby, Northants

A HUGE thanks to all of the team at the MILBURN ROAD CO-OP. The ladies there are great and they never complain. Working in retail during the pandemic has been challenging. Also thanks to WENDY BASTON-MAVIN, who looks after a vulnerable man living by himself. Wendy has a husband and three sons in the Army. She is a top lady. Iain Singer, Northumberland

I WISH to thank EMMA OLDEN and her team from SELSTON SARNIES in Selston, Notts, who have worked around the clock in providing meals for NHS staff and frontline workers for free. Keep up the good work. Ryan Sykes, Selston

I’D like to nominate ROBERTA MOODY who runs the Ringside Cafe at the Ballymena Livestock Market. Over Christmas she made more than 400 meals for people in Larne, Co Antrim. If my wife and I need a meal we just ring up and she will deliver it to us. She’s amazing. Raymond Hinks, Co Antrim

Gulf War veteran is back on front line

FEW people epitomise the bravery and courage of the front-line fight against Covid-19 better than SIMON WALLS.

The nurse at Saint Cecilia’s Nursing Home in Scarborough, North Yorks, is a veteran of the Gulf War. But Simon, 50, says he has seen and endured far worse things during the coronavirus crisis than he did ­in that conflict.

Regularly moved to tears by the loss and suffering caused by the pandemic, Simon has nevertheless selflessly led his team at the nursing home from the front in caring for the older and most vulnerable people susceptible to the virus.

And in a tribute to the care provided by him and his ­colleagues, some 75 people have been nursed back to health from Covid-19 on a ­segregated and secure ward set up within the home.

Nominating him today, Mike Padgham, ­managing director at the nursing home, says: “Simon has been a tower of strength this past ten months and has shown tremendous courage, overcoming the ­enormous stress and despair that has characterised this pandemic and providing ­wonderful, ­compassionate care to those most in need.

“He has been and remains, an inspiration to us all.”

A BIG thanks to BRIAN BENNETT, who has been volunteering at the News Post Leader for more than 40 years, where he reports on local sport. His duties have been postponed during the pandemic but he continues to keep in touch with local sports men and women, even offering to do our shopping. Sean McCafferty, Northumberland

I WOULD like to thank my neighbours AIDEN DANIEL, SUSAN YOUSEFF and their dog Mel. Susan and Aiden have brought me hot meals plus sweet treats and snacks throughout the pandemic. They’re always on hand to help me if I need anything, ­nothing is too much trouble and Mel, who is just a year old, keeps me entertained with her puppy dog antics. She puts a smile on all our faces. Bobbie Kelly, South Shields, Tyne and Wear

NHS heart failure specialist nurse JOANNE SNOWDON has been amazing. My ­husband Geoff has health problems and was hospitalised after becoming seriously ill in October. During his time in hospital and after his discharge Joanne has been absolutely wonderful. She comes to the house every two weeks to take his blood, check his blood pressure etc. She always speaks in layman’s terms so we know what is going on. She is so kind and caring and has really gone out of her way to ­reassure us and give advice ­during a worrying time. Nothing seems too much for her. Moira Hopkins, Hebburn, Tyne and Wear

I WANT to pay tribute to my daughters CLAIR WADE and ANGELA HUGHES, both in their 40s, and their husbands. They all have such busy lives but are always there to help if I need it as well as offering endless advice and support. I know I can rely on any of them if I need anything and they always check up on me. It makes me feel so much better knowing that they are all there for me. Philip Jobling, South Shields, Tyne and Wear

I WOULD like to give TRACY KENNY a ­mention. She has set up and runs the Morpeth Litter Group, which helps to clean up ­rubbish around town. Nothing is a bother to Tracy. She keeps in touch with all of the ­volunteers and has provided supplies and equipment for everyone throughout ­lockdown. She is cheerful and positive and takes time to keep encouraging everyone in the group. Despite being affected by the virus she has continued to motivate and support everyone. Madeline Storey, Morpeth, Northumberland

I WOULD like to nominate AGNES and ­MARGARET at the ­Kingsgate Care Home in East ­Kilbride. They have got up early every morning to go and risk their lives to go into work and get all the deep cleans done and all the washing sorted for the day. They always put smiles on the care home ­residents’ faces during this difficult time. Martin O’Neil, East Kilbride

MY daughter KRISTINE KLAVINA and the teams at the Covid testing centre at Lytham, Lancs, are heroes. They are working 13-hour shifts and also being moved round to other sites whenever needed. Not one of these teams has so far been offered a Covid injection for their safety and they cannot be more exposed than they are. Every one of them is a hero and they all have our ­profound thanks. Please give all NHS ­workers an injection now! John Johnson, Lytham St Annes, Lancs

I would like to nominate two people who have gone above and beyond for the ­community since the first lockdown. DEB THOMPSON has been delivering essentials, working all hours and subsidising them out of her own pocket to make sure people don’t miss out. And NEIL CARROLL has also gone above and beyond to make sure people have essentials, opening and stocking his shop sometimes throughout the night with items unavailable ­anywhere else. Thank you to both of them for being there the whole time. Carole Humphris, Hatfield, Herts

A BIG thanks to all of the volunteers who are working very hard in their spare time to help roll out the vaccine at our local cricket club, which is being usd as a vaccination centre. They are working on weekends too and making sure people are kept safe. Chris Watson, Ashington, Northumberland

A HUGE thanks to the hardworking team of CLEANERS at Forth Banks Police ­Station. They never complain about going to work during difficult times and often do long hours to ensure our environment is as safe as possible. It’s a team effort from top to bottom, so a big thanks to them. Steven Patterson, Cullercoats, North Tyneside

I WANT to tell my husband TIMOTHY MILER and my niece HAYLEY BOURNER just how proud I am of them. You have both worked through some really difficult times. Knowing how vulnerable you both are and how vulnerable your family is, you still pushed through to provide and make sure they didn’t go without. I love you so much. Donna Miller, Slough, Berks

I WANT to nominate my sister EVE CUFFIN for Hail Your Hero, as she has not only worked extra shifts as an A&E staff nurse throughout the pandemic, she also saved our mother’s life when she suffered a stroke. Eve, we love you very much and you deserve to be recognised for all of the amazing work you have done on the front line, working endless shifts and hours, and for saving our mum’s life. Vicky Jenkinson, Anglesey, North Wales

MY daughter MELANIE DAWSON manages the Lawns Care Home in Kempsey, Worcs. She has worked tirelessly for the past 12 months to keep her residents and staff safe. I ­nominate her as a Sun Hero, with great pride. She amazes me with her strength and resilience. Gillian Russell, Worcester

MY heroes are TIM McSHERRY and the Access Committee for Leeds. Tim, DAVID and DAVE are a group of disabled ­volunteers who always go above and beyond to support families in Leeds with housing and ­adaptations. Tim works tirelessly and his commitment to services is truly ­inspiring. Throughout the Covid pandemic Tim continues to do everything he can to improve the lives of individuals and families, fighting for equality and ­justice for all. Lindsay Harmer, Leeds

MY wife-to-be FRANCESCA RANDALL is definitely my hero. She works as a mental health nurse at St George’s Hospital in ­Morpeth, Northumberland. She has been really busy with the rest of her team giving out Covid-19 vaccinations to patients and staff, while working on the front line, and despite the threat of the virus. I’m very proud of her. Nick Storey, Ashington, Northumberland

Inspiring Jenny is hitting new heights

FLORIST JENNY SUMNER has had to cope with more than most ­during the pandemic.

The 32-year-old from Chester was diagnosed with anal cancer last year but rather then let the illness defeat her, she has instead used it as an inspiration to help others.

As well as creating an Instagram page called @apaininthebutt, which has helped support other people living with cancer, Jenny has been fundraising throughout lockdown.

And in May this will ­culminate in her walking up Mount Snowdon to raise money for the Clatterbridge ­Cancer Charity.

Nominating her is marketing director Jennifer Hodgson, from Chester, who said: “Jenny is my superhero. She has tackled the diagnosis head on and has used her platform to tell her story and raise awareness.

“Jenny is the most beautiful soul inside and out and a true ­inspiration to all.”

MY daughter, eight-year-old EVIE HODGSON, is a big hero. Not only did she raise so much awareness of the stem cell register after recently undergoing a transplant, but with her help 25,000 new donors were recruited. What’s just as amazing is that three of those who have come forward are being called up as potential matches for others in need of a transplant. Tina Hodgson, Whitby, North Yorks

MANY staff at Northumberland County Council are working extremely hard around the clock. But in ­particular TOM MOORE has been going the extra mile. Tom has been helping to set up Covid lateral testing sites as well as helping with councillors’ ­meetings. Ian Sharkey, Morpeth, Northumberland

MY hero is RIC CHAMBERS who has bent over backwards to provide disadvantaged families with computer equipment during the pandemic. Not only has he been ­repairing computers for free, but he has also been gifting equipment to struggling families, allowing their children to receive an education. Paul Leonard, Blackfell, Tyne and Wear

MY girlfriend AMY STONESTREET, who works as a pathway co-ordinator, is my hero. She keeps in touch with mental health patients after they have been discharged, to prevent relapses. Amy and her team have been under a lot of pressure due to the impact of coronavirus on mental health. Graham Whitworth, Ashington, Northumberland

I WOULD like to nominate my daughter SACHA CLARKE, who has looked after her brother throughout the pandemic. My son has autism and has been furloughed since last March and he has mental health issues. She has made sure he gets up and washes and dresses, and she makes him go for a walk for at least two hours a day. I want to show my daughter how grateful I am for keeping my son on an even keel. Sandra Griffiths, St Helens, Merseyside

I NOMINATE BOB SINGH from the Nisa shop in Barmston, Washington. He offers a free delivery service to people who can’t ­manage and donates a lot of food to ­struggling community members. Audra Phillips, Washington, Tyne and Wear

I WOULD like to nominate my friend CHRIS SEACH, who has worked throughout the pandemic making sure people get their benefits and ­furlough entitlement. This work often goes unnoticed but is essential.
Michael Floyd, Northumberland

I WOULD like to thank BECKY SWINDELLS for collecting litter every day for free. She covers the whole town and works in all weathers. She is also a full-time mum while caring for her own mum who has ­Alzheimer’s. She never stops, and is a selfless lady who contributes so much to the local community. Hayley Fenwick, Washington, Tyne and Wear

I WOULD like to highlight the vital work of the team at MICKEY’S PLACE in ­Sulgrave, ­Washington. Since day one of the pandemic they have delivered hot and cold food to isolated people and the homeless. They have been a credit to our community and deserve recognition. Sandra Noble, Newcastle

I WANT to thank AUDREY NICHOLS, who is housekeeper at the Washington Lodge ­Nursing Home. She goes the extra mile to help residents, keeping their rooms clean and tidy and their spirits high. She has been a godsend to the nursing home during the pandemic and deserves to be nominated. Margaret Hudson, Washington

Raise a glass to landlord Adam

SELFLESS ADAM JOY is more than just a pub landlord.

His regulars say he is a superhero . . . and he has worked tirelessly to support his community throughout the pandemic.

Despite the devastating impact being shut for months has had on his boozer, the Bird In Hand in Dartford, Kent, Adam hasn’t felt sorry for ­himself.

Instead, he’s embarked on a massive fundraising drive. It has seen him raise money by auctioning donated gifts and he also took part in a 5k sponsored run.

With the money Adam, 43, has been making 100 ­pizzas a week which are then distributed to the wards at his local hospital, ­Darenth Valley in Kent, helping to cheer up patients and staff.

After launching an appeal for clothes, dozens of sackfuls were left at his pub which he then ­delivered to nearby charities including a women’s refuge.

So far Adam has raised £4,000 and he hopes to run this year’s London Marathon to boost the total even more.

One of his regulars, Ray Kitcher, has nominated him ­saying: “He’s done so much. I truly believe Adam is a local hero.”

AS NHS staff and volunteers continue to battle Covid-19, I want to say thank you to every single member of NHS STAFF – from volunteers, domestic services workers, ­doctors, nurses and consultants to ambulance crews – for the vital part you all play in ­taking care of us and our loved ones in these most ­challenging times. Ellie Orton, chief executive, NHS Charities Together

THANK you to our amazing paramedics, who include my daughter GAIL SOPPITT, her husband JOHN and my daughter-in-law JILL WHINFIELD, who all work for North East Ambulance Service. They have seen some ­terrible and heart-rending cases over these past months. They are exhausted, but they are still out there saving lives. They go to work every day and never miss a shift even though they know how hard it is going to be. I’m very proud of them. Steve Whinfield, Seghill, Northumberland

ALL our TEACHERS deserve a medal. They’ve been looking after the kids of key workers. Without them, where would be? Lee Spencer, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex

I’VE been looking after the CHILDREN of key workers and it has been helping reduce the strain of those on the front line. But we often forget about the kids and what they are going through by being away from their parents for long periods. They are all amazing. Karen Sheehan, Exeter

I WANT to thank all HOSPITAL CLEANERS. These guys are unsung heroes of the NHS. They never get a mention. Jenna Morgan, Leeds

I WANT to thank the BIN MEN who have been out in all weathers working as usual. They never moan or complain. Ian Cox, Birmingham

PLEASE don’t forget the ROAD SWEEPERS and STREET CLEANERS who have carried on working throughout the crisis. Mark Johnson, Sheffield

I WOULD like to hail unsung hero HELEN ­MAITLAND of Bexley, Kent, who has made thousands of masks for colleagues in the Met Police and also for her friends in every minute of her spare time. She spends every day doing it to help save lives. She charges a small fee, every penny of which goes to animal charities including Candy Cane dog rescue and The Brook among others. She’s really doing her bit this pandemic with her sewing machine. Ann Robertson, Orpington, Kent

I WOULD like to nominate DARREN FIRTH of Aspire Body Transformations. I work alongside Darren and can honestly say that he is a massive hero in our community. He works tirelessly seven days a week, always ­coming up with new ideas to keep all our members motivated and to be the best they can be in the most difficult of times. There is such a lot of work involved that others don’t see behind the scenes but I can assure you he never takes his eye off the ball and cares very much about our workout family. Throughout this pandemic and third lockdown, Darren has been my saving grace and his support to me personally and to all makes him our hero in the community. Dianne Whymark, Maldon, Essex

I’D like to say thank you to maternity yoga teacher TESSA SANDERSON in Reading, who has been doing Zoom classes to keep new mums fit and also connected. It has stopped feelings of isolation for all of us. Thank you. Liz Hollick and baby Emma, Reading

Tireless team step up to help homeless

OVER the past year the nation has repeatedly been told: “Stay at home and save lives”.

But for those without a roof over their head this is not an option and the pandemic has pushed many of them to the brink.

That’s why the work of charities like ST MUNGO’S, an outreach service that delivers support to those living on the streets, is so vital.

Nominating members of his team in London St Mungo’s manager Joshua Rao says: “Behind every successful charity there is an extraordinary team of individuals, who have sacrificed time away from their families to help the ­vulnerable.

“Recent months have shown being on the front line is a demanding task, so thanks to every single one of them for contributing so much time, energy and effort to such a good cause.


“I hope you know the priceless impact you have had on so many lives.”

THANK you to SHEREE COX of Sevenoaks Dance Fitness Yoga in Kent, who has been keeping us from piling on the lockdown pounds – and she takes the time to have Zoom chats so no one feels lonely. A beautiful person.
Estelle, Gill and the Sevenoaks fitness ladies

I THINK that LINDA COMMON is a real local hero. She has been looking after our grandma and grandad, who are both in their 90s. She is there in a ­heartbeat if they have a fall, need cooking done, tablets picking up and so much more. She is a stand-out woman. Tom Common, Belsay, Northumberland

PLEASE can I say thank you to THE OAKS DOCTORS in Swanley, Kent, who have taken amazing care of my grandmother who was recently diagnosed with heart ­failure. Some people may have felt afraid to go to their doctors, but they have been there for us. Billy Clark, Ingatestone, Kent

I’D like to give recognition to RECTOR EDWARD WIGHT of Wrotham Church, Kent, who has been holding his services on Zoom since ­lockdown to keep our ­community together. Sheree Cox, West Kingsdown, Kent

I’ve been shielding for many months as my husband Paul has advanced Parkinson’s disease and has been undergoing treatment for cancer. I’d like to say a huge thanks to my niece and nephew SEAN and JULIE BOW, of Plymstock, ­Plymouth, for taking me to get my vaccine in January. Jean Dudley, Plymouth

I’d like to nominate parish clerk LYNDA HARRISON who is heading a team of ­volunteers in Kent who have had to self- isolate or who have become ill themselves. They are a lifeline to many, so thank you to the whole team. Chris Hurst, Brands Hatch, Kent

I’D like to thank my TESCO DELIVERY DRIVERS, who have enabled me to keep shielding during the pandemic as I care for my elderly parents. Elizabeth Smith, Windsor, Berks

THANKS to my sons BEN and ISAAC GRAY for coming to spend time with me and Shaun before the beginning of the latest lockdown, which has really lifted my spirits as I have had to shield now for many months. Julie Gray, Elburton, Devon

I WOULD like to nominate FARNINGHAM BUTCHERS in Dartford as heroes as they have kept open, operating safely through the whole pandemic. Thanks to TIM, GAIL and the team who have been a lifeline to the community, including taking items to those in the village who have had to shield. From the Farningham Massive

I’D like to say thank you to my physio- therapist CAROLINE at PLYMPTON HEALTH CENTRE, who has helped me to stay mobile while I have been shielding due to cancer. She has now been ­seconded to help at Derriford Hospital where they are fighting the pandemic. I’m thinking of her and her colleagues. Paul Robin John, Plymouth

A HUGE thanks to WELLS PHARMACY in Swanley, Kent, who have been amazing getting prescriptions to me, as I recently suffered heart failure. Rita Cox, Eynsford, Kent

THANK you to the Mad Duck Cafe, run by DONNA and MANDY STONES. It is at the heart of our community and ­continues to be so with takeaways. You are a godsend and we appreciate you. Judith Crimmins, Reading

THANKS to my son DANIEL DOWLING and all the teachers at Wilmington ­Academy who have been supporting key workers throughout this lockdown and getting to grips with online classes. Teachers have had a bad rep this ­pandemic but I see the reality of how much they care and the effort that’s put in to try to salvage our children’s education. I’m really proud of you. Keith Dowling, Bexleyheath, Kent

A SALUTE to my postman, who has been delivering letters in wind, rain and shine since March. He always has a smile on his face and a treat for my dog.
Elaine Smyth, Wrexham

WE would like to thank our daughter ­STACEY GIBBINS for all she has done for us in the past year, looking after us both as we have been shielding and in hospital. Lots of love. Terry and Anita, Canvey Island, Kent

Hail YOUR Hero

WOULD you like to Hail Your Heroes? Send us an email, of no more than 200 words, with your name, where you are from, their name, what they have done, and your message to sundayfeatures@the-sun.co.uk.

A HUGE thank you to the hard-working staff at KIDDIE STEPS DAYCARE in Erith who have been keeping our children safe throughout the pandemic. Without them the key workers could not do their jobs. A special thanks to KYLIE, ELLIE and TRUDY. You are amazing. Sophie Mason, Erith, South East London

I’D like to nominate J & T McCOLGAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS in Clydebank. I cannot thank Jane and her team for ­making my dad’s funeral as close to ­normal given the current circumstances. Their empathy as well as ­personal touches made us all feel a great comfort at that sad time. They made us feel that they were grieving too and made sure the treatment my dad got was as if he was one of their own who had passed. I cannot thank them enough. Stuart Cameron, Clydebank

I WOULD like to nominate The Rose And Crown Pub in Hartlip, Kent, owned by ADRIAN and SHARON BLACK. They supported the villagers who were ­isolating during lockdown with deliveries, shopping and made up key essential hampers. They also arranged fundraising for the Royal British Legion & SSAFA ­during VE Day while the pub was closed and have been donating all perishables to the local food bank and ambulance service rather than letting it go to waste. Terry Davis, Swale, Kent

I’D like to nominate all residents of PALMERSTON CARE HOME in Belfast for their strength, determination and courage during the pandemic. Many ­residents could not see loved ones but the residents remained steadfast and brightened many a staff member’s day by ­playing the piano, giving a friendly smile and being patient. Some battled and fought through the virus and still managed to crack a joke, smile at a weary care assistant and show the next generation what truly admirable people they all are. Paul Johnston, Belfast

MY husband, paramedic PHIL WILKINS, is a hero. He saved my life when my heart stopped at home. Thankfully I’m one of the lucky ones now on the road to recovery after a challenging few months. Cerys Wilkins, Pentrebach,  Merthyr Tydfil

CAN we give a massive thank you to our doctors’ surgery BROOMLEY’S in Coalville and MASONS CHEMIST – they are an amazing part of our community. Both have gone the extra mile to make sure we are all safe and nothing is too much trouble. Thank you. Frank and Janet Robinson, Coalville, Leics

THANKS to my local pub the Drunken Dragon for all the work the owner BEN DAVIS and his team have done in the community. They even made birthday cakes for customers who were booked to come in for a meal. I hope people are carrying on supporting their locals when they can, ­otherwise we won’t have many left when lockdown ends. Sam Williams, Bicknacre, Essex

A HUGE well done to CHRISTINE and ABBEY PILLET, who live in Clacton and who have voluntarily been making lots of scrubs and gowns for the NHS at home. Chris Booth, Southend, Essex

A BIG well done to my husband ­RICHARD FORSYTH for home-schooling the kids and holding down a job, while I’m on Zoom all day. Thanks so much. Helen Forsyth, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts

CARE manager CLAIRE SWEENY has worked throughout the last year keeping all our staff and clients out in the field safe and happy in very difficult circumstances. She is a real grafter and has kept ­everything going for us despite having to deal with so much keeping ­everyone safe during the pandemic. Graziella Kontowski, Palmers Green, North London

MY sister-in-law HATTIE GUY has shown true community spirit over 2020. She lives in a small village and is a nurse and, even after she finishes some truly difficult shifts caring for patients, she throws herself into her community. She helped out as a community warden, taking care of those isolating, and she helped local activities such as the choir and the WI continue. There is not a moment of the day that Hattie doesn’t fill with being a part of something local, and she is truly appreciated for it. Rose Guy, Trelawnyd, North Wales

MY sister JESSICA MORGAN is a hero after helping to raise over £6,000 for her flood-hit community. She has four children but has worked tirelessly by delivering food packages to families in the run-up to Christmas. It is incredible to see the heart my sister has for her community and her desire to make each person she meets feel valued. Jessica’s love for her family and town always shines through and no task is too big or small if it means helping others. Megan Coleman, Pontypridd, South Wales

FUNDRAISING hero TERRY ROSOMAN ran a 50-mile ultra- marathon while carrying 24lb on his back to help raise money for Mind. Terry raised more than £1,500, which is brilliant. Sam Williams, Penarth, South Wales

  • WOULD you like to Hail Your Heroes? Send us an email, of no more than 200 words, with your name, where you are from, their name, what they have done, and your message to sundayfeatures@the-sun.co.uk.

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