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I had off-the-scale sex with my girlfriend’s best mate but now she’s blackmailing me

DEAR DEIDRE: I HAD off-the-scale sex with my girlfriend’s best mate. I thought it was just fun but she’s got footage and is blackmailing me.

My girlfriend is 31 and runs a cake business with her best friend, who is 32. I’m a man of 33.

My girlfriend’s best mate is blackmailing me into continuing our affair[/caption]

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My girlfriend is gorgeous, and I often feel I’m punching above my weight.

I have a job as a courier and the company I work for is on the same industrial estate as my girlfriend’s business.

Before this last lockdown my girlfriend and her mate landed a contract to supply cakes to a coffee shop chain and asked me to join them to celebrate.

They’d had a few drinks when I arrived and my girlfriend said, “We’ve been talking about you. Do you fancy us both?”

It started as a threesome with her and my girlfriend but then she demanded more[/caption]

I didn’t know whether I was about to get caught out in some game so I just nodded and said, “Yes, of course, you’re both gorgeous.”

My girlfriend said, “That decides it then. A threesome at mine on Saturday.”

I was gobsmacked but what guy would turn the offer down?

I went to my girlfriend’s and the mood was set with low lighting and candles.

The girls looked sensational.

It was a bit awkward at first but we relaxed after some drinks and I had sex with them both.

It was great — a dream come true.

She says she has footage of us having sex and will show my girlfriend if I call things off[/caption]

The following morning my girlfriend said that it had been a mistake, while her mate texted me saying I was a great lover and she wanted a repeat.

I didn’t respond. I didn’t dare. But I called round to my girlfriend’s bakery not long afterwards to see whether she wanted me to pick up some tea.

She was out seeing a customer. Her friend was there, though, and I couldn’t stop staring at her.

She moved over to kiss me and I couldn’t resist.

We had sex on the desk in the office.


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It was mind-blowing but I texted her later saying that I didn’t want to cheat again, but she said she wanted us to carry on with our fling.

She says she’s got the whole thing recorded on her CCTV camera and she’ll show my girlfriend if I don’t say yes.

What seemed amazing fun at the time now looks to be risking pulling my life apart.

DEIDRE SAYS: Tell your girlfriend’s so-called friend that blackmail is illegal and you’re not going to give in to her.

Admit you made a mistake but point out that if she spills the beans, it will threaten her friendship and her business too.

Tell your girlfriend she’s right, that you two are so good for one another it’s stupid to play around.

Focus on making your relationship the best ever – and stronger to withstand outside threats.

NEXT IN TODAY’S DEAR DEIDRE My partner would rather watch porn than have sex with me

READ DEIDRE’S CLASSIC PHOTO CASEBOOK Maddie gets lonely without her kids at Christmas

GOT a story? RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL exclusive@the-sun.co.uk

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