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Crazy moment monolith is ‘spotted in the sky’ near Utah as conspiracies rage over ‘alien’ pillars

A MYSTERIOUS monolith has been “spotted in the sky”, fueling more conspiracies over the “alien” pillars that have sprung up around the world.

Jeff Jacobs, from Idaho, was driving home from work in Coeur d’Alene – around 800 miles from Utah – when he pulled over and snapped a photo of the sunset with what appeared to look like a monolith in the sky.

Kennedy News & Media
The photo snapped by Jeff Jacobs[/caption]

The 56-year-old couldn’t believe what he witnessed, “All of a sudden this rectangle showed up. It was only in the sky for a couple of seconds,” Jacobs said.

“It wasn’t there, then it was, and as quickly as it appeared, it was gone again, That quick!

“I just thought ‘What the hell is that?’ I’m just a north Idaho boy and we don’t see things like that,” he added.

“A couple of people have suggested it could be the monolith from Utah and it is that type of shape. Utah isn’t that far away from Idaho in the grand scheme of the world, the two states are connected.”

The first monolith appeared in Utah on Nov. 18[/caption]
Kennedy News & Media
The photo from Jacobs of what appears to be ‘a monolith in the sky’[/caption]

Jacobs could not explain the strange phenomenon, but insisted it was not a weather balloon.

“I just had no idea what I was looking at. I’m not a particularly religious person so I couldn’t begin to guess. All I know is, it isn’t a weather balloon.

“I don’t believe we’re the only beings in this universe. If people think there isn’t life beyond our world, they’ve got to be nuts.”

On Nov. 18, wildlife resource officers stumbled upon a 12-foot tall metal monolith in the middle of the Utah desert.

The strange encounter occurred while a Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter was assisting the Utah Division of Wildlife Resource officers, when they came across the giant metal monolith in the middle of the midst of barren land.

“One of the biologists is the one who spotted it and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it,” said pilot Bret Hutchings, who flew the copter to help the Wildlife Resource officers count bighorn sheep in the area.

“He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, ‘what,'” said Hutchings. “And he’s like, ‘There’s this thing back there – we’ve got to go look at it!'”

AP:Associated Press
Strange metal monolith’s have been reportedly sighted in the US and Romania in the last few weeks[/caption]
AP:Associated Press
Another monolith was spotted in Romania on Nov. 27, however this one was covered in interconnected circles unlike the ones that appeared in California and Utah[/caption]
AP:Associated Press
A third monolith was spotted in California on Wednesday[/caption]
AP:Associated Press
Like the Utah monolith, the Romanian structure also disappeared days later[/caption]

When they turned around, they couldn’t believe what lay before them: a shiny metal monolith seemingly come out of the red solid ground.

“I’d say it’s probably between 10 and 12 feet-high,” Hutchings estimated.

However, just nine days after it was first sighted, the structure mysteriously vanished on Nov. 27.

That same day, the Romanian news outlet Ziar Piatra Neamt reported another monolith appeared atop Batcas Doamnei Hill in the northeastern city of Piatra Neamt.

Locals in California began snapping photos next to the 12-foot steel structure[/caption]

Unlike the monolith that appeared in Utah, the Romanian pillar was covered in interconnected circles, and only lasted four days before it too mysteriously disappeared on Dec. 1.

On Wednesday, a third monolith appeared in California.

Locals spotted the latest eerie monolith in San Luis Obispo County on Wednesday morning on top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero.

The monolith appeared to be made of stainless steel and was said to be 10-feet tall and 18 inches wide.

According to The Atascadero News, the object was welded together at its corners, “with rivets attaching the side panels to a likely steel frame inside.”

The object appeared to be hollow at the top and possibly even the bottom, and wasn’t attached to the ground.

The bizarre structures was estimated to be 200 pounds and local news outlets reported it could be knocked over with a strong push.

However, unlike the monoliths in Utah and Romania, a gang wearing military fatigues and MAGA merchandise filmed themselves tearing down the steel monolith hours after it appeared in California.

The four vandals can be heard chanting “Christ is king” and “America first” as they pull down the “alien” structure and replace it with a wooden cross.

One of the group can be heard calling it an “alien obelisk” and others call it “gay”.

One says: “Christ is king in this country. We don’t want illegal aliens from Mexico or outer space.

“So let’s tear this b***h down.”

The gang chant “Christ is king” as they push the structure back and forth until the base gives way and it topples over.

AP:Associated Press
The Utah monolith, which was spotted on Nov. 18, began the strange monolith pop ups across the globe[/caption]
The object bears a striking resemblance to the monolith found in 2001: A Space Odyssey

The bizarre trend continued on Thursday, when a forth monolith was spotted in Texas, near the San Antonio International Airport.

According to Ksat News, the steel monolith first appeared Thursday night, and by Friday morning folks flocked to the site to get a glimpse of the structure.

The strange phenomenon’s have fired up the minds of conspiracy theorists and sci-fi fans on social media.

There has been no indication as to who or what has installed the eerie monoliths.

Hutching pointed out that the bizarre monoliths could be the work of a super fan of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.

“I’m assuming it’s some new wave artist or something or, you know, somebody that was a big [2001: A Space Odyssey] fan,” Hutchings said.

However, some spectators say it closely resembles the work of artist John McCracken, who lived for a time in nearby New Mexico.

McCracken – who died in 2011 – was known for his freestanding sculptures in the shape of pyramids, cubes and shiny slabs.

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