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Teen Mom Briana DeJesus tells ex Devoin Austin to ‘try being a father’ after he leaked her number in ‘bulls**t stunt’

TEEN Mom Briana DeJesus told ex Devoin Austin to “try being a father” after he leaked her number in “bulls**t stunt.” Earlier this week, the reality star’s first baby daddy shared private text messages which showed him telling her to “start using condoms.” Briana, 26, captioned her Instagram post: “Devoin, try being a father off-camera […]

TEEN Mom Briana DeJesus told ex Devoin Austin to “try being a father” after he leaked her number in “bulls**t stunt.”

Earlier this week, the reality star’s first baby daddy shared private text messages which showed him telling her to “start using condoms.”

Briana told Devoin to ‘try being a father off-camera’[/caption]
She slammed Devoin for sharing her number [/caption]

Briana, 26, captioned her Instagram post: “Devoin, try being a father off-camera instead of leaking my number on your Instagram.

“You’re selfish & if you’re not part of the solution take your problems elsewhere.”

She called it a ‘BS stunt’[/caption]

The Teen Mom 2 star continued to slam her first baby daddy and wrote: “My full response to the BS stunt you pulled yesterday is in the link in bio.

“And call Nova if you need to get in touch.

“You’re not getting my new # after you decided to leak my old one.”

Devoin told Briana to ‘start using condoms’ [/caption]

Earlier this week, Devoin shared their private text messages with her phone number exposed after the mother of two blasted him for not helping her out enough with their daughter, both financially and physically.

She claimed she makes less than other Teen Mom stars, but still makes a good amount, however, that’s not a reason why Devoin should only be contributing the “bare minimum.”

Then Devoin claimed that she isn’t letting him help out more in order to be a better dad for Nova.

He wrote on his Instagram Story on Tuesday: “So here’s a little story about why you won’t see me on this seasons Teen Mom 2 (all explained thru the text of the 6 figure receiving mom).”

Briana started feuding with her baby daddy last week[/caption]

In alleged texts with Bri, Devoin told her he’s able to take Nova where she needs to go and pick her up, but then the Teen Mom star said Nova no longer needs to go and that she and her sister can handle it the next day.

Briana also told her ex that their daughter is spending Thanksgiving with her family, as well as Black Friday, despite Devoin saying he made plans with her for that day.

He added in a caption on the text post: “So every time MTV comes in town (ya see me w nova at least 3-4 times a week). 

“NOW MTV IS QUARANTINED HERE FOR 14 weeks to shoot the new season SOOOOOOO Briana has the time now to not work 3 jobs and bust her a** but now she doesn’t need me.

“Now she’s tainting my SET schedule but only while they’re here. Lol. What changed in the past week???? Besides a new season.”

Briana and Devoin share a daughter, Nova [/caption]

Devoin asked why she’s seemingly only letting him spend time with Nova if it’s to drive her somewhere or when Briana “needs” him.

She claimed she was trying to make it easier for him to “get back to work full time and not complain saying [he] took more days off and [wasn’t] making any money.”

Thinking it was all too “convenient,” the 28-year-old dad suggested she was doing all of this only because Teen Mom’s currently filming.

Devoin called Briana ‘scum’[/caption]

In the texts, he told her: “Briana you are scum and I hope you rot in hell. Start using condoms. 

“I will now share this conversation w the fans of the show! Since they will be wondering where I am all season lol.”

In response, the mother of two explained that while she doesn’t want him around for filming, and that he said he doesn’t care about the show, that “doesn’t mean [he] can’t be a part of [Nova’s] life.”

“U can be Nova’s father. Never said you couldn’t. But for the show, it’s not relevant,” she added.

Trying to read into her texts, he told fans: “Y’all prepare for a new baby or a new boyfriend(s).”

One of the final messages he shared with Teen Mom fans had Bri telling Devoin: “I decided for this season I don’t want to film with u or talk about u. 

Devoin claimed he quit filming for the show [/caption]

“So if u want to do something with nova and for it to be filmed to get paid now that they gave u more money, let them know. And I’ll work out my schedule to see if it works for us.”

After weeks of feuding between the co-parents with claims that he’s a bad father, Devoin announced last week that he was quitting MTV’s Teen Mom, unless he was getting more money.

In the new alleged texts, Briana claimed the network did agree to a pay raise for him, but he added that he hasn’t “signed anything yet.”

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