APPLE’S new iOS 14 software can stop your apps knowing your exact location.
To make use of this feature you just need to follow the steps below.
Turn off the “Precise Location” toggleApple
How to stop your iPhone apps knowing your precise location
First you need to make sure you’ve updated to iOS 14.
If you have an iPhone 6s or newer your phone will be compatible.
Once updated, go to your Settings and then click “Privacy” and “Location Services”.
The feature gives you a bit more privacyAFP or licensors
Here you’ll be able to see the apps that have access to your location.
Click on an app of your choice and turn off the “Precise Location” toggle.
Apple explains: “With this setting off, apps can only determine your approximate location.”
This still gives you the benefits of an app knowing your general location, which could be useful if you want to tag yourself as somewhere or virtually check in.
However, your precise location details won’t be known.
iPhone tricks to try today
Here are some of the best...
Typing cursor – When typing, hold down the space bar to turn your keyboard into a trackpad, letting you move around words and sentences more easily
Close all Safari tabs – To do this in one go, simply hold the overlapped squares in the bottom right-hand corner, and press close all tabs
Delete lots of photos quickly – Hold down on a photo and then drag your finger diagonally in Photos to select lots of images at once, then hit delete
Convert currency quickly – Swipe down from the top of your Home screen (or swipe left to right on an iPhone X or later model), then tap in the bar and type a currency (like $200) and it will automatically covert to your local currency
Check if you’re due a battery upgrade – Batteries inside smartphones degrade over time. Just go to Settings > Battery > Battery Health, and check out the Maximum Capacity reading. Generally a battery is considered worn when you’re down to 80% capacity. If you’re below, you can buy a battery swap from Apple
Move apps around faster – Hold an app until it starts wiggling, then (while still holding) tap other apps, causing them to stack so you can move them around easier
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