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Видео: в Москве на девятом этаже многоквартирного дома произошел пожар

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Canny Brits get more bang for their buck by living on leftovers, collecting coupons and buying in bulk

CANNY Brits get more bang for their buck – by living on leftovers, shopping around, collecting coupons and buying in bulk. A study of 2,000 UK adults found 85 per cent do everything they can to pinch pennies such as selling old items, haggling over the cost of something and shopping out of season. And […]

CANNY Brits get more bang for their buck – by living on leftovers, shopping around, collecting coupons and buying in bulk.

A study of 2,000 UK adults found 85 per cent do everything they can to pinch pennies such as selling old items, haggling over the cost of something and shopping out of season.

Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5

And as many as 64 per cent believe it is now more acceptable than ever before to shop around and take a smarter approach to spending.

As a result, Brits are making more thoughtful purchases – by investing in quality not quantity, waiting for the sales, and visiting thrift stores.

Other savvy ways to save a few pennies include buying second class stamps instead of first, borrowing books, budgeting for food and looking for ways to entertain the family for free.

Brand loyalty is also a thing of the past for a quarter of shoppers, who happily move from brand to brand if it means they can get similar items for less money.

A spokesman for Lottoland, which carried out the study in conjunction with its new £1 Lotto x5 draw, said: “The research clearly indicates Brits are cleverer than ever before with their saving and spending habits, looking at ways to get more value for their money.

“Shopping around for better prices is a great way of getting more bang for your buck, particularly as everything from our long-loved chocolate bars to lotto tickets are more expensive to buy nowadays.

“It’s not surprising to see that we’re now very open to switching between brands if it means better value and making a saving, which is why our newest lotto is just one pound to enter.”


1. Turn lights off
2. Take part in quizzes and online polls
3. Turn the heating off/down
4. Eat/reserve leftovers
5. Use a clothesline instead of a tumble dryer
6. Cut down on going out
7. Buy eco-friendly/energy saving bulbs
8. Shop in budget supermarkets
9. Buy generic brands at the supermarket
10. Collect coupons and money off vouchers
11. Do a weekly/monthly food shop and budget
12. Always take lunch into work
13. Wait for the sales when making purchases
14. Buy second class stamps instead of first
15. Avoid going out to eat
16. Sell old items/clothing on eBay
17. Haggle my home/car insurance
18. Price compare at different grocery stores
19. Buy food and toiletries in bulk
20. Buy second hand cars
21. Use public transport instead of taxis
22. Invest in quality, not quantity
23. Shop at second hand/thrift stores
24. Shop for things when they’re out of season and cost less
25. Spend your weekend taking part in inexpensive/free activities
26. Grow your own vegetables and herbs
27. Switch to a water meter
28. Reduce your television/internet packages to a minimum
29. Drink water when eating in restaurants
30. Buy lottery tickets
31. Take carry-on luggage when flying
32. Borrow books from your library
33. Keep separate emergency/car/holiday funds
34. Use a cash-back credit card
35. Set up automatic direct debits so money goes directly into a savings account
36. Invest in National Saving and Investments
37. Haggle with your energy provider
38. Add a second driver for car insurance
39. Get clothes altered if they rip rather than replacing them
40. Haggle with your mobile service provider
41. Invest in stocks and shares
42. Live on an allocated cash only budget for the month
43. Drive in the highest gear
44. Wait at the station for an off peak train
45. Wait 30 days before buying something you don’t need to avoid impulse buying
46. Make homemade cards and gifts
47. Book last minute holidays
48. Print photographs at home
49. Invest in property in the UK / abroad
50. Plough all money into existing property by renovating or extending

The study also found the average adult has just £224 disposable income to fall back on once all monthly outgoings are accounted for.

And for 47 per cent this is more than they had 10 years ago because their salary has increased or they make more of an effort to spend wisely.

As a consequence of this improved attitude to money, Brits are saving around £37 a month by using shortcuts.

It also emerged that many are still convinced some things remain far too expensive to buy – particularly the latest smartphone models (45 per cent), cinema tickets (35 per cent) and train tickets (39 per cent).

Even smaller items like pints of beer, milk, bus tickets, magazines, hospital car parking and takeaway coffee are said to be too dear.

Others find it difficult to find affordable school shoes (12 per cent), trainers (23 per cent) and vet bills (27 per cent).

Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5

It also emerged that many remember the days when items cost just one pound – from petrol, to a lotto ticket, beer or even 100 penny sweets, which are now more likely to be weighed than bought per chew.

But six in 10 adults, polled via OnePoll, are now shocked to find one pound no longer goes very far, meaning they need to shop around even more for lower value products.

The spokesman for Lottoland’s Lotto x5, which offers lottery players five chances to win £1million with every one pound spent, said: “Given these tough times, Brits deserve every possible chance of finding happiness.

“Money isn’t everything, but it goes a long way to making life a little easier and especially for those who are trying to make more of their budget where they can.

“It’s great to see so many people making sensible decisions about the cash they do have, in the hope they’ll make it go a little further.”

Lotto x5 offers players five chances to win £1 million for £1, with draws taking place every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5
Lottoland’s Lotto x5

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