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Donald Trump Jr. says ‘Biden voters are burning down cities’ and president is NOT to blame for unrest

DONALD Trump Jr. has claimed Democrats and “Biden voters are the ones burning down cities” as protests rage in the US. He went on Fox on Tuesday to refute claims made by the Biden campaign that his father is responsible for further rioting in cities across America following the shooting of Jacob Blake. Don Jr. said […]

DONALD Trump Jr. has claimed Democrats and “Biden voters are the ones burning down cities” as protests rage in the US.

He went on Fox on Tuesday to refute claims made by the Biden campaign that his father is responsible for further rioting in cities across America following the shooting of Jacob Blake.

Trump Jr. has claimed Democrats and 'Biden voters are the ones burning down cities'
Trump Jr. has claimed Democrats and ‘Biden voters are the ones burning down cities’[/caption]

Donald Trump Jr denied accusations from the left that his father is failing as president
SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Don Jr. said it was Democrats, not Republicans that should be held responsible.

He said: “These are not conservatives doing this, these are Joe Biden voters burning down their cities and then we’re supposed to be sympathetic to a looter, to a rioter?”

The president’s son spoke at length on Fox’s “The Ingraham Angle” about what he calls a double standard when it comes to violence.

He said: “You could wear a Biden hat [in] any city in the country [and[ no one would do anything. That’s the difference.

“That’s the double standard … These are not conservatives doing this. They are Joe Biden voters burning down their cities.”

A protester holds a flag during a Black Lives Matter rally in Kenosha
A protester holds a flag during a Black Lives Matter rally in Kenosha
AP Photo/Morry Gash

Trump Jr. added: “The reality is, Joe Biden almost said nothing about these things. He sat there,” Trump Jr. said.

“There must be tacit acceptance: These are Biden voters. These are Democrat voters that are out there doing this. You don’t see the conservatives burning down businesses. You don’t see conservatives getting attacked, attacking others for wearing a MAGA hat.”

Trump Jr said Biden, who he thinks “isn’t fit to lead a kindergarten class” sat in silence for ten days “in his bunker” during the recent unrest.

Portland police make arrests on the scene of  nightly protests that have often descended into chaos
Portland police make arrests on the scene of  nightly protests that have often descended into chaos
AP Photo/Paula Bronstein

Protesters face off with sheriff deputies standing guard in front of the Westmont Sheriff Station in LA
Protesters face off with sheriff deputies standing guard in front of the Westmont Sheriff Station in LA

Trump Jr. said Democratic Joe Biden is unfit to lead
Trump Jr. said Democratic Joe Biden is unfit to lead
REUTERS/Alan Freed

He went on to say that Obama and Biden never took responsibility for the rioting that took place under their watch in places like Ferguson, Mo. and Baltimore.

Trump Jr. said any claim that the violence is his father’s fault is “insane”.

The Biden campaign has seized on recent unrest including the double shooting in Kenosha, WI as evidence that Trump has failed as a leader.

The Trump team has been quick to point that most of the violence has taken place in areas controlled by Democrats.

The president and the mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler recently clashed after a deadly shooting in the Democrat run city.

As pro-Trump group Patriot Prayer converged with Black Lives Matter protestors, shots rang out, leaving Trump supporter Aaron Danielson dead in the street.Demonstrators that night also set a number of fires and destroyed property.

Mayor Wheeler has called the president “the most divisive figure in modern history” while also blaming him for the unrest. Trump shot back, calling Wheeler a “dummy” and “a fool for a mayor” saying the city would never recover from violence under his tenure.

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