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Who is Michael Forest Reinoehl? Man under investigation after Portland shooting left Jay Bishop dead

MICHAEL Forest Reinoehl is a Black Lives Matter activist who is being investigated in connection with the shooting of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a Trump supporter who attended a Portland protest on Saturday. 

Danielson, also known as “Jay Bishop,” was believed to be a member of the Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland.

Michael Forest Reinoehl attended the Black Lives Matter protest on Saturday in Portland[/caption]

Here is more on Michael Forest Reinoehl.

Who is Michael Forest Reinoehl? 

Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, was a former army soldier who would attend the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Portland, Oregon. 

Reinoehl is being investigated in connection to the death of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a.k.a Jay Bishop.

Also, on July 5 at one of the protests, Reinoehl was cited on allegations of possessing a loaded gun in a public place, resisting arrest, and interfering with police.

AP:Associated Press
Reinoehl is a suspect in the death of Trump supporter, Jay Bishop[/caption]

Who was Jay Bishop?

It is believed that an individual shot Bishop in the chest. Bishop later died in the street, according to reports. 

He was a member of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Portland that has reportedly clashed with protesters, according to the New York Times.

Bishop was pictured lying on the ground wearing a Patriot Prayer cap and a Blue Lives Matter patch on his pants. 

Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson, a.k.a Jay Bishop was fatally shot in the chest on Saturday[/caption]

The shooting took place around 8:45pm near the corner of Southwest 3rd Avenue and Alder Street. 

Portland police are investigating it as a homicide but it was not immediately clear if the shooting was connected to the protests.

Local authorities did not immediately announce an arrest or publicly identify a suspect in the slaying.

Witness Justin Dunlap told NBC News that he saw the victim facing two people when he heard the shots. He said he did not see the gun being fired because mace was sprayed at the same time.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help Bishop’s loved ones[/caption]

The victim turned, “took a few steps, then fell face down,” said Dunlap, 44, adding that the two people facing him ran from the scene.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help Bishop’s loved ones with expenses.

What did Trump say about Jay Bishop?

Trump reshared a tribute post of Bishop on Twitter on Sunday and wrote: “Rest In Peace Jay!”

The tweet included several pictures of the victim.

Bishop’s friend and Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson paid tribute him on Facebook Sunday, writing: “We love Jay and he had such a huge heart. God bless him and the life he lived.”

Twitter / @realDonaldTrump
President Trump paid tribute to Bishop[/caption]

What is the Patriot Prayer group? 

The Patriot Prayer group is a conservative, far-right group that brands themselves as advocates for free speech.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has reported that some Patriot Prayer events have drawn white supremacists to its crowds.

The group claims to not be racist and its leader Joey Gibson rejects the white-supremacist label that some attach to his group. 

“F**k white supremacists! F**k neo-Nazis!” Gibson said at an August 2017 rally he organized in Seattle. 

Getty Images - Getty
Protests in Portland have been ongoing for 95 consecutive days[/caption]

“I have no use for that kind of thinking. It’s wrong.”

Why are there protests in Portland? 

Portland has been experiencing demonstrations every night for 95 consecutive days. 

The protests come following the death of George Floyd and BLM activists demanding justice against police brutality.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has criticized Trump for “recklessly encouraging violence” as the protests have not ceased. 

Biden said: “I condemn violence of every kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right.

Getty Images - Getty
Demonstrations have been occurring nationwide due to the death of George Floyd [/caption]

“And I challenge Donald Trump to do the same, we must not become a country at war with ourselves.”

Biden added: “What does President Trump think will happen when he continues to insist on fanning the flames of hate and division in our society and using the politics of fear to whip up his supporters?

“He is recklessly encouraging violence.”

Trump accused Biden of being “unwilling to lead” as he suggested sending federal forces into Portland – saying the city “hasn’t seen anything yet.”

The President said: “When is Slow Joe Biden going to criticize the Anarchists, Thugs & Agitators in ANTIFA?”

Getty Images - Getty
Portland mayor Ted Wheeler[/caption]

“When is he going to suggest bringing up the National Guard in BADLY RUN & Crime Infested Democrat Cities & States?

“Remember, he can’t lose the Crazy Bernie Super Liberal vote! He added”

He also clapped back at the mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler for the violence happening in the city.

Trump called Wheeler a “fool” and a “dummy” – adding he “thinks this lawless situation should go on forever. Wrong!”

The Trump administration in July deployed federal forces to Portland to crack down on the protests.

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Portland Police Bureau Chief, Chuck Lovell addressing the media[/caption]

Getty Images - Getty
Demonstrators helping to treat a man at a rally[/caption]

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