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Duggar fans suspect Jill and husband Derick are filming a spinoff show with rebel cousin Amy after double date at bar

JILL Duggar and her cousin Amy King have sparked speculation that they are filming a spin-off show.

Jill and her husband Derick Dillard have broken free from the family and their conservative values, with Derick recently claiming the patriarch Jim Bob controls the finances of all the children.

Instagram/Amy King
Are they filming a new series?[/caption]

Amy is also considered the black sheep of the family as her Christian values are more liberal than that of Jim Bob and his wife, Michelle.

Amy and Jill are incredibly close and shared a picture of a couples date night at a local Whiskey bar, Wellington, in Springdale, Arkansas.

However, the rest of the bar was entirely empty, which led to some fans wondering if they were filming a new series.

“Wouldn’t it be something if Amy and Jill – or, I guess their headships, really – are negotiating their own spinoff for TLC, titled FREEDOM?” speculated one Reddit user.




Jill skipped out on Jim Bob’s birthday celebration to go on a double date with cousin Amy[/caption]

Refer to Caption
Jill and Derick have distanced themselves in recent months from the family[/caption]

Getty Images - Getty
Amy has more liberal values than the family[/caption]

“We wondered who took the pic of the four of them at the whiskey bar, which was empty. WHAT IF (haha) the pic was taken by a production crew, and the restaurant/bar was empty because of filming?”

Others chimed in to admit it was an “interesting theory” although wondered if it was the smartest idea to hand over edit control to a network when one of Derick’s main concerns with TLC was their inability to manage their image.

One user added: “It is really weird that they would meet up at the empty restaurant and both get babysitters when they could have met at someone’s house.”

But others joked that they would definitely watch the show, especially if it was “Amy teaching Jill about pop culture and drinking/partying and the ways of the modern world.”

The couple started to distance themselves from their family, including Michelle and Jim Bob, after leaving Counting On in 2017[/caption]

Getty - Contributor
Jim Bob and Michelle raised their children in the Quiverfull denomination[/caption]

Jill and Derick wed in June 2014, seven months after they began courting[/caption]

“That’s a good theory!” commented another.

“Imagine Jill drinking alcohol on tv on the same network as Counting On.”

What do the Duggar family believe?

The Duggar family are devout Baptists and the show frequently discusses values of purity, modesty, and faith in God.

The Duggars avoid birth control, saying they have decided to allow God to determine the number of children they have.

All of the children are homeschooled, and access to entertainment such as movies and television is limited.

They practice chaperoned courtship, in which a couple becomes acquainted only in a group setting.

Derick and Jill left Counting On in 2017 after he was fired, and he’s had a strained relationship with the patriarch of the Duggar family, Jim Bob, ever since.

Jill and Derick have distanced themselves further from the family in recent months, with Derick telling The Sun exclusively they are banned from the family compound when Jim Bob is not there.

Jill recently spent time with Joy-Anna Duggar, 22

The sisters have become closer since Joy-Anna also distanced herself from her parents and extended family[/caption]

Derick said: “I think he’s mainly worried about the influence we might have on his children.”

The law student continued: “Because our visitation to the Duggar house has been restricted and that is where they and their spouses hang out, we have not been able to see other family as much as we would like, so that is difficult.

“We do try to invite brothers and sisters-in-law over as much as they can come.”

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