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UK hopes of lifting lockdown could be hit by German second wave, Dominic Raab warns

UK hopes of lifting any lockdown measures could be hit by a possible second wave of cases in Germany, Dominic Raab warned tonight.

Germany has seen its coronavirus transmission rate soar upwards after it relaxed some of its strict lockdown measures last week.

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Dominic Raab warned that Germany could have to go into a second lockdown thanks to a spike in transmission
AP:Associated Press

Some shops have reopened and pupils gone back to school to sit exams in some areas.

The country has fared better than others in Europe, thought to be thanks to its aggressive testing system.

Experts have said keeping the transmission rate under one would be ideal and stop the spread of the virus further.

But since they tweaked some measures, it has gone up from 0.7 to 1 – meaning one person now infects an average of one more.

Politicians have urged everyone to continue washing their hands and practise social distancing despite lifting some measures, but the virus is spreading quicker than before.

“We are on thin ice, the thinnest ice even,” the German Chancellor Angela Merkel told the Bundestag lower house of parliament this week.

“We are still far from out of the woods. We are not living in the final phase of the pandemic, but still at the beginning.”

Foreign Secretary Mr Raab told tonight’s No10 press conference that they were watching Germany carefully and what happened would impact on decisions here.

Chancellor Merkel has said publically, and she has made it clear, that they might need a second lockdown in Germany if the infection rate continues to rise. So, this risk is very real.

Dominic Raab

He said:  “We need to be confident that any adjustments to the current measures will not see a second peak which could overwhelm the NHS.
“That would lead to many more deaths from Covid-19.

“That would lead to a second lockdown.”

He added: “This issue of a second spike and the need to avoid it – it’s not a theoretical risk, and it is not confined to the UK.

“Having relaxed restrictions in Germany over the past week, they have seen a rise in the transmission rate of coronavirus.

“And Chancellor Merkel has said publically, and she has made it clear, that they might need a second lockdown in Germany if the infection rate continues to rise.”

“So, this risk is very real.”

Yesterday Germany had 159,912 confirmed coronavirus cases and 6,314 deaths, according to the latest data.

Politicians and scientists expect transmission rates to rise as soon as anything changes.

Deputy Chief Medical Office, Jonathan Van Tam, said this evening at the press conference: “This virus will absolutely come back.

“You have seen the Secretary of State refer to the resurgence in Germany and the different considerations going on there.

“This is going to be with us for a very long time potentially as long until we get a vaccine.”

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, deputy chief medical officer warned that the virus will come back
Crown Copyright

Angela Merkel has warned of the risks of letting the transmission rate grow too high

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Any decisions must be thought through very carefully and Britain must not “gamble away the progress we have made”, Mr Raab stressed tonight.

Ministers have insisted that no changes to the lockdown are expected before May 7.

Advice from the SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) is expected next week, which will be examined by the Government.

They are expected to present them with a range of different options and what they could do to the transmission rate and number of cases.

Ministers will then decide whether to change anything.

Boris Johnson has this week talked down hopes of any changes, after he returned to work from his own battle from coronavirus.

He said it was still not the right time to risk a second wave of infections that could overwhelm the health service.

But the Government is under pressure to let some people go back to work to try and avoid a complete economic meltdown.

This week more shops have re-opened including some branches of Greggs, McDonalds and B&Q.

The Government has confirmed that non-essential retail can be open.

And they have issued fresh guidance to rubbish tips that they can open as long as strict social distancing measures are in place – and everyone keeps 2m apart.

Meanwhile, the Government are still mulling over whether to ask the country to wear masks outside in public spaces, to stop the spread.

Michael Gove admitted today that they can stop the spread of the virus from people without symptoms.

Face coverings including scarves or home-made cloth masks are being recommended in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon said this week.

Join our George Cross campaign for NHS staff

We are urging Sun readers to sign a petition calling for our NHS staff to be awarded the George Cross.

We are backing a proposal by Lord Ashcroft to honour our health heroes with the gallantry gong given for acts of bravery that did not take place in battle.

A No10 spokesman said: “The NHS is doing a fantastic job and the nation will want to find a way to say thank you when we have defeated this virus.” SAS hero Andy McNab added: “The award of a George Cross would show an emotional appreciation.”

We are asking our readers to please sign the petition below.

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