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Стартовал конкурс для художников цифрового искусства «Час цифры»

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Тренеру по борьбе Исматзоде предъявили обвинение в содействии терроризму

В районе Зюзино пройдет мастер-класс по изобразительному искусству «Веселый карандаш» 5 июля

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I’ve stockpiled £2.5k of PPE equipment including 500 pairs of gloves and 100s of masks – I don’t care if the NHS run out

I’ve stockpiled £2.5k of PPE equipment including 500 pairs of gloves and 100s of masks – I don’t care if the NHS run out

AS doctors, nurses and care workers fight on the frontline with limited PPE equipment, admin assistant Becca Brown, 35, sits at home surrounded by a plethora of masks, gloves and face shields.

She’s stockpiled more than £2,500 worth of hard-to-find NHS equipment – even going into debt for it.

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Becca, dressed in her protective uniform, says she doesn’t care if the NHS run out of PPE equipment

But Becca says she WON’T be offering any to hospitals or care homes as they should’ve been more prepared for a pandemic.

She is even using some vital equipment to paint on, claiming it makes the perfect canvas. Her words are sure to shock many, as it was revealed last night by Health Secretary Matt Hancock that 82 NHS colleagues and 15 social care staff have officially died so far during the crisis, but the figure is thought to be even higher.

Unsurprisingly her attitude – as nurses wear PPE equipment made from binbags – has seen former friends abandon her..

Here, Becca, from Portsmouth, Hampshire, speaks to Fabulous:

She has even bought face shields

What Becca's spent her money on:

£200 on 500 simple surgical masks

£300 on military style face masks

£200 on coveralls

£200 on face shields (and there are more to arrive)

£100 on shoe covers

£250 on hand sanitiser

£200 on surgical gloves

£600 on food

£200 on medicines

£150 on first aid kits

£100 on on various other medical items

TOTAL: £2,500

When the coronavirus hit I decided I was going to be ready.

I spent £600 on extra food including UHT milk and canned goods.

But I also bought up dozens of paracetamol packets, throat sprays and other medicines I thought I might need.

And, that’s not all…

I shelled out extra on PPE or personal protection equipment too, despite the NHS being in short supply.

I knew I’d need a full range of kit to protect myself and even went £700 in debt to pay for it (although I have sold some masks on eBay for five times their original price to make up the shortfall).

It’s a lot of money but worth it for the sense of control it gives me.

Friends have said I should donate them to the NHS but I won’t – they should have been more prepared.

Becca Brown35

Friends have said I should donate them to the NHS but I won’t – they should have been more prepared.

I am caring for an elderly aunt outside of Portsmouth and didn’t want to be making any unnecessary trips to the shops.

So, I went online and used a credit card and savings of £2,500 to stockpile what I could including 500 pairs of surgical gloves when they were selling at around £10 a box for 100.

Now you’re lucky to get four pairs for £10.

I also bought a range of face masks from medical suppliers, eBay and Amazon.

I bought five specialist respiratory masks with filters and spent £100 on three plastic masks with proper seals like the military use during gas leaks.

I got other masks too – too many to mention.

I ordered 300 face shields and got them for 20p each.

She is regularly getting deliveries off Amazon

Nurses lack of PPE
Nurses were pictured earlier this month using clinical waste bags as PPE

What is PPE and what are the NHS wearing to protect themselves?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) varies, but it is the extra layers used to keep the wearer safe from pathogens, chemicals and most importantly right now, coronavirus.

It is the battle armour of the NHS medic.

The main goal of PPE is to stop pathogen-loaded airbourne particles, like saliva or blood, transferring from patient to medic, like an extreme sneeze guard.

PPE stops those particles getting into the wearer’s body through vulnerable points like their mouths, lungs and eyes.

Under normal circumstances, PPE is worn by specialists like surgeons, forensics teams and pathologists who come within two metres of unknown substances.

The World Health Organisation describes it as “garments placed to protect the health care workers or any other persons to get infected.

“These usually consist of standard precautions: gloves, mask, gown.”

In the case of blood or airborne high infections like coronavirus, PPE will include face protection, goggles and a mask or face shield, gloves, gown or coverall, head cover and rubber boots.

There is fierce debate over what counts as a proper gown as new NHS advice says “disposable fluid-repellent coveralls or long-sleeved gowns” are no longer mandatory for all procedures involving coronavirus patients, saying only that they must be used when a disposable apron provides “inadequate” cover.

They are the type the nurses and doctors now wear over their heads and slide down to give you full face protection.

I also brought disposable gowns and overalls like those being used in every hospital in Britain because I wanted the same level of protection for myself.

I didn’t forget plastic shoe covers like they wear in surgery.

Meanwhile, I have more than 100 bottles of hand sanitiser, surgical wipes and first aid kits.

All in all I spent £1,500 on this part of my stockpile.

But it’s not just to wear – it’s for my art.

I am putting together an exhibition based on the coronavirus and the items the NHS use every day is my canvas.

I used the face shields, masks, gloves and gowns to create pictures and paint the items to make three dimensional paintings.

We pay taxes to fund the NHS and I’ve had to wait months for appointments now suddenly they are amazing and everyone is cheering them on.

Becca Brown35

I can’t possibly use used masks or PPE kit because that would mean I would risk infection.

I have invested in my artistic future and I have no problem using the masks and PPE equipment in my daily artwork.

If I have to work anywhere outside the house I wear my complete overall kit and masks.

It’s important to be safe and stay home because that is what the government has told us to do.

I keep all my PPE stockpile under lock and key.

The few friends I have shown it too are stunned at the amount of kit I have got and have told me I should donate some to the NHS which is running short.

They’re shocked when I’ve said, ‘I am sorry I just won’t do that’.

I need my PPE kit to protect myself and for my art exhibition and won’t donate it to the NHS.

It’s not my job to ensure the NHS have proper protective personal equipment.

That’s the government’s job.

Click here to help masks for the NHS

I have used my savings and bought it all legally.

Many ‘friends’ won’t speak to me anymore because of my cut-throat approach.

I know people will attack me because I have stockpiled PPE kit, medicine and food.
But people should stop moaning.

Look at everyone lining up to buy plants and soil which are not essential items – I don’t leave the house and I get food home delivered.

I need every single one of the masks, face shields, gowns, sanitisers and other items I have stockpiled.

I make absolutely no apology because as an artist I have to stand by my work and my right to buy what I want.

People tell me I am being selfish not helping the nurses, doctors and hospital staff but I don’t agree.

Just some of Becca’s supplies

I managed to get enough to see me through, so why didn’t the nurses, doctors and hospital staff do the same thing?

It’s the same as providing your own proper work boots on a building site or notepad and pen in class.

We pay taxes to fund the NHS and I’ve had to wait months for appointments now suddenly they are amazing and everyone is cheering them on.

Yes I agree they are doing a great job but that is their job and what they trained for – it doesn’t mean I am about to hand over my PPE kit.

I do the clap for carers

The fact that the NHS doesn’t have enough is not my fault – that’s the fault of the government.

I didn’t steal the PPE kit and I am not going to donate it to the NHS or charities.

In fact, I am not breaching lockdown and getting sick so I figure I am doing the NHS a favour.

Give now to The Sun's NHS appeal

BRITAIN’s four million NHS staff are on the frontline in the battle against coronavirus.

But while they are helping save lives, who is there to help them?

The Sun has launched an appeal to raise £1MILLION for NHS workers.

The Who Cares Wins Appeal aims to get vital support to staff in their hour of need.

We have teamed up with NHS Charities Together in their urgent Covid-19 Appeal to ensure the money gets to exactly who needs it.

The Sun is donating £50,000 and we would like YOU to help us raise a million pounds, to help THEM.

No matter how little you can spare, please donate today here thesun.co.uk/whocareswinsappeal

We previously brought you the story about the stockpilers who are protecting their huge hauls with everything from BB guns to chainsaws. 

Plus, read about Georgia, who’s self-isolating with her ex for the sake of her kids.

And finally, devastated mum Sarah shared a heartbreaking photo of her husband, who found out she’d lost their baby.

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