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Twitter is a cesspit where freedom of speech and real debate comes to die

TWITTER is a cesspit where freedom of speech and real debate comes to die. Laurence Fox’s decision to quit the platform, fearful of his future career, his safety, his family and his reputation, proves that. All he did was express a view the vast majority of the country agree with – that Meghan’s race has […]

TWITTER is a cesspit where freedom of speech and real debate comes to die.

Laurence Fox’s decision to quit the platform, fearful of his future career, his safety, his family and his reputation, proves that.

PA:Press Association
Laurence Fox’s decision to quit the platform, fearful of his future career, his safety, his family and his reputation, proves that[/caption]

All he did was express a view the vast majority of the country agree with – that Meghan’s race has nothing to with the recent criticism she’s faced – on Question Time and his life has been turned upside down.

He revealed yesterday that since that appearance not one person has said anything negative to him on the street, but “privately” he has “been becoming more and more depressed” because of what has been said on social media platforms.

The Lewis actor wrote: “I find that I wake up in dread of what’s to come. I’m a fairly private if opinionated person and it’s been very painful and difficult to cope with.

“However I also believe in passionately in free speech. I stand wholeheartedly by people’s right to express themselves but I am fearing for my future and my ability to provide financially for my children.

Getty Images - Getty
Twitter is a cesspit where freedom of speech and real debate comes to die[/caption]

“A thought that keeps has kept me awake most nights. People tell me it will blow over, but when you are in it, it doesn’t feel like it will.”

It reminds me of the time Ed Sheeran quit Twitter three years ago. I’ve never forgot the reason he gave me as to why.

The singer – at the time the most popular man in the UK – would walk into a room and feel like everyone hated him. Simply because of hateful vile Twitter trolls who do not reflect society.

Getty Images - Getty
Ed Sheeran quit Twitter three years ago because of Twitter[/caption]

Unbelievably, Yorkshire Tea found that out to their peril over the past couple of days after the new chancellor Rishi Sunak posted a picture preparing for the budget with their brand of brew and they were bombarded by trolls.

Social media is now patrolled by thought police from the London liberal media elite. Step out of line on any issue and they’ll try and cancel you.

Yorkshire Tea found that out to their peril over the past couple of days after the new chancellor Rishi Sunak posted a picture preparing for the budget with their brand of brew and they were bombarded by trolls

It’s this same liberal elite group who think they own Twitter in the UK who act stunned when Brexit happens or Trump is elected or Boris wins a landslide election or they realise Prince Harry is no longer the most popular member of the Royal Family.

It’s also this same group of people who think it’s totally OK when Jameela Jamil or Matt Haig or Lily Allen choose to swear at and abuse someone because they don’t fit into their very small frame of what is politically acceptable.

But when Boris Johnson or Piers Morgan do exactly the same they’re unforgiveable bullies who should be driven offline.

That’s why I support Toby Young’s decision to set up the Free Speech Union to provide support to people who the Twitter mob attempt to cancel.

It’s happened to me on a handful of occasions and being in the eye of a social media storm is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.

I have spent over a decade on Twitter, attempting to break news, give honest opinions and, at times, engage in debate in a fair and professional way.

But even for me – who I like to think has the thickest skin in the country – it has started to get too much at times.

I’ve deleted the Twitter app off my phone and I’m attempting to only engage when I need to for professional reasons.

But that makes me incredibly sad.

I’ve learned so much from Twitter. I’ve found such interesting people to follow – including many of whom I strongly disagree with on most issues – because they share a breadth of knowledge and views that are not always possible to pick up from the mainstream media.

I think Laurence is right when he said in his parting tweets: “I think we need to learn to listen to each other better.

“I know that in order for me to be ok I have to turn this noise off for a while. We all have feelings. We all have hopes and dreams. We don’t have to agree. We just have to respect that we are all different and we all deserve a chance to speak freely.”

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