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Jealous lover stabbed own sister 68 times and chopped off her hand because she wanted husband to herself after affair

A CRAZED woman paid £5,000 for a witch doctor to kill her sister before knifing her 68 times in a grisly bloodbath to steal her husband, a documentary reveals. Twisted Sabah Khan, 29, became consumed by jealousy after starting an ill-fated, four-year affair with older sister Saima’s husband Hafeez Rehman. She delved into gruesome methods […]

A CRAZED woman paid £5,000 for a witch doctor to kill her sister before knifing her 68 times in a grisly bloodbath to steal her husband, a documentary reveals.

Twisted Sabah Khan, 29, became consumed by jealousy after starting an ill-fated, four-year affair with older sister Saima’s husband Hafeez Rehman.

Sabah Khan slit her sister’s throat and hacked off her hand in a frenzied knife attack
PA:Press Association

Saima had been lured back to the family home
PA:Press Association

She delved into gruesome methods for killing Saima – including buying poison, venomous snakes and researching black magic – because she “wanted him for herself”.

The sicko eventually settled on buying a knife from Tesco before butchering the 34-year-old in a frenzied attack in 2016 as her four young children slept upstairs.

Khan stabbed Saima 68 times and slit her throat as her seven-year-old niece chillingly shouted down the stairs: “Are you killing a mouse?”

After leaving her sibling’s butchered body in the Luton home they all shared, Khan then spun a web of lies as she played the role of the grieving sister.


A chilling new documentary The Lady Killers on Quest Red explores the deadly love triangle as Khan became obsessed with snaring her sister’s husband.

Former detective Peter Bleksley says: “She was infatuated with Hafeez, her sister’s husband.

“She wanted him to be entirely her own and she would stop of nothing to try and achieve that.”

Taxi driver Hafeez was 21 when first met Sabah – then aged ten – with the pair later engaging in secret romps at the family home while Saima was at work.

He took advantage and gained “exclusive rights” to his sister-in-law as he began “exploring his options” – even “inquiring whether marrying [Khan] would be permissible in Islam”.

Khan meanwhile was developing a deadly obsession with her brother-in-law and began researching murder methods online to get her love rival sister out of the picture.


She came across a witch doctor in Pakistan and handed over £5,000 for him to “put a spell” on Saima to “bring about her early death”.

In haunting texts, Khan told him: “Sorry to bother you again and again. My friend is really upset now Hafeez does not even look at her ….he says he realises his mistake … You finish off Saima as quick as possible so Sabah can get her Hafeez back.”

But when the “fixer” failed, Khan took matters into her own hands and bought a knife from a supermarket as she hatched a sadistic plan to murder her sister.

On May 23, 2016, Saima was attending a late-night funeral at a local mosque with Hafeez and other family members, while Khan looked after her four nieces and nephews.

But she sent a text to Saima saying she needed to come home quickly as the children were crying in a plot to lure her back alone.


Khan then switched off the lights and lay in wait in sheer darkness for her sister to walk through the front door.

Within 45 seconds of Saima stepping into the pitch black hallway, Khan had pounced on her – knifing her in the skull and face and severing her jugular.

After nearly slicing off Saima’s hand, the monster continued hacking at her sister and even inflicted more blows after she had died.

She then left the butchered mum-of-four slumped over in the blood-splattered hallway and staged a burglary as horrified neighbours rushed to the home after hearing Saima’s screams.


Jo Sidhu, Khan’s defence lawyer, tells the documentary: “When the Police attended, they found a scene of carnage in the hallway.

“It was literally a bloodbath. Her sister’s body was mutilated.”

Despite her lies, Khan was arrested after cops found bloodstained clothing and a knife stashed in her bedroom.

She was caged for life with a minimum of 22 years in 2017 after pleading guilty to murder at the Old Bailey.

Speaking after his wife’s death, Hafeez said the family’s hearts had been “torn apart” and their four children deprived of their mother.

But Mr Sidhu believes he isn’t blameless, telling the show: “He eventually admitted, and it was like pulling teeth, that he had been involved in the affair. But he tried to blame Sabah for it.

“In his heart, he knew that he’d contributed to the way in which his wife’s life had ended. Had he not embarked on this affair, the situation would never have spiralled in the way that it did.”

  • The Lady Killers airs at 10pm on Thursdays exclusively on Quest Red and dplay

Khan had lay in wait for her sister before knifing her 68 times
Southbeds News

She then tried to stage a break-in to dupe cops
Southbeds News

Khan buying a knife in Tesco
Southbeds News

Evidence which helped snare Khan
Southbeds News

Saima’s body was left slumped in the hall

The house of horrors in Luton

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