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Two hikers say they ‘spotted scary BIGFOOT creature’ while walking in woods

TWO hikers were spooked after filming a scary, and hairy, Bigfoot strolling between trees in Ohio. Posting a clip on YouTube, they reported hearing “many strange noises – we believe we may have found the Ohio Grassman/Bigfoot/Sasquatch” at Salt Fork State Park. More than 36 such ‘sightings’ have been reported in the park since the […]

TWO hikers were spooked after filming a scary, and hairy, Bigfoot strolling between trees in Ohio.

Posting a clip on YouTube, they reported hearing “many strange noises – we believe we may have found the Ohio Grassman/Bigfoot/Sasquatch” at Salt Fork State Park.

Some have mocked this image as phoney – but the filmers are adamant it could be Bigfoot
The creature could be seen strolling between trees in winter

More than 36 such ‘sightings’ have been reported in the park since the mid-80s.

And the Salt Fork Lodge & Conference Centre hosts several conferences and events to celebrate the legend of Bigfoot.

The hikers, from Ohio, say on their video that they initially found “a lot of hair and bones probably from deer, several of them – looks like they’re ripped apart pretty good” among leaves.

They add: “The sounds you are gonna hear next are absolutely bone-chilling” as a kind of howling noise can be heard in the distance.

Explaining that they were trying to find where the sounds were coming from, deep within the woodland, they used a drone to find the elusive beast’s location.

After allegedly filming what they claim was the Bigfoot lurking between trees nearby, one of the unnamed men added: “Look at it, it’s not a person, you can see all the hair.

“His hair is grey and black.”

Can you see the creature’s back?
It was claimed to have been seen at Salt Fork State Park, Ohio
They also looked for it at ‘Bigfoot Ridge’ – to no avail

But then the alleged Bigfoot moves away, and the other man explains: “So we lost contact with whatever it is, we can’t see it, can’t hear it, it’s finally stopped snowing.

“The sky is starting to clear up a little bit; we were hoping to see something, but we didn’t so we decided to leave.

“We went up to the famous Bigfoot Ridge – hoped to hear or see something, we didn’t.

“So I guess the ultimate question is: was this the Ohio Grassman, was this Bigfoot, or was this something completely different?”

The video they’ve shared on YouTube of the strange beast has been mocked by some viewers as “one of the best fakes” out there.

One person mocked: “Wouldn’t hurt to make the arms on the Sasquatch longer.”

According to Cambridge Guernsey County, the state park located outside Cambridge has been the site of alleged Bigfoot sightings for years – so many that there is even a trail called Bigfoot Ridge.

Salt Fork is one of the ‘top ten squatchiest places in the US’
Cambridge Guernsey County

The alleged sighting comes two years after dramatic new footage revealed another large hairy creature – supposedly Bigfoot – prowling through a Canadian forest.

A family claimed that their grainy clip caught the beast lurking between trees mere metres from the shocked observers.

The family who filmed the footage had been out for a walk in the wilderness when they caught sight of what they believed was the mysterious Bigfoot.

The video was captured on January 5, 2018, and uploaded to YouTube channel Modern Galaxy – sparking wild speculations among viewers.

One believer wrote: “You would be ignorant to say there is or isn’t a Bigfoot.

“We discover new species all the time.

“I need to see to believe myself, but you can’t say no.”

The footage seems to capture some sort of animal which some allege is Bigfoot
The clip from 2018 shows some sort of animal with its back to the camera
The footage has sent the internet wild with claims this is final proof that the beast exists
The footage sent the internet wild with claims this is final proof that the beast exists

Another viewer added: “That looks extremely dangerous and possibly aggressive.

“I would have a heart attack if one of them things was looking in my window.”

It comes after a mysterious video appeared to show a Bigfoot-type creature swinging through trees near a hiking trail in California.

And similar footage captured a large man-like creature peeking at tourists from behind a tree.

Back in October 2017, a farmer claimed he had seen a whole FAMILY of Bigfeet, carrying a pig while running through his Californian ranch.

The beast with big feet

The mystery of Bigfoot has been causing a stir for hundreds of years.

One of the first discoveries of Bigfoot was back in 1811 when British explorer David Thompson found large footprints that have been attributed to the creature.

It is thought to stand seven to 10 ft tall and weigh more than 35 stone, with footprints 17 inches long.

Some think Bigfoot, who is also known as sasquatch, is a descendant of an extinct giant ape, but some claim it could even be an extra-terrestrial being.

Over the years there have been numerous sightings of beasts people claim to be Bigfoot.

There is scant physical poorf that that monster exists, but Bigfoot believers are convinced that they do, and that science will soon prove it.

While most sightings of Bigfoot occur in the north west, the creatures have been reported all over the United States and Canada.

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Email us at exclusive@the-sun.com or call 212-416-4552.


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