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How the Queen went out of her way to praise Meghan to heal rift with Firm and ‘unchain reluctant Harry from royal life’

THE Queen used her statement to heal the rift in the Royal family by saying she is “particularly proud of Meghan”, according to a royal author. Duncan Larcombe, who wrote Prince Harry: The Inside Story, said her conciliatory stance was an attempt to heal the wounds caused by the Sussexes’ bitter Megxit. Speaking to Sun […]

THE Queen used her statement to heal the rift in the Royal family by saying she is “particularly proud of Meghan”, according to a royal author.

Duncan Larcombe, who wrote Prince Harry: The Inside Story, said her conciliatory stance was an attempt to heal the wounds caused by the Sussexes’ bitter Megxit.

The Queen was firm but kind

Experts say the statement shows love, respect – and resolve

Speaking to Sun Online, Duncan said: “The message from the Queen is simple: ‘We love you and Meghan Harry, but you will not have your cake and eat it’.”

Both the Sun’s royal expert Duncan and psychologist Jo Hemmings point to a firm but fair approach from the Queen as she lovingly and respectfully lets the couple fly the royal nest.


Her Majesty opens her statement with: “Following many months of conversations and more recent discussions, I am pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family”.

While many have pointed out that the Royals say they were blindsided bu the couple’s sudden departure – the Queen’s reference to “many months of conversation” is likely due to the fact the couple have made no secret that they were pushing for change.

Although expert Jo Hemmings says “I think what we saw tonight will have been very different to the tone Harry and Meghan anticipated,” which suggests perhaps the couple’s talks hadn’t gone the way they’d hoped.

The Queens use of words like “constructive and supportive” also points to a “what’s best” solution, rather than a “what-they-want solution”.

Duncan says: “By removing the HRH status, Her Majesty has effectively unchained her reluctant grandson from the grind of Royal life.”

The Queen then goes on to say: “Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family”.


This, our experts say is indicative of the Queen’s grandmotherly love towards Harry and Meg.

Jo says there is definitely some “anguish” from the Queen too, which points to the seriousness of her decision – while also showing some real affection towards her grandson’s family, with clearly a special place in her heart for Meghan.

She adds the loving statement is in “direct contrast to the more harshly worded Buckingham Palace statement”.

In her statement, the Queen says: “I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life”.

But Duncan says: “The minute they receive money for public appearances they are likely to face scrutiny and will need to avoid appearing as though they are ‘cashing in’ on their association with the Royal family”.

Meg and Harry had proposed a kind of soft Megxit, but the Queen is really pushing the boat out and it brings about questions on the couple’s survival without the royal sheen.

The Queen continues: “I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family”.


Duncan says this is “definitely a nod to show support for Meghan”.

Duncan told Sun Online: “What is also clear from the statement is the fact that Harry and Meghan have been at pains to address some of their critics, to try and dampen down criticism from the British public that has raged since their announcement on January 8”.

This is echoed in the Queen’s closing line, in which she says: “It is my whole family’s hope that today’s agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life”.

And Jo told how the statement clearly  points to the seriousness of her decision – “while also showing some real affection towards her grandson’s family, with clearly a special place in her heart for Meghan”.

All-in-all, it’s clear this wasn’t something the Queen wanted to do, but it’s also clear she truly wants what’s best for Harry, Meghan and Archie.

Her unwavering reserve and careful word choice points to some trepidation about their decision but an assurance in the young couple’s ambition and drive to make Megxit work.

Jo concludes: “They will survive and I wish them well”.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are stepping back from life as royals
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are stepping back from life as royals
Splash News

The Queen is spotted out in Sandringham on Saturday
Bav Media

The Duchess of Sussex was spotted for the first time yesterday, visiting a women's crisis centre in Canada
Meghan Markle was spotted for the first time visiting a women’s crisis centre in Canada

Meghan Markle is expected to greet Prince Harry back in Canada later this week
The Sun

Prince Harry mimes his rugby skills in the palace gardens
�2020 Stephen Lock / i-Images

Prince Harry is pictured here with his grandmother the Queen, who this week agreed he could go live in Canada and step back from life as a royal
Prince Harry is pictured here with his grandmother the Queen, who this week agreed he could go live in Canada and step back from life as a royal
PA:Press Association

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