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Karen Matthews’ paedo lover’s victim bravely speaks out and says that he should DIE for his crimes

THE former stepdaughter of Karen Matthews’ paedophile fiancé waived her anonymity to reveal SHE was his victim and that he should die for his crimes.

Kathleen Jobb, 28, broke her silence after seeing photos of “vile monster” Paul Saunders, 57, with “Britain’s most hated mum” Matthews.

Kathleen Jobb waived her anonymity to say she was abused by Paul Saunders
SWNS:South West News Service
Saunders was convicted in 2010 after abusing Kathleen, left
SWNS:South West News Service
Karen Matthews was spotted with Saunders after it was revealed they were in a relationship
Simon Jones - The Sun

Kathleen, a mum-of-three, said she felt “physically sick” when she learned about his new fiancee.

And Saunders’ victim said she wants him “to die” after his evil crimes were uncovered.

She said: “I feel like dirt. He makes me sick. I want him to pay.

“He should die. I hate him. I just want to get on with my life knowing that he will never be around here ever again.”

Kathleen told The Sun: “He is a vile monster and a sick animal. They are both sick. He is actually more evil than her.

“He used to sneak into my bedroom when my mum was asleep. He did things on a daily basis no step-father should ever do.

“I wanted to scream but he told me if I told anyone then he’d come after me. He said bad things would happen to me.

“He was supposed to be my step-dad. He was supposed to protect me.”

Kathleen, who waived her right to lifelong anonymity, was sexually abused by Saunders for three years when she was a teenager.

Matthews split with her sex beast fiancé after his dark past was revealed following his arrest.

Saunders, was previously convicted and jailed for five years for abusing a vulnerable girl.

He admitted to engaging in sexual activity with a child, making indecent images of a child, and two counts of sexual assault.

Kathleen added: “His hands touched things they should not touch. I felt so scared and he made me feel dirty.

“I’m still terrified of him after what happened. What he did to me is disgusting and it makes me feel violently sick.

“It made me feel suicidal. I didn’t want to be in this world anymore and he made me feel like I could not tell anyone.”

Kathleen with her mum Caroline, who have both spoken out after photos emerged showing Saunders with Matthews
SWNS:South West News Service
Kathleen branded Saunders a ‘vile monster’
SWNS:South West News Service
Matthews and Paul met when he was doing repair work at the flat she was given at taxpayers’ expense
Simon Jones - The Sun
Paul Saunders, pictured in 2010, was jailed for five years for abusing a vulnerable teenage girl

The Sun revealed Matthews and Paul met when he was doing repair work at the flat she was given at taxpayers’ expense.

Our exclusive pictures previously showed Matthews flashing her engagement ring while the pair were out shopping.

But the evil pair have split up just days after he gave her the rock when cops visited her flat, which is near to a school.

A pal of Matthews told The Mirror Matthews “didn’t have a clue” about Saunders’ grim past and now has now given him his marching orders along with the ring and his clothes packed into bin bags.

The friend added: “She told me, ‘He’s not coming back.’ She thought she’d found love but it’s just another horror story.”

Saunders was arrested yesterday for breaching the terms of his release and remains under investigation.

The regulations are in place to let authorities track sex offenders and the arrest happened after The Sun’s splash today revealed he was with Matthews.


Matthews met her handyman fiancé when he did odd jobs at her home and he proposed over Christmas.

Pals described the pair as “inseparable”.

Matthews, jailed for faking daughter Shannon’s abduction, met Paul after moving to a secret home in the South of England following her release.

She has told him who she is but he seemed unconcerned by her notorious past.

We previously revealed that Saunders is a convicted paedophile who was jailed for five years in 2010.

The abuse took place between 2006 and 2009, when Saunders was married to Kathleen’s mum and she was aged between 15 and 17.

Mum Caroline slept next door unaware of the nightmare, but discovered the attacks when she found depraved pictures on his phone.

At the time of Saunders was living with the family in Oxford after marrying Kathleen’s mum, Caroline Berry, a mum-of-four, 52.

Caroline and handyman Paul were just neighbours at first and Paul used to carry out DIY jobs at the family’s home.

Caroline said Paul made her “feel safe” and she fell madly in love with him, before the pair tied the knot in May 2000.

However, they divorced ten years later after Caroline discovered the abuse and reported him to the police.

Caroline said: “I was absolutely horrified and I felt as though we had been completely betrayed.

“I thought he was a decent bloke but I was so wrong.

“Finding out about what he did to her made me feel physically sick.

“His relationship with Karen is just so wrong. They are two sick people who are now together. They should not be allowed to walk the streets.

“They look happy as larry and that is not right. They have ruined lives and don’t deserve to be happy like that. It’s just absolutely disgusting.”

Kathleen added: “He should not be allowed to walk the streets and neither of them should be allowed anywhere near children. He is a risk to society.

“It makes me feel sick to see them both together. It is just so wrong. He targeted me as a vulnerable teenager and took advantage of me.

“I don’t think they should be allowed out in public. What he did to me is unforgivable and I will never get over what happened to me. He forced himself onto me.

“I thought I would never trust another man again.”

Kathleen, who lives with her partner and her three children, added she still suffers with depression because of the abuse.

Saunders, of Blackbird Leys, Oxfordshire, was only caught after he was jailed for eight weeks for benefit fraud in May the previous year.

Photographs of the victim were found on his mobile phone.

He was jailed for five years and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.

He should die. I hate him. I just want to get on with my life knowing that he will never be around here ever again.

Paul's victim

After the case his victim’s mother said: “I went barmy, to say the least. I’m sickened and disgusted by it.”

She added she had known Saunders for several years and said: “He thought he was the big man and made people afraid of him.

“He was a bully who wouldn’t stand up to a bloke but would to a female and kids.”

A source told The Sun: “She is in love with him. Both of them have been walking round like teenagers.

“The ring is like Princess Diana’s design. She apparently bought it herself with money she saved.

“He knows who she is but he can’t be bothered about her past. He’s been staying over pretty often.

“I just think it’s disgusting that anyone could want to be in a relationship with her.”

Matthews’ daughter Shannon was discovered by police under a bed at the home of Michael Donovan — the uncle of her mum’s boyfriend.

Matthews and Donovan dreamt up the fake kidnap to try to claim a £50,000 reward for her daughter’s safe return.

The vile mum was released with a new ID in April 2012 after serving half her sentence.

When The Sun knocked on Matthews’ door to try to talk to her and Paul, he answered in a tracksuit.

He initially denied knowing her. But when shown a picture of them together, he raged: “It’s got nothing to do with anybody.

“I’m not saying nothing. It’s about time the press kept their noses out of other people’s business.

“If you come knocking on this door again I will forcibly remove you. If you put anything in the paper about me, I will sue you.”

PA:Press Association
Vile Matthews tried to bluff her way to reward money by helping to stage the abduction of her daughter Shannon[/caption]

Simon Jones - The Sun
Paul seemed unconcerned by Matthews’ notorious past[/caption]

Simon Jones - The Sun
A source said Matthews bought the engagement ring herself with money she saved[/caption]

PA:Press Association
Karen Matthews fronted a huge appeal to help track down her daughter – who she had hid under a bed[/caption]

PA:Press Association
Matthews served four years of an eight-year prison sentence[/caption]

Matthews was released from prison in April 2012 with a new ID
Matthews has complained about her reputation and claimed she’s not ‘Britain’s worst mum’
PA:Press Association

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