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Donald Trump promises reelection in 2020 will be even greater than Brexit

FEISTY Donald Trump promises his re-election in 2020 will be “more victorious than Brexit”. The US leader spent today mocking his Democrat challengers, saying efforts to impeach him will merely motivate more people to support his presidential bid. Trump took to Twitter to say: “Here in America it will be the same victory as Brexit, […]

FEISTY Donald Trump promises his re-election in 2020 will be “more victorious than Brexit”.

The US leader spent today mocking his Democrat challengers, saying efforts to impeach him will merely motivate more people to support his presidential bid.

President Donald Trump has been raging at his accusers, the Democrats
Steve Hilton, speaking on Fox News, said ‘the country is turning against the Democrats and they know it’
Fox News
US leader Donald Trump says he expects to be re-elected in a victory ‘greater than Brexit

Trump took to Twitter to say: “Here in America it will be the same victory as Brexit, but even more so.

“In the US, while of this has been going on, the impeachment, the obstruction, the resistance, President Trump has managed to deliver not just his promises, but a record which adds up to one of the most successful presidencies in history.”

He was repeating the words of staunch advocate Steve Hilton, who presents ‘The Next Revolution’ on Fox News.

Hilton went on the attack today, labelling the “Trump-hating establishment” and the “Democrats’ hate-driven partisan impeachment… as pathetic”.

During his rant, Hilton slammed the inquiry as “baffling pap”.

He then said the country was turning against the Democrats, “and they know it.

“It’s why they want to get it over with quickly.”

Trump is expected later this week to become the third US president to be impeached
The Mega Agency
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, flanked by Jerry Nadler and Carolyn Maloney
AFP or licensors

Trump faces two articles of impeachment by House Democrats: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in relation to Ukraine being pressured to investigate 2020 political rival Joe Biden.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and calls the impeachment inquiry a hoax.

On Wednesday, there’s a vote on the impeachment articles approved last week by the House Judiciary panel. While it’s certain to result in Trump’s impeachment, the president is expected to be acquitted in a Senate trial.

But Hilton has called upon the Senate to ensure that the Democrat’s “dirty secrets come out”.

He said it should be “made to pay for what they’ve done to this president and this country.

“Once this gets to the Senate, let’s get their dirty secrets out there.

“Call Joe Biden, call Hunter Biden, call the whistleblower.”

Referring to the UK’s division over Brexit, and Boris Johnson’s success in last week’s election, Hilton added: “For the last three years in England, the establishment tried to overturn the 2016 Brexit vote.

“And last week, the people told them to get lost.

“They meant it the first time, and they voted for it a second time.

“Here in America, it’ll be the same, but even more so because while in England nothing got done during the attempted counter-revolution, in this country… Trump has managed to deliver… his promises.”

Trump watches the action during the Army-Navy game at Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, on Saturday
Democratic Chairman Jerry Nadler speaks to the press after the House Judiciary Committee’s vote
AFP or licensors

In the latest polls, CBS News says that “in the 14 states holding primaries on Super Tuesday”, its battleground tracker poll “finds Biden atop the field.

“African-Americans make up a larger share of Democratic voters in these states than in Iowa and New Hampshire – the states holding the earliest contests.

“Biden continues to lead among black Democrats by an overwhelming margin: 50 per cent pick him as their first choice, far ahead of Bernie Sanders (15%), and Elizabeth Warren (14%).”

And today, news agency Reuters reported that “if the Republican president is hoping for a public backlash like the one against the 1998 impeachment of Democratic President Bill Clinton, it has so far not worked out that way.”

It said that Reuters/Ipsos polling data over the past few months shows the House of Representatives’ impeachment investigation has “fuelled a fervent demand among Democrats” to hold Trump accountable for his efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden.

Among Republicans, opposition to impeachment has been relatively unchanged, with about 82% saying in the latest poll that he should not be impeached.

Last week, a poll by Republican public affairs firm Firehouse Strategies and Optimus found that Trump was blitzing every single Democrat frontrunner in three key battleground states.

He was found to be winning more support in the crucial swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – at the expense of his closest competitor, former Vice-President Joe Biden.


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