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ISIS bride Hoda Muthana is NOT an American citizen despite being born in US, judge rules as fanatic begs to come home

AN American-born ISIS fanatic has been denied US citizenship after she begged to come home from Syria. Hoda Muthana, 25, has been living in the squalid al-Hawl camp with her two-year-old son since the terror group’s demise and insists she could be a “model” US citizen – despite previously urging ISIS to “spill blood.” Muthuna […]

AN American-born ISIS fanatic has been denied US citizenship after she begged to come home from Syria.

Hoda Muthana, 25, has been living in the squalid al-Hawl camp with her two-year-old son since the terror group’s demise and insists she could be a “model” US citizen – despite previously urging ISIS to “spill blood.”

Hoda Muthuna, 25, has been denied US citizenship

Muthuna had been embroiled in a long-running argument over her citizenship.

A court yesterday ruled that despite her father being Yemeni diplomat Ali Muthana, the New-Jersey born woman was not a US citizen.

Critics had previously argued that she should be granted citizenship due to her dad’s diplomat status.


However, the status had ended several months before her birth – prompting White House officials to rule that she was not a citizen and could not be allowed to return.

Back in February, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told NBC News: “Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a US citizen and will not be admitted into the United States.”

“She’s a terrorist.”

President Trump also tweeted at the time: “I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!”

According to Fox News, a court motion said: “The citizenship status of minor John Doe depends upon the status of Ms. Muthana; accordingly, regardless of the choices made by his mother, the health and survival of a young U.S. citizen depends upon the expeditious resolution of Ms. Muthana’s civil case.”

Muthana’s lawyer, Christina Jump, told BuzzFeed News: “While we are disappointed with and disagree with the court’s ruling today, this is not the end of our client’s legal options.”


Muthana claims to have been radicalised at 18 after being given access to a smartphone.

She has since said that she was “really young and ignorant.”

Using her university savings fund, she travelled to Turkey and was smuggled into Syria in 2014.

She married a notorious Australian jihadi, Suhan Rahman, who was killed and then two more men who’re also both now dead.

At the height of the Islamic State’s evils – during which time they were regularly beheading innocent people, raping women, imprisoning Yazidi girls as sex slaves and murdering countless innocent Syrians – Muthuna urged fanatics to murder Americans.

She said: “Americans wake up! Men and women altogether.

“You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping!

“Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them.

“Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them.”

She has since said that she “regrets everything” and begged to come home.

In an interview with ABC News she said: “It’s not Islamic, at all – anyone who says so, I will fight against it.


“I’m just a normal human being who has been manipulated once and hopefully never again.”

Among other ISIS fanatics who begged to come home was British-born Shamima Begum.

It was revealed in October that she wants to return to Britain to argue in court that she was raped by her jihadi husband.

The decision to strip the East London schoolgirl of her British citizenship was unlawful, a court heard on October 22.

A court was told it exposed her to a “real risk” of torture or death.

Begum, now 20, left the UK in 2015 to join the murderous cult and was found in a Syrian refugee camp in February after living under ISIS rule for more than three years.

Begum is bringing proceedings against the Home Office before the High Court and the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), a specialist court which hears challenges to decisions to remove someone’s British citizenship on national security grounds.

The Home Office said the decision did not make her stateless.

Tasnime Akunjee, lawyer for Begum’s family, said: “She was married in an ISIS ceremony within two weeks of reaching Syria to a 23-year-old fighter. Her context is as a rape victim, or a statutory rape victim.”

Her legal team will argue the case cannot be heard without her.

It was also ruled in court that her father could not provide any financial support to herself or her son without facing charges of providing material support of terrorism.


Hoover High School 2012 Yearbook
Muthuna fled to Syria in 2014[/caption]

A court said the status of her son will depend on Thursdays ruling[/caption]

She had previously urged followers to kill Westerners[/caption]

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