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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Toddler hacks off his two-year-old sister’s hair with scissors – but their parents say they love her new look

WHEN three-year-old Colt decided to hack off his little sister’s hair with a pair of scissors, parents Breana and Michael Naylor were utterly horrified. The mischievous pair had been playing upstairs when the parents noticed they had gone quiet, but after the couple went to investigate, they had the shock of their lives. Entering their […]

WHEN three-year-old Colt decided to hack off his little sister’s hair with a pair of scissors, parents Breana and Michael Naylor were utterly horrified.

The mischievous pair had been playing upstairs when the parents noticed they had gone quiet, but after the couple went to investigate, they had the shock of their lives.

The siblings had been playing hairdressers when the parents noticed they had “gone quiet”
Kennedy News and Media

Entering their bedroom, Breana and Michael found two-year-old daughter Kimber surrounded by chunks of blonde hair and seconds away from a short, back and sides.

Meanwhile, their toddler Colt was standing next to his little sister grasping a pair of scissors.

Admitting they were gobsmacked by the scene, Breana sent an emergency text message to their hairdresser neighbour Jen, begging for help.

And to their luck, the stylist managed to fashion the new look into a chic and stylish hair do – which even mum Breana is envious of.

Hairdresser neighbour Jen came to the rescue
Kennedy News and Media
Mum Breana and dad Michael admitted they were horrified at first
Kennedy News and Media

“When I saw them I was shocked, but I thought it was funny. I started laughing,” said Breana.

“My husband came in and he was a little angry at first – until he found the humour in it too.

“He was upset at first that his little girl’s hair was now all scattered over the floor.

“Colt had definitely had a good hack away at her hair, but Jen came to the rescue. I think the hair definitely suits her more now.”

The pair were playing hairdressers when Breana and Michael found them
Kennedy News and Media

The couple explained they have always warned their kids never to play with scissors and were in complete shock when they saw Colt holding the sharp object up to Kimber’s hair.

“My son was holding the scissors up to Kimber’s head and she was sitting very still and being patient with him while he cut her hair,” continued the mum.

“She was completely calm and still and was just letting him do it.

“We explained that we don’t play with scissors and you could tell Colt felt bad. We had him vacuum up the hair that he’d cut off.

“I think he’s learned his lesson – he won’t be doing it again.”

Jen said she had to “make lemonade out of lemons” when she realised what had happened
Kennedy News and Media
Jen managed to save the day with a chic new look for Kimber
Kennedy News and Media

But it wasn’t the only think Colt had been restyling.

The couple explained how the kids – who had been playing hairdressers inside the wardrobe – had also taken chunks from Breana’s dresses.

“I’d also found the dresses they’d been hidden behind had rips in them,” she said.

“Not only had he been hacking away at Kimber’s hair but he’d been destroying my dresses. I had to put one of them in the bin.”

Michael thinks the hairstyle is adorable, too
Kennedy News and Media

After discovering what the kids had been up to, Breana immediately sent a text to hair stylist pal Jen, begging for her help.

“I messaged her to say ‘forget about doing my hair, I need you to do Kimber. Help’,” she explained.

“She said she’d be right over. Jen saved the day.

“We discussed some options and looked at some pictures on the internet.

“It turned out great. I love the new hair cut – I’m a little jealous and wish I got to rock something that rad looking.

“Kimber is very happy and so am I. Even my husband loves it now – he thinks it’s adorable.

“She didn’t realise what they were doing was wrong, and I think she enjoyed all the attention of getting her hair cut.

“She’s very independent and she knows what she wants. As a mum, I have the most difficult time with her, but she is teaching me a lot.

“She knows what she wants and she knows how to get it.

“I’m not sure if Colt is destined to be a barber. Every time I get the buzzer and scissors out to cut my husband’s hair, he’s always begging me to let him try it.”

Breana says Kimber is very independent and “knows what she wants”
Kennedy News and Media

Jen explained her first thought was to “be calm and make lemonade out of lemons” when she heard the news.

“I said ‘okay, we’re going to make this cute. I’m gonna figure out what I’m going to do with those hard lines and we’re gone make lemonade out of this’,” she explained.

“Once I went over there and looked at it, it seemed like the only way we could embrace this with ‘lemonade’ was if we embraced the lines, straightened them out, and added a few more.

“I wasn’t sure if Breana would be on board with it, so I nervously asked, but they were completely on board and completely joyed that this disaster could actually [end in] a fun little result!

“It sure seemed that the entire energy about the situation was completely elevated at that moment.

“I got the clippers out, had fun with that right side, created a cute shape to her full cut – and rest was history!”

In other parenting news, we told you one mum uses £1 Disney tote bags from Poundland to create storage boxes for her daughter’s bedroom.

We also revealed B&M is selling an adorable Baby Shark dental set for kids… and it’s only £1.79.

And we showed you the heart-warming moment girl, 8, bursts into tears as cancer-stricken father surprises her with early return from hospital to reveal he’s free of the disease.

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