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What is The Apprentice theme music, where is the BBC show filmed and five other things you might not know about the hit series

THE APPRENTICE has been a mainstay on the BBC autumn schedule for years. Here are a few things you might not know about the show, including its iconic theme music and where the show is actually filmed… Excited? Here are seven behind-the-scenes secrets that even the biggest Apprentice addicts probably wouldn’t know about… Who composed […]

THE APPRENTICE has been a mainstay on the BBC autumn schedule for years.

Here are a few things you might not know about the show, including its iconic theme music and where the show is actually filmed…

BBC's gripping business show is back with a bang!
BBC’s gripping business show is back with a bang!
BBC Handout

Excited? Here are seven behind-the-scenes secrets that even the biggest Apprentice addicts probably wouldn’t know about…

Who composed the iconic theme tune?

The theme tune for The Apprentice is an excerpt from one of Prokofiev’s classical pieces.

Montagues and Capulets, Dance of The Knights, was composed for Act I, Scene II in the ballet of Romeo and Juliet.

As well as being used in the BBC series, the tune’s dark and atmospheric vibe has been picked up multiple times in recent years.

It provided the background music in the popular 1990s advert for Chanel’s Egoiste fragrance.

Prokofiev’s composition is also often used as Sunderland FC’s theme song to get fans and players geared up before a match.

The boardroom isn’t real

Although it may appear that candidates nervously shuffle into a towering office block to await their fate, the building is actually all a complete ruse.

All of the tense scenes are shot in a west London TV studio, even with a fake receptionist.

Lord Sugar’s real offices are located in Brentwood, Essex, which is a lot further away from the towering skyline of London.

All candidates have cover stories

After the candidates are selected for the televised competition, they are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

A clause of being on the show is that contestants can’t tell anyone they have been selected.

This often means they have to make up a cover story to get time off work from their employer.

In 2011, the late Stuart Baggs told Radio Times: “I lied… I said I’d gone to an oil rig to install communications gear, and didn’t know how long I’d be away.

“Everyone has to come up with some sort of cover story.”

Nick and Margaret have both worked for Lord Sugar in real life
Nick and Margaret have both worked for Lord Sugar in real life

Only one of Lord Sugar’s advisers hasn’t worked for him

Lord Sugar doesn’t take the competition lightly, enlisting the help of his most trusted aids to follow the candidates through the tasks.

Feisty Claude Littner works as the chairman for IT company Viglen, which is owned by Amstrad.

Similarly, Nick Hewer used to work for a PR company that worked for Amstrad in 1983.

Finally, Margaret Mountford worked as a non-executive director for Amstrad.

Karren Brady is the only ever adviser to not have worked with Lord Sugar in real life.

Where is the iconic losers cafe?

All Apprentice viewers will remember the iconic café that glum candidates sit in once they’ve failed a task.

Surprisingly, these gloomy scenes are actually filmed in two London cafes.

One is The Bridge in Acton and the other is La Cabana 2 in Willesden.

Amusingly, The Apprentice fans often flock to The Bridge, and the dreary location actually has some dazzling reviews on TripAdvisor.

Contestants do the awkward taxi walk on their first day of filming
Contestants do the awkward taxi walk on their first day of filming

Fired candidates don’t actually do the walk of shame

One thing more embarrassing than being fired by Lord Sugar is having to mope as you clamber into a taxi home.

Thankfully for the candidates, they don’t have to experience both cringe-worthy moments on the same day.

All contestants do the taxi walk of shame on the first day of filming, not knowing whether the footage will ever be used or not.

Two endings are filmed

Ever wondered how news of The Apprentice winner never leaks before the final?

Lord Sugar has a way of keeping the competition so secret that not even the WINNER knows they have been chosen.

To keep the identity of the successful candidate hushed up, two alternate endings are filmed.

Often, Lord Sugar only decides on a winner the day before the final episode hits our TV screens.

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