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New iPhone tool ‘QuickPath’ lets you type faster by swiping between letters – how to get it

APPLE has added a handy new tool to your iPhone to helps you type at lightning speed.

Dubbed QuickPath, the tool lets you swipe between letters rather than tap them to turn you into a writing machine.

Apple’s new swipe-to-type feature launched with iOS13 last week

Released with iOS 13 last week, it’s one of a bundle of new features Apple has loaded into the latest version of its software.

We’ve got all the details below.

What is QuickPath?

QuickPath is a new swipe-to-type tool built by Apple to help people write faster.

It works in much the same way as other swipe-to-type options found on virtual keyboards like Microsoft’s SwiftKey and Android’s Gboard.

Here’s how to turn QuickPath on or off

Each promises to boost the number of words you can type per minute by reducing the time you spend between each letter on your keyboard.

QuickPath means “you can swipe your finger from one letter to the next to type without removing your finger from the keyboard to enter a word,” Apple says on its website.

“You can swipe or tap to type interchangeably, so you can choose what’s most convenient even if you’re mid‑sentence.”

How to get QuickPath for your iPhone

To get your hands on QuickPath, all you need to do is install the latest version of iOS.

Released September 19, iOS13 comes with QuickPath ready to go as well as a host of other fun new features.

Head to Settings > General > Software Update > Update and Install.

It’ll take a few minutes to install before you’re ready to go.

Everything launched at Apple's September 2019 event

Here's everything we saw...

  • Three new iPhones: The iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max and iPhone 11
  • Apple Watch Series 5
  • New iPad
  • Apple TV+ news
  • Apple Arcade games on App Store

How to use QuickPath

To try out the feature, simply open up an app that uses your keyboard.

Make sure you’re using Apple’s default keyboard rather than a third-party one you’ve downloaded yourself.

When you start typing a word, leave your finger on the keyboard and swipe between letters.

So, if you were typing “Sun”, you’d place your finger on “S”, then slide to “U” and finally “N” without removing your finger.

Once you’ve finished the word, lift your digit and iOS will automatically add a space so you can start typing the next word.

For words with two letters in a row, such as “happy”, you don’t need to swipe to the “P” twice.

Simply move from “P” to “Y” and the keyboard should detect you want an extra letter.

How to turn off QuickPath

If the tool doesn’t take your fancy, you can quickly switch it off via your settings.

From your Home screen, hit Settings > General > Keyboard.

Near the bottom you should see an option for “Slide to Type”. Turn it off, and you’re done.

iOS 13 features – what’s new?

Perhaps the most exciting new feature is the addition of Dark Mode.

This is a black theme for your iPhone that makes it easier on your eyes in the dark.

It’s a long-awaited (and widely rumoured) feature that is already offered by a number of apps, including Facebook Messenger and Twitter.

Apple Maps is also getting some much-needed love, with 3D terrain mapping (courtesy of Apple flying and driving across the USA with scanning tech).

Other countries will get this eventually, but it’s US-only for now.

Apple has introduced a new ‘Sign In With Apple’ feature that offers an alternative to ‘Log In With Facebook’ buttons you see on websites.

It means you’ll be able to sign up easily (and privately) for websites using your Apple, with an option to share a fake email that reroutes emails to your actual account.

Each app gets a unique random email address, so you can disable them at any time when you’re “tired of hearing from that app”, Apple exec Craig Federighi explained earlier this year.

The new Dark Mode gives your iPhone a black theme

It’ll be available across all of Apple’s platforms, and across the web.

Your iPhone camera roll is getting a major upgrade too, thanks to artificial intelligence.

There’ll be an option to hide duplicate photos, boring screenshots and photos of receipts, so you see a streamlined album of your best snaps.

It should make looking through your camera roll much more enjoyable.

You can split your camera roll into ‘Days’, ‘Months’ and ‘Years’ to see attractive highlights over those time periods, with the AI tech applied to make it look “beautiful”, according to Apple.

Upgrades to Siri’s text-to speech function will apparently make her sound less robotic, while Memoji are getting more customisable with the addition of new makeup and accessory options.

Spam calls will also become easier to deal with: iOS 13 can automatically silence unknown callers.

Dark Mode should make using your iPhone at night easier on the eyes

iOS 13 supported devices revealed – which iPhone models can upgrade?

Here’s the full list of iPhone models that can upgrade to iOS 13:

  • iPhone 11 Pro
  • iPhone 11 Pro Max
  • iPhone 11
  • iPhone XS
  • iPhone XS Max
  • iPhone XR
  • iPhone X
  • iPhone 8
  • iPhone 8 Plus
  • iPhone 7
  • iPhone 7 Plus
  • iPhone 6s
  • iPhone 6s Plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPod touch (7th generation)

Any other iPhone models won’t be eligible to download the iOS 13 update.

Here’s everything Apple has added to your iPhone with iOS 13.

Looking for a new Apple blower? Check out our review for the great-value iPhone 11.

If you’re willing to spend a little more, you’ll want to read our iPhone 11 Pro review.

Will you be upgrading to the new iOS, or even a new iPhone? Let us know in the comments!

We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun Online Tech & Science team? Email us at tech@the-sun.co.uk

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