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My drunk fiancé slammed my head against the floor four times and kneed me in the stomach when I was nine months pregnant

MELISSA Williams was besotted with her boyfriend of three years – despite his reputation as a local ‘hard man’. The 23-year-old from Wrexham, Wales, thought Jason Littler, 40, had changed his ways for good after he proposed and she fell pregnant with his baby. Unfortunately, Littler’s violent side returned after they celebrated their birthdays in […]

MELISSA Williams was besotted with her boyfriend of three years – despite his reputation as a local ‘hard man’.

The 23-year-old from Wrexham, Wales, thought Jason Littler, 40, had changed his ways for good after he proposed and she fell pregnant with his baby.

Melissa Williams was beaten by her boyfriend on their birthday weekend – despite being 9 weeks pregnant

Unfortunately, Littler’s violent side returned after they celebrated their birthdays in a local pub in January.

Back home, a boozed-up Littler smashed Melissa’s head repeatedly against a tiled floor, slashed at her hair with kitchen scissors and kneed her in the stomach, leaving her terrified for her baby’s life.

Here, Melissa bravely tells Fabulous Digital her story…

As the barman called last orders, my friend and I got ready to leave, but I noticed a lad eyeing me up.

The couple had only been together for two weeks when they moved in together

He was gorgeous, at least 6ft 2ins tall, with a shaved head and chiselled cheek bones.

“How are you?” he asked. “You look fit tonight.” I asked him his name and gasped when he replied “Jason Littler”. I’d heard that name before.

Jason was renowned in our town for being a hard man, but that didn’t put me off. We exchanged numbers and met up for a drink the next day.

It was autumn 2015. Jason was 36 and I was only 19, but I loved an older man. A petite 5ft 1in, he towered over me.

Suddenly, Jason slapped me around the face. Dumbstruck, I burst into tears

Melissa Williams

We started dating and he spoiled me with dinners, drinks and shopping trips.

A fortnight after meeting, I moved out of my mum’s and in with Jason, who owned his own house. My mum begged me not to, but I told her I was in love.

There was no stopping me. I had tunnel vision, and Jason was the only thing at the end of it.

Four months passed, with Jason treating me like a princess. We celebrated our birthdays, which were two days apart, in a Chinese restaurant.

Jason Littler was jailed for two years in March but could be out as soon as December
© Andrew Price 07774611778

But there was one issue in our relationship – his reputation. “I heard he hit his ex,” my friend Sarah* told me.

“Jason?” I asked. “I don’t believe that.” He’d been nothing but a gentleman to me. 

A month later, I met mum for lunch while Jason was working. When I got back home, he was in a mood.

“What did I say about make-up?” he spat, eyeing my red lippy. “Why go out looking like a slag? You’re just asking for attention.”

Enraged, Jason grabbed my hair and pulled me to the floor, kicking me as I lay curled up in a ball

Melissa Williams

Jason had mentioned he didn’t like my make-up before, but I thought he just preferred a natural look. “I don’t want male attention,” I told him. “I’ve only got eyes for you.”

Suddenly, Jason slapped me around the face. Dumbstruck, I burst into tears. I curled up on the sofa and slept there that night.

The next morning, Jason was full of apologies, taking me to Nando’s for lunch and then on a shopping spree. But as months passed, his jealousy didn’t wane.

When he was working, he ordered me to stay home all day.


You don’t have to suffer in silence.

If you are experiencing domestic violence or someone you know is there are groups that can help.

Refuge runs a free, 24-hour helpline on 0808 2000 247

You can also visit the website or contact Women’s Aid.


One day, he came home to find me relaxing with a face mask – and accused me of going out without him.

Enraged, Jason grabbed my hair and pulled me to the floor, kicking me as I lay curled up in a ball.

The next day, he begged for forgiveness. “I’m sorry, I won’t happen again, I’ll change,” he said.

I loved him deeply, but didn’t know what to believe. Where was the man I’d fallen in love with?

Our relationship became a cycle of beatings and empty promises.

Littler banned Melissa from wearing make-up

When mum noticed I’d stopped wearing make-up, she asked what was going on. “I just can’t be bothered to wear it anymore,” I lied.

I think mum had an inkling of what was happening, but I wasn’t ready to admit the truth.

Another year passed with Jason in control, policing what I wore, the money I spent and where I could go.

We still had nice times, but I’d never know when he was going to fly off the handle again.

One evening, at our local Indian, Jason popped the question. I was delighted.

A month later, when my period didn’t arrive, Jason bought me a pregnancy test. To my surprise, two little blue lines appeared.


Clare’s Law, also known as the Domestic Abuse Disclosure Scheme, allows people to find out if their partner has an abusive or violent past.

It was introduced in 2014 and is named after Clare Wood, who was killed by her ex in 2009.

She did not know he had a history of violence before they got together.

Under the law, people can apply to the police to find out if their partner has a violent past – and information will be released if there is a reason for concern.

Police can also contact women they are worried about, even if they’ve not been asked.

To make an application under Clare’s Law, call 101 to speak to your local police force.

If you are in immediate danger, always call 999.

“Everything’s going to change,” Jason promised. “I’m going to be the perfect role model.”

When my 23rd birthday came in January this year, Jason insisted it wasn’t worth celebrating. “It isn’t a landmark age,” he said. “You can’t go out anyway, you’ll get too much male attention. Let’s celebrate mine instead.”

It was his 40th, so I agreed. My birthday fell on a Friday – we stayed in and ate a ready meal.

Jason’s was on the Sunday, so we went to the Golden Lion pub on Saturday night.

I was nine months pregnant, but that didn’t stop Jason necking seven pints and a few sambucas.

“I’ll make sure no man looks at you again,” he said, grabbing a pair of kitchen scissors and slashing at my hair

Melissa Williams

Before I knew it, he was hammered and his mood turned sour. “You’re a slag,” he spat. “You were looking at other men tonight.”

I assured him I wasn’t but he didn’t calm down. Feeling upset, I went to my friend Sarah’s house.

But as it turned midnight, into Jason’s 40th birthday, I told her I’d better go home.

“Are you sure you’re safe?” she asked me. “I’ll be fine,” I said, but I was wrong.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen, Jason grabbed me by the throat, dragging me to the floor.

Then he climbed on top of me, repeatedly whacking my head against the tiled floor.

“I’ll make sure no man looks at you again,” he said, grabbing a pair of kitchen scissors and slashing at my hair.

Then he repeatedly kneed me in the belly. “Please, Jason!” I screamed. “You’re going to kill our baby!”

When he’d had enough, he got up and went to bed as though nothing had happened.

I felt like I was going to die. But for the first time in my life, I had a reason to live — I needed to save my baby. So I locked myself in the bathroom and called 999.

When the police arrived, I told them I wanted to press charges and Jason was arrested.

Glad to have escaped, I moved back to mum’s. But the next day, I started to feel faint, then suddenly collapsed.

Mum rushed me to hospital, where I had a scan. Thankfully, my baby was fine.

At Mold Crown Court, Jason admitted two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

I found out he was already on a suspended sentence for attacking a local girl in the same pub, in March last year. In all, he had previous convictions for 86 offences.

Judge Hale said Jason’s attack showed a total disregard for me.

In March, he imposed consecutive 12-month jail sentences for each assault, with an additional two months from a previous suspended sentence.

But my support worker thinks he’ll be out by December. Our baby is due to be born just a month before.

At first I was gutted, it feels like he’s got away with it.

But now I’ve got to look to the future. I’ve found out I’m having a little girl and I want to give her the best life I can.

Earlier this week, we spoke to a woman who stuck by her abusive boyfriend after finding out about his past – but he choked and beat her for THREE hours when she dumped him.

*Sarah is not her real name.

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