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EU Brexit chief Guy Verhofstadt pokes nose into UK politics by campaigning alongside Lib Dem leader Vince Cable in Euro elections

EU Brexit chief Guy Verhofstadt poked his nose into Britain’s elections yesterday. In a clearly stage-managed photo call Mr Verhofstadt arrived by bus to join Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable to canvass voters on upcoming Euro elections. But the pair knocked on just ONE door where they spoke to Lib Dem supporter Marc Vlessing, […]

EU Brexit chief Guy Verhofstadt poked his nose into Britain’s elections yesterday.
In a clearly stage-managed photo call Mr Verhofstadt arrived by bus to join Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable to canvass voters on upcoming Euro elections.

Guy Verhofstadt joined the Liberal Democrat leader on the campaign trail
AFP or licensors

But the pair knocked on just ONE door where they spoke to Lib Dem supporter Marc Vlessing, who grew up in Belgium and who has only just got his British passport.

Speaking afterwards on the doorstep of his home in Camden, north London, company boss Mr Vlessing told The Sun:”This will be the first election I can vote in as I’ve only just got my British passport. I grew up in Brussels.

“I shall be voting Lib Dem as I voted remain. I don’t think either of the two parties have a clear position in Europe.

“I didn’t know who was coming to my house – all I had was a phone call to say a politician would be turning up.”

Earlier this week Mr Verhofstadt sparked anger in a controversial BBC fly-on-the-wall film called Brexit: Behind Closed Doors.

In it he and other Euro cronies mocked Britain and the 17 million who voted to leave in a democratic referendum three years ago.

Mr Verhofstadt is in charge of the European Parliament’s Brexit coordinating team, who are heard in the programme hurling insults against Mrs May and Britain.

Guillaume McLaughlin, Verhofstadt’s chief of staff, is told that a Brexit deal is off because Mrs May hasn’t cleared the details with DUP leader Arlene Foster, he rages: “What the f*** is wrong with her. That’s insane. ‘I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to her?’ That’s ridiculous. Pathetic, pathetic.”

Watching Mrs May give her Tory party conference leader’s speech, in which she says she wants a deal, McLaughlin shouts at the screen: “Oh, f*** off.”

Yesterday when asked by The Sun if he regretted what was said and should apologise he refused to answer.

Instead he insisted the comments had been taken out of context and said:”Where is your British sense of humour? I hope that in Brexit you don’t lose that. Your famous sense of humour.”

He said:”We don’t want to have any exit. I think people can change their opinion.”

When asked if his presence was an interference he replied:”This is Europe and I am here for European elections. It’s not interference. Britain up until now is part of Europe.”

The Sun Says

A SICKENING and dangerous stitch-up of 17.4million Leave voters is now in full cry. Tories had better pray No10 Downing Street is not involved.

It is jaw-dropping though to learn, after all the assurances, that Theresa May’s Remainer deputy David Lidington allegedly told the Lib Dems a second referendum is secretly being planned . . . both the practicalities, and the question.

No10 deny it. But they would. And there ARE Tory Remainiacs who, in their religious zeal to engineer a second chance to halt Brexit, appear ready to shred everything else: their Government, their party and their own jobs.

The EU, justifiably emboldened, now brazenly interferes in our politics.

The EU Parliament’s odious Guy Verhofstadt campaigns alongside Vince “B***ocks to Democracy” Cable of the Lib Dems. Donald Tusk tells Brussels to give us enough time for a second vote he is certain would overturn the first.

They’re cocksure . . . they have done this so often elsewhere, after all. Yet they simply have no grasp of the rage among British voters — both Leavers and former Remainers determined to uphold our democracy.

That was the Government’s goal too once. Now? We’re not sure.

In 12 days the Brexit Party can put the EU and its Westminster stooges straight.

The Liberal Democrats are the only main political party calling for a second referendum
Getty Images - Getty

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